The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-12-02, Page 3r • • • 0 • • • PROGRESS WITH ECONOMY FOR COUNCILLOR VOTE W 1 L D BUT VOTE MAKE THIS A VERY SPECIAL McCLURE MOTORS minmammi Make it a CHEVROLET CHRISTMAS IF YOU NAYS THE WE HAVE THE One Moment, Please DY RnV. GORDON L. ,FISH Wingham, Ontario Nehemiah 13:15 It would seem that Nehe- miah's work was well cut out for him, lie was the 'superin- tendent on the job' in the res- toration of ancient Jerusalem, Not the least of all his prob- lems was to correct the obser- vance of the Sabbath for ob- viously from the verse indicat- ed above,' the Sabbath and its observance had collapsed. The day of 'mild' religion is once again an impediment and not the boon to our society. There is need once more for the forthright voice of another Nehemiah to speak with auth- ority that men and women might take heed again. There is no embarrassment today on the part of many of our people regarding their re- ligious practices. Man is no longer ashamed of his failure to support the work and worship of his church. The 'do-it-your- self' brand of religion, we are told, is better than that prac- tised within the confines of the Church. In most instances there is a rather proud arro- gance that without the Church and without the confines of such a tradition there is great- er achievement towards a spir- itual maturity. To be free from the forms and ceremonies long familiar to the Church pattern is suppos- edly,a release and an escape from conformity. Long suspect- ed as a crutch; church -going, sabbath -observance, are now ridiculed and despised. Man on his own is supposedly able to make of himself a spiritual giant. We are, however, made conscious of this unalterable fact, spiritual giants are found in the Church and not out .of it, Though there are many who on having absented themselves from the old terms of conform- ity to church attendance and sabbath observance are able to give evidence of good lives and virtuous behaviour, it is but a by-product of earlier training and rearing within the traditions which are now being maligned. The logic of secularism pre- vails today, Yet inevitably hu- man life left to itself and dir- ected solely by the motive of world force tends to revert to the savage, We are as human beings biased in favour of doing evil. Nehemiah recognized this as he sought to restore an- cient Jerusalem to the princi- ples and practices that made Israel great under God. We need the same soul -stirring voice of authority as expressed through Nehemiah for this our tragic day. Saxons were the leading miners in Europe during t h e 16th century. Wingharn Advance -Times, Thursday, Pea, 2, 1965 -- Page .3 Former Student Making Strides Senior Jack Vivian is working on his fourth varsity football letter at Adrian College, Mich. where he has gone both ways for two years, Vivian has also won three letters in wrestling and has been captain of the squad for two years. He is in the running for "Adrian's Outstanding Senior Athlete Award". Vivian maintains a 2,19 ac- ademic average out of a poss- ible 3.0 and has been named to "Who's Who in American Col- leges'' . Jack is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Vivian of Iroquois Falls and former residents of Wingham when Mr. Vivian was on the teaching staff of the W . D. H. S. Jack took his Grade XIII here before going to Adrian College and was one of the school's top athletes. The feel of genuine ivory cannot be imitated. TRAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office Surprise Party At Wheeler Home Twenty nieces and nephews of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheel- er (Pearl Husband) held a sur- prise party at their home on Fri - clap night, in honor of their re- cent marriage. Progressive euchre was play- ed and refreshments were serv- ed, During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler were presented with a gift, for which they ex- pressed their deep appreciation. W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 �FRoM $WINGHAm SO ONE - •F AY REDare $4,30.gi a R 0 CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.45 THIS they'll like! Make this Christmas one to remember! Our fine selection of Men's and Boys' Wear will solve your gift problems ... FAST! OUTERWEAR Here is a chance to prove that you're a Santa that's really style conscious. There is a fine assortment of Quilted Nylon Ski Jack- ets, Pile Lined Bench Coats, Genuine Borg Ski Jackets, Wool Suburban Coats and very popular Borg lined Plaids. SPORTS JACKETS MEN'S ALL -SEASON BELTS $2.00 up This Christmas we are proud to feature our best ever selec- tion of topcoats. There's a tremendous variety of lamin- ates, zip -in coats, gabardines, and cashmere wools that will suit the most style conscious gentleman on your gift list. $18.88 to $65.00 MEN'S SLACKS You'II find absolutely all of the latest fashion and fabric trends on our complete selection. All Wools lead the Christmas parade and you'll be surprised at our array of domestic and imported fabrics. Teen -Men's, Regular and Half Stouts. From $19.95 to $45.00 DRESS SHIRTS Not certain what to choose? Wise Santas will tell you that a smart dress shirt is always ap- preciated. You'II find a complete Zine -up of Forsyth Shirts in regu- . f lar and tapered fittings. Shades e of White, Powder and Banana in' Tacoma and Laundromatic fab- rics are certain to please. V. $14.95 up A choice of our complete as- sortment will make you a number one gift -giver. Perma- ment Press Blends, Immacu- late Wonder Crease, Wool Flannels, Terylene and Wool Herringbone are just a few of this year's creations in stock. $9.95 to $17.95 $5.00 to $7.95 SWEATERS GALORE T SHIRTS $3.99 up GLOVES $2.98 up Striped DRESS SHIRTS $3.88 1' to to $6.95 Sweaters are always top 'o the Gift List and appreciated too! You'II find a wonderful array in fashionable Cardigan and Pull- over styles. Choose from All Wool, Mohair and Wool, Orlon and Wool. Bulky Knits and Brush Knits. $7.99 to $19.95 Men's `- Jewellery $1.50 to $7.50 MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR HATS by ' Stetson $8.95 up