The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-10-21, Page 12Page 4 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Oct. 21, 1965
Send Quilt to
Fordwich Personals Prayer Partner
Mrs. Harold Wallaee, Mrs. 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Robt. Gibson and Mrs. Stan
Bride attended the Guelph Area
convention of the Women's In •
stitute. Mrs. Stanley Bride is
the new board member for Sub
Division 11 Federated Women's
Institutes of Ontario. Mrs. Cros-
by Sothern is the alternate
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith at-
tended a school reunion at Dun-
edin one day last week where
Mrs. Keith spent her first years
as a principal.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bitten-
dreigh and Miss Minnie Merl- !
wain and Mrs. Pearl Patterson I
spent one day last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Trimble at Orangeville.
Master Johnnie Dunbar of
Toronto visited all last week
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs, Len Wilson.
Mrs. Dora Ridley, Mrs. Phyl-
lis Bolander, John and Donald
spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Lvnn in Orillia.
Mr. Roy Gadkc returned
home last week after a three
weeks' visit to the Western Pro- {
The sympathy of the com-
munity goes to Mr. Norman
Reaman in the death of his
mother at Markham. Burial
took place on Sunday.
Mrs. Valerie McKewn of
Palmerston spent the week -end
with Mrs. Donna Norris.
Nir. Robt. Bride of London
spent the week -end with his
Bride. FORDWICH--Trinity Angli-
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs, Fraser Pollock who were
!married Saturday in St. Steph-
en's Anglican Church, Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Frew of
Preston visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Moore.
Friends of Mr. John Arm-
strong Sr. will be sorry to learn
that he is confined to Walkerton
I Hospital.
Little Lesia Lambkin was
confined to Listowel Hospital
several days last week after
swallowing Sani-flush.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartwig
of Toronto visited Sunday with
Miss Ruth Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. John Minnigan
of Alma were Saturday visitors
in the village.
Mrs. Dave Dinsmore was
confined to Palmerston Hospital
a couple of days last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Wellington
Hargrave, Douglas and David
and Mr. and Mrs. William
Sothern spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Wray in Toron-
Among those from here at-
tending the International
Ploughing Match last week were
Carl Johnson, Doug Mason,
Jack Douglas, Everitt and John
Messrs. James Vittie, Fras-
er Lynn, Carl Ettinger and Bill
Smith attended the zone 3 con-
vention of the Royal Canadian
Legion held in Port Elgin on Allen.
can W.A. met for its October
guson gave a study on the Ten
It was decided to have a
bazaar and tea in December in
the basement of the church. A
quilt was quilted at the Sep-
tember meeting and this will be
sent to the prayer partner, Rev.
and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton and
family at Fort Simpson in the
N.W.T. Each member is ask-
ed to give a gift to be sent to
the Ontario Hospital in Gode-
rich in time for Christmas.
Mrs. Strong closed with
prayer. Mrs. S. Forester con-
ducted contests and lunch was
served by Mrs. F. Demerling,
Mrs. E. Ferguson and Mrs. R.
meeting, at the home of Mrs,
Robt, Allen. Scripture reading
was given by Mrs. Ruby Foster.
Responses were taken from the
Living Message and led by Mrs.
Elsie Strong, president.
Correspondence included
thank you notes from those who
had been remembered by cards,
The Deanery meeting was an-
nounced for Wednesday and the
Diocesan semi-annual, October
27th in Chatham, Receipt for
a quilt that had been sent to
London was received, Mrs. Ruby
Foster has the church calendars
for those who want thein. Roll
call, a verse on Thanksgiving,
was answered by 14 members
and five visitors. Mrs. E. Fer-
by the present scandals — secret deals
and disunity in Canada ?
is a public document. Press, radio and
television have revealed a disgraceful
situation which, regardless of political
devotion, should cause you personal
FOR - w
Sponsored by the Bruce Progressive
Conservative association
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell,
Alan and Kerry attended a fare-
well party Friday night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hoffman in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Crowe and family,
who are leaving Harriston to
make their home in Owen Sound.
St. Anne's
Guild Meets
FORDWICH--St. Anne's
Guild met in the church base-
,ment for the October meeting.
IMrs. Lynn Bunker, vice-presi-
dent opened the meeting and
!Mrs. Ruby Forster read the
.Scripture lesson. Mrs. Lois
Simmons gave• a chapter from
;the study book, "Thanksgiving
and Repentence".
Roll call was answered with
a verse on Thanksgiving. A
thank you card was read from
Nir. and Mrs. Dave Dinsmore.
The committee reported on
the price and kind of new ta-
bles that could be purchased.
This was lefr over until the next
meeting. A committee was
named to get an estimate on
the price of fixing the entrance
into the church basement and
to see that the track be put up
in the basement for the cur-
• Contests were conducted by
Mrs. Lynrn. Bunker and Mrs. Al-
ma Ilargrave. Lunch was served
' by Mrs. Sothern and Mrs. Daunt
Former Nurse, 90,
Dies in Hospital
Funeral servict. was held ar
iia. R. A. Currie Sons funtral
home on Friday -morning for
Miss Frances Elizabeth McCrea
of Belgrave. Service was con-
ducted hy Rev. G. F. Packen-
ham with: interin<nt in Brandon
Ct. metcry.
Trac pallbearer, w<rt
Jordan, Martin )raspy , C1ar-
ettcc Hanna. t'lartnet
nev. 11tr:on lrw.n and .?lex Mt-
Miss McCrea ditd
Lain and District 1'ospita1 or
Octoht r follow ing a iirkt r -
it: iline�.. She. was
-1)augi:tt r of n 1att
and J..tnitna Iet`t<.: she wa:
horn in iitIgrav<. tih< was a
rtgt.t<rcd Nurse and :pent
year: at Becki-
tat to London ht tort retiring.
':,he wa• a tit:aht. r sof '1 rtnity
!hiss McCrti :v.v. td
r. Mrs. 1 Ilett
livIgraC .
To Entertain
Boy Scouts
meeting of October 13 washeld
in the church basement. The
minutes were read by Rhonda
Fear. It was decided to hold a
party and invite the Scouts.
Rhonda Fear and Joan Bosman
were appointed to help with a
panel discussion, "Getting to
Know You as a Scout". The
chairman for the panel will be
Janette Johnston.
Audrey Coultes gave the
treasurer's report. The group's
craft this year will be teapot
covers. Audrey Coultes was
appointed to buy a gift for Kar-
en Pengelly, who is in hospital.
Mrs. Jackson explained to
the new members about the
middies. The clean up crew
for this meeting was Joyce Coul-
tes and Linda McGee. Worship
for next meeting will be taken
by Ruth Ann Pletch, games by
Mary Ellen Taylor and sing-
song by Joan Bosman.
The group divided for Bible
Audrey Coultes gave the
call to worship. Rhonda Fear
read the Scripture and the story
was read by Audrey. A hymn
was sung. The offering wasre-
ceived by Mary Grasby and
Judy Chantler and Rhonda led
in prayer.
GORRIE—The second meet-
ing of the Gorrie No. 1, 4-1I
Club homemaking project,
"Sleeping Garments", was held
at the home of Mrs. Clarence
Sparling. The club's name is
"Usin' 4 Snoosin".
Mrs. Sparling demonstrated
a flat fell seam and a lap seam.
Mrs. Glenn Johnston, assistant
leader, led the discussion on
altering a pattern and prepara-
tion of material for cutting.
Officers elected were Joan
Reichard as president and Eve-
lyn Thornton, vice-president.
Seven members attended the
third meeting at the home of
Mrs. Clarence Sparling. Bar-
bara Thornton read the minutes.
Mrs. Glen Johnston discussed
use of tracing paper, stay stitch-
ing, lap and French seams and
when to use them, assembling,
pinning, basting and darts,
Mrs, Sparling showedFrench
seams and stay stitching and
the girls worked on alteringan4
placing their patterns.
Send us the names of your
Plan now to get all those jobs done
this winter. Things like having the
lawnmower fixed, and the screens
mended; having the car tuned up and
outboard motor checked; having the
drapes cleaned and the rugs shampooed;
having the furniture re -upholstered and
the electrical appliances repaired; hav-
ing all those repair and renovation jobs
done which can call for a long wart
come Spring, but which can be handled
quickly, efficiently and easily during
the winter season. Ask your bank about
a low-interest NHA Home Improve-
ment Loan. Plan ahead. Be a Winter -
planner now. 4
Everybody benefits when winter work is increased
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