The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-16, Page 11STONE SCHOOL BRIDGE
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THIS PLAQUE is attached to the new bridge at the Stone
School in Morris Township. The three -span structure re-
places an .old steel girder -type bridge.
Hetherington officiated at the official open-
ing of the new Stone School Bridge in
Morris Township on Monday. With the
Judge, third left, are Reeve Stewart Proc-
er; consulting engineer R. S. Dawson; An-
gus Mowbray, contractor; Ken Wilmont,
assistant district engineer, Dept. of High-
ways, and Murray Gaunt, M.P,P., Huron-
Bruce.—A-T Photo,
Sunday School Concert Held at Knox Church
BLUEVALE--Ross Gray, su-
perintendent of Knox Presbyter-
ian Sunday School and the class
teachers presented their annual
concert on Friday night to a
large crowd.
Alvin Smith was a very cap-
able chairman for the follow-
ing program:
"A Mystery", verses of wel-
come by Miss Sheila Ross' class;
Connie Mann sang " Scarlet Rib-
bons"; Mary Ellen Elston recit-
ed "A Christmas Doll"; Gail
Galloway and Marilyn Ross, a
duet; a play, "The Census Tak-
er" acted by Barbara Lillow and
Keith Elston.
A dialogue, "Thoughts for
Christmas" was given by Linda
and Bob Stone; David Golley
and Robin Brent sang " Honkey-
The Christmas Goose" with lit-
tle De Wayne dressed very be-
comingly as a fat goose; a group
of recitations included Richard
DeBoer, Bobby MacTavish,
Ronald Campbell, Hugh Ross,
Glen Campbell and Eric Ross.
" Away in a Manger" was
sung and pantomimed by Marie
and Kathy Walker, Nancy Brent
and Norma Willets; choral
speaking, "A Tattletale" was
given by Miss Ross' class; Mrs.
Elston's boys acted "A Terrible
Catastrophe"; "Silent Night"
was sung by pupils of Miss Ross
and Mrs. Alex MacTavish; Con-
nie Mann sang another solo.
A play, "Wanted - a House-
keeper" was very well present-
ed by Larry Elliott, Murray El-
ston, Gerald Snell, Elaine Snell,
Kathy Kaschenko, Ann McKer-
cher, Donna Mundell and Jo-
anne Elliott; Mrs. Elston's class
sang several carols.
The little children from Miss
Elaine Kirton's class wished all
a good -night in a number,
"Good -Night". Santa arrived
and distributed the gifts from a
well-filled tree. The ladies
from the church served a lovely
Piano accompanists were Ann
McKercher and Mrs. Nora Mof-
WINGHAM—The eighth
meeting was held last Wednes-
day with nine members present.
Linda Hutton opened the meet-
ing in the usual manner and
roll call was "Something I have
learned from this unit". Cathy
Miller read the minutes.
A record of cost of material,
etc., to be entered in the re-
cord books was discussed.
Members took part in pre-
paration for their skit, "What
Makes Good Sleeping Garments;
to be presented on Achievement
Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Dec.. 16, 1965 ..- Page 3
Increases Shown
In WMS Reports
BLUEVALE--The Christmas
meeting of the W.M.S. of the
Presbyterian Church was held at
the home of Mrs. R. J. McMur-
ray, Mrs. B. Thomas presided
and introduced a very interest-
ing meeting. Four ladies, Mrs.
B. Elston, Mrs. R. Elliott, Mrs.
1-1. Grant and Mrs, A. Mac-
Tavish gave Biblical readings
and Christmas carols were sung
between each reading, with
Mrs. E. Kirton at the piano.
Mrs. R. Mann read the Scrip-
ture and gave the comments,
and Mrs. B. Elston led in pray-
er. Mrs. B. Thomas read a
Christmas story "Search Dili-
gently for Jesus"
The different secretaries
gave their yearly reports show-
ing considerable increase in
membership in the G.O.C. and
the Explorer's groups, and also
in the W. M. S. givings were
slightly increased from last year.
Four ladies had perfect attend-
The convener of the nomin-
ating committee brought in the
slate of officers for 1966 which
was accepted. The officers will
be installed at the January
meeting, held at the home of
Mrs. B. Moffatt.
1966 officers: Past president,
Mrs. B. Thomas; President,
Mrs. Wm. Robertson; 1st vice -
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president, Mrs. H. 'Elliott; 2nd
vice-president, Mrs. 13, Mun-
dell; secretary and press report-
er, Mrs, B. Elston; asst. secre-
tary, Mrs. J. Brent; Glad Tid-
ings sec., Miss Dorothy Green-
away; literature and library,
Mrs. Burns Moffatt; supply, Mrs.
Peter Campbell; Home Helpers,
Mrs. Keith Moffatt; welcome
and welfare, Mrs. Ross Mann;
asst, , Mrs. R. J. McMurray;
pianist, Mrs. 13. Thomas; life
membership, Mrs. G. Golley;
explorer's, Mrs, B. Elston; asst.,
Mrs. Ross Gray; C.O.C., Mrs.
Dick DeBoer; asst., Mrs. Hugh
Campbell; auditors, Mrs. Har-
ry Elliott, Mrs. John McInnes;
nominating committee, Mrs. J.
Brent, Mrs. G. Golley, Mrs. A.
Bluevale News
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius
Suckel and Jackie and Mrs. Her -
tog of Hamilton visited Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Hertog at the week-
Owing to the icy roads, ser-
vice was cancelled in Knox
Presbyterian Church on Sunday.
An attendance of 16, including
the minister and the organist,
braved the weather conditions
in the United Church, but no
Sunday School was held.
The Junior Farmers held a
banquet and dance in the com-
munity hall on Friday evening.
Wilbee's orchestra provided the
music for dancing.
Christmas services will be
held in both churches next Sun-
day, the 19th. A carol service
in the Presbyterian Church was
cancelled last Sunday. In the
United Church a candle light
service will be held in the eve-
In Knox Presbyterian Church
a Christmas concert brought a
large attendance on Friday eve-
ning. There were plays, chor-
uses and recitations. Mr. A.
D. Smith was chairman. At the
conclusion refreshments were
BLUEVALE—On Thursday
evening the Recreational As-
sociation held a euchre, 12 ta-
bles being in play. The next
euchre will be held on January
13th with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
King, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mof-
fatt and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Mann in charge.
The prize winners were high
lady, Ron Boonstra, playing as
a lady, high man, George
Gregg, low lady, Martin Cret-
ier, playing as a lady, and low
man, A. D. Smith. Novelty
prizes were won by GordonWal-
ker and Mrs. S. Cowan.
Unit 4 UCW
Elects Officers
GORRIE—The Christmas
meeting of Unit 4 was held in
the Gorrie United Church on
December 6 with 20 members
present. Mrs. Bill Nay, Mrs.
Lionel Johnston, Mrs. Dick Car-
son and Mrs. George Brown were
in charge of the Christmas pro-
Officers elected for 1966'are
as follows: Past President, Mrs.
A. L. Stephens; president, Mrs.
Allan Hyndman; 1st vice, Mrs.
Gordon Edgar; 2nd vice, Mrs.
Lionel Johnston; treas. , Mrs.
Dick Carson; sec., Mrs. La-
verne Schenk; pianist, Mrs.Har-
old Hyndman.
Program committee, Mrs. L.
Johnston, Mrs. C. Cooke, Mrs.
A. Stephens, Mrs. Robt. Edgar;
flower committee, Mrs. E. W.
Carson, Mrs. Manfred Irwin;
nominating committee, Mrs. A.
Stephens, Mrs. W. C. King,
Mrs. Harold Hyndman; auditors,
Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Cam-
eron Edgar.
A donation of $5.00 was vot-
ed to Sunday School M. & M.
Fund. Carol singing was enjoy-
ed and the Christmas party fol-
lowed with an exchange of gifts.