The Wingham Advance-Times, 1965-07-01, Page 9Wingham District High School GRADE iX 5 Yr, Arts and Science Business and Commerce Technology and Trades FiRST CLASS i;ONOl113S Oldfield Anne; Mowbray Douglas; (;owing Neil; Myr Anne; WIlhee Ruth; StrongMarJ- lyn; !Elliott Douglas; Weisltar Ralph; Doll Patricia; Walker Patricia; Maki Son Kenneth, Mackenzie Rennae (equal); 1lenderson James; Garniss Doug- las; Corrin Mary Joan; Camp, bell Jane; Kieffer Mary Theresa; Malick Donna; Kaschcnko Kathleen; 1larrfs Melanie; Val- • lance George; Wheeler Douglas; Coultas Audrey; Anderson Mal- colm; Wenger Lee; Rathbun Andrew; MCDowelIJuditlt; Con- roe 13arrie; Worrall Robert; Mather Joyce; Huber Allan; McDonald Susanne; Grant Kath- erine; Carter Elaine; Mundell Donna; Turvey John; MacKay Brian, Wood Kaye (equal). SECOND CLASS HONOURS Crewson Sheila; DeZeeuw Mitchell; Armstrong Robert, 4 1Iafermehl Brenda (equal); Ful- ler Wendy; Hueston Heather; Cruickshank Mary Ann; Forsyth Bryan; DeVos Aart, Jacques John (equal); Procter Donald; Errington Ross, Ducharme Kath- ryn (equal); Chamney Diane, • Miller Rohert (equal); Sillick Terry, Vath Anne (equal); Graham Neil, Tiffin Rohert (equal); Cameron John, Scott Ian, Taylor Ronald (equal); Jermyn Gladys; Adams Jane; Jermyn Ruth; Jellray Mar- garet, Miller Brian (equal); Langridge David, Scott John (equal); Cutter Patricia; Mar- tin Rohert, Zacharias Zeke (equal); Carr Brian; Brooks Ter- ry; McBurney Ivan; I3ostrtan Da- vid; Hutton Linda, Norman Denise (equal); Martyn Peter; McDougall David, Steven Ro- bin (equal); Ti !fin Shirley; Frantic Sheila, McDonald Doug- las (equal); McArthur Douglas; Field David; Ilart David; Ma- thers Rae; King Diane; Low- man Martin. THIRD CLASS HONOURS Richardson Newton; Michie Lloyd; Elliott Stanley; O'Mal- ley Patricia; Hayes James; Mc- Kague Phyllis; Winger Janice; Hayes Janis; Pellett Linda; Gadke Bradley; 13rewer Gerald; Finch Linda, Morland Diane (equal); Miller George; Cro- nin Timothy; McDonald Jan- ette; Simpson Dale; Button Lin- da; Moran Theodore, Troupe Douglas (equal); DeBruyn Ther- esa, Snell Mary (equal); Nier- garth Brenda; Goldrich Jacque- line. PASS Taylor James; Eadie Marjor- ie; Fleury Paul, Hallahan Mar- garet (equal); Wright Rodney; Byer Lewis,McKay Robert (equal); Elliott Ronald; Fear Rhonda; Procter Frank; Rinn School for Sale Friday, July Ind, 1965 STARTING AT 7:30 P.M., D.S.T. No. 4 SCHOOL, known as Bluevale School being composed of Lots No. 20 and 21 on Clyde Street, bots 22 and 23 on Duncan Street, Bluevale. On the property is a brick school with basement in good condition with a good drilled well, Also a building that would make a garage, The land and building will be sold together, subject to a reserve bid. At the same time and place all contents of the school will be sold consisting of oil furnace, nearly new, oil tanks, blackboards, cupboards, pressure system, basin and taps, teacher's desk and chair, school bell, piano and bench, school desks, antiques, light fixtures, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale—Cash, except property which will be 10% of purchase price, balance 30 days. Time of Sale -7:30 p.m., FRIDAY, JULY 2nd JACK ALEXANDER, Auctioneer. 24 -ib Schools for. Sale THE FOLLOWING SCHOOLS WILL. BE SOLD ON Saturday, July 3rd, 1965 • STARTING AT 1 O'CLOCK, D.S.T. FIRST SALE No. S SCHOOL, known as Gilmour School being composed of Part of Lot 16, Con. 9, Turnberry, con- taining approximately % -acre of land. The land and building will be sold together, subject to a reserve bid, This school is in excellent condition. At the same time and place the following contents will be sold oil furnace, oil tanks, pressure system, basin taps, teacher's desk and chair, school desks, school bell, piano and bench, blackboard, light fixtures, antiques and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale—Cash, except property which will be 10% of purchase price, balance 30 days, L. G. BRYCI2, Auctioneer. SECOND SALE 3 O'CLOCK, D.S.T. No. 2 SCHOOL, known as Kirton's School being composed of Part of Lot a, Con. 4, Turnberry, con- taining % -acre of land. The land and building will be sold together, subject to a reserve bid. There is a good drilled well on the property, At the same time and place the following school contents will be sold oil furnace, oil tanks, pressure system, basin and taps, teacher's desk and chair, soliool desks, piano and bench, blackbdards, light fixtures, antigties and many other articles . too numerous to .trientittn. Terms of sale --Cash, except property which will be SO%a of purchase price, balance 30 days. L. G. BRYCE, Auctioneer, 24 -lb Luis; nestctn Deborah, Mr'1)on- ald Larry (equal); c;ottites Brenda, I la rkness Linda; Benson Rohert; Keiling- ton Robert; Phillips John, Rut- ledge Kenneth (equal); McGee Linda; Butson Itobcrt; 1lvnhocf- fer Ruth; Allan Connie; Ash Elaine; VanCatnp Nancy;.i'arker Dennis; Robb David; ilaugh 'Phomas; Near Dianne, GRADE IX A Yr. Business and Commerce Science, Tech., Trades FIRST CLASS HONOURS; Coupland Carol; Cantelon Joan: Hohnstein Jean; Irwin Judith. SECOND CLASS I1ONOURS; Bone Brenda; Dawson Murray; Willie Donald; Weishar Allan; Stacey Sherry; McComb Louise; Fish Linda, Voisin Ronald (equal) Tiffin Douglas; De- Zeeuw Wesley; Goulet Barbara; Wheeler Ivan; Thotnpson Chris- tine; Smith Sandra; Geddes Brenda; Hamilton Susan, Per- rott Susan (equal); McGlynn David; Henderson Keith; Fisher Valerie; Machan Dale. THIRD CLASS HONOURS: Cardiff Jean; McPherson Eliza- beth; McDonald Neil; Walden Betty; May Geraldine; Jamie- son Gary; Reinhardt Elizabeth; McLean Dale; Peacock Lloyd; Sanderson Jean; Work Kenneth; Duncan Larry; Elston Larry; Lediet Frances; Snell Gerald; Elschner Barry; Whitby Nancy; Montgomery David; Campbell James;• Rider Sylvia. PASS: Benedict Virginia; Penner Carol; Botha Marlene; McKee Ronald; Smith Larry; Schefter Mary Lou; Dobson John; O'Malley Edward; Martin Shirley, Ritchie Allan (equal); Johnson Linda; Millen David; Harper Ross; Seiling Patricia. GRADE IX Occupations Promoted to 2 Yr. Program Hill, Karen; Brooks Marie; McKee Nortna; Brooks Geor- gina; Scott Barbara; Rawn San- dra; Drennan William; Bridge Wayne; Harris Raymond; Dalton Cletus; Golley Barry; McKee Brian; Wardell Lois; Kirton Audrey; Martyn Randy; Conley Roydon; Budnark Donald; Brooks Donald; Graber Kenneth; Rinn Linda; Latronico Linda; Harri- son Larry. GRADE X 5 Yr. Arts and Science Business and Commerce Science, Tech., Trades FIRST CLASS HONOURS Reavie Lynda; Reed Gloria; Conn Alma; Fischer Alexandra; Corrin Norman; McKercher Ann, Rae Donald (equal); Aus- tin Edith; Johnston Lynda; Gow- ing David; Rutledge Gordon; McTaggart Linda; King Pame- la; Douglas Gary; Huether David; Tiffin Paul; Jardine George; Elston Murray. SECOND CLASS HONOURS Ireland Wendy; Cronin Don- ald; McGlynn Randolph; Ham- ilton Carman; Wall Edna; Johnston Terry; Lillow Mary, Murray Virginia (equal); Wam- sley Diane; Gibson Douglas; Moffat Brian; Graham James; Bennett Dawna, Martin Linda (equal); King Judith; Brooks Barry; Bronson \,•carni; Denrayr' Aria, Welwood Jean (equal;; Czerniawski Chistit a; Nancy; Casagrande Trinn; Bal- ser Dean; Ireiand �hc ila. THIRD CLASS 11ONO1'RS Hopper Briars; Wallace Da- vid; Renwick Neil; ' allan Pe- ter; Haskins Cheryl, Watson Donald (equal); Hetherington Elizabeth; Elliott Joanae;; Ben- ninger Frances; McBurney Ron- ald; Reavie Sharon; Walden • Bryan; Schiefele Ray; Skinn Kenneth; Soloman Betierly; Ferris Sharon, Miller Thomas (equal); Gibson Attn. PASS Fisher Kevin; Forsyth Mich- ael, VanCamp Dianne (equal); Currie Grant; Muilwyk Luuk; Alcorn Douglas, Mathers Ruth (equal); Welwood John; Detz- ler Barbara; Craig Margaret; Pletch Karen; Woods Jane;Stret. ton Frank; McKague Brian; An- derSon Joan; Ortlieh Evelyn; Chambers Leone, Boyd Bruce, Inglis lan (equal); O'Malley Dorothy; Long Garry; White Examination Results Ma ry; Goldthorpe Patti; Web- ster James; J Jason I)lanne;llas- 1ings Linda; Wunli'tu•k David; Wilson Paul; Butho Mary Ann; Perron John, GRADE X 4 Yr. Bus. and Commerce FIRST CLASS 110NOItRS; Mcurs Johanna; Waiper Laura, SECOND CLASS 1IONOIIRS: McLennan Ruth; Johnston anette; Catnpl,ell (imam; Rosenhagcn V.ma; i)insmore arol; Ross Elizabeth; fistula Barbara; Creticr Dixie, Elliott Brian (equal); Weisltar Anita; MacLean Barry; Roane Wendy; Mann Linda; Buckle Barbara; ohnstonc Helen; Casetnore Diane; Andersen Alice; hunter Verna, Johnston Yvounc(equal). THIRD CLASS IIONOURS: Manjin Renate; Devrics Shir- ley; Douglas James; Lowe Ann; erguson Barbara, Grove lb ianne (equal); Reid Eileen; icholson Marlene; Letteau 'laine; Schiestel Linda; Anger lt►ianne, Robertson James, alker Joyce (equal); Ballagh teverley; Ruttan Marjorie; hara Mary; Kellington Joyce; ardner Terry; Henry Barbara; isher Carol. PASS: Sharpin James, Snell laine (equal); Schneider Ione; heeler Harvey; Hamilton auna; Schuler Ruth; Baker nnie; Eckenswiller Faye; we Linda; Griffith James, ardin Harold (equal); Mitchell 'aul; Renwick Lana, Steuernol 'eter.(equal); Crawford Juanita; ullin John; Douglas John. GRADE X 4 Yr. Sc., Tech., Trades FIRST CLASS HONOURS: hneider Ronald. SECOND CLASS HONOURS: rant Ian; Grant David; Phelan aures; Steinback Gary; Vin- ent Murray; Snowden William; dams Trevor; Lewis Rae; Van- : ers John; Mutter Harold; • chmond Keith; Paquette Dan- iel, THIRD CLASS HONOURS: • ss Malcolm; Ellacott Carl; rawford Kenneth; Thompson rchie; McLean David; Sleight- ome Lloyd; Harkness Ronald; orrison Donald. PASS: Henderson Frederick; Budnark David; Henhoeffer Roy; Robinson Leonard; Thomp- son David; Meyer Donald; Gamble Wilfred; Hamilton Stephen; Falconer Garry; Rus- sell Wayne; Searson Roger; Hopper John; Rawn William; Bosman Allan; Benninger Paul; Hallahan Joseph; Greenaway Brian; Ireland Keith; Bitton Robert; Heffer Douglas. GRADE X Occupations Iigibie for 2 Yr. Certificate Cronin William; Errington Ruth; Fisher Linda; Garniss oan; Hill Sandra; Holloway Sylvia; Jacklin Glen; Johnston James; Koster Mary; MacDon- ald Morris; McKee James; Mor- rison Kenneth; Smith Robert R; Smith Rohert W; Storey Irvine; Templenian Donald; Whitby Linda; Wo,lenan David. 0--0--0 SENIOR GRADES Iu gritaa.a 11 and 12 arts ::: d science; r :ainess and com- merce; me, reel, t fort and tq.,tc , and general co,. a.s sulijt', is : listed illdit til.:,.Ilc . The tiara .... 1 indicates f r;t class both• .:'` 2 ;ec'c:d eta::. hon.tta•:_; : third cla y isuu,rl and 1 a: . i CADIE Xi 5 Yr. A-ta and Science Business and Commerce Science, Tech., Trades Adan:,, Bonnie: Lrg 4; 11 ,c,• PE 3; Fr. 3; Off. Pract. 3; Shtd. Blackwell, John; Eng. 2; II & PE 2; Hist, 1, 2; Math 1, 1; Phys. 2; Lat. 2; Fr, 2; Typ. 1. Boyd, Connie: Eng. 2; H & PE 4; Hist, I, 3; Math 1, 4; Phys. 4; Fr. 4; Typ. 3. Brooks, Larry: Eng. 3; H & PE 1; Hist. I, 2; Math. 1,8; Phys. 3; Fr. 3; Elect. 4; Dftg. 4. Carter, Gary: Eng, 3; H & PE 3; Hist, I, 4; Phys. 3; Fr. 2; Elect, 3; Dftg, :3, Casctnore, Linda; Eng. 2; 11 & PJE 1; 1list.1, 1; Maths 1, 1; Phys, 1; Lat, 1; Fr, 2; Typ, 3, Casliek, Ilrian; ling. 2; 11 & PIE 2; illst, 1, 1; Mall: 1, 1; Phys. i; Lat, 2; Fr, 2; 3'YP, 1, Caslick, Elizabeth; ling. :3; II & PIE 2; Ilist,1,2; Math 1,4; Phys. 4; Fr. 2; Off. Pract.. 1; Siltd, 1. Gerson, Lary; ling, 4; 11 ,1 PIE 4; Math 1,3; Phys, 4; Fr. 4; Typ, 4. Clark, Brian: Eng, 3; 11 & P13 3; hist. 1,2; Math 1,2; Phys, 1; Lat, 4; Fr. 4; Typ. 2. Collar, Bryon; Eng. 2; II PE 3; Hist. 1,2; Math. 1, 1; Phys. 1; Lat, 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 1, Conn, Muriel; Eng, 2; 11 & PE 4; !list, 1,2; Math. 1, 3; Phys. 2; Lat, 2; Fr. 2; Typ. 1. Corrin, Raymond; Eng. 1; H & PE 1; Hist. I, 1; Math 1,1; Phys. 1; Lat. 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 2. Coultes, Lynda; Eng. 1; 11 & PE 2; Illst.I, 1; Math .I, 2; Phys. 1; Lat. 2; Fr. 2; Typ. 1. Day, Jane: Eng. 1; 11 & PE 1; Hist. 1,2; Math I, 3; Phys. 1; Lat. 2; Ft. 2; Typ. 1. Edwards, Thomas: Eng. 3; H & PE 2; Hist, 1,2; Math. I, 4; Phys. 4; Fr. 4; Off. Pract. 4; Shtd. 2. Ewing, Douglas: Eng. 4; H & PE 1; Hist. 1,3; Math. I, 2; Phys. 2; Fr. 2; Elect. 3; Dftg. 3. Exel, Garda: Eng. 2; H & PE 4; Hist 1,3; Math I, 2; Phys. 2; Lat. 4; Fr, 3; Typ. 2, Fear, Katherine: Eng. 2; H & PE 3; Hist. 1,2; Math I, 1; Phys. 1; Lat. 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 1. Ferguson, Lois: Eng. 1; H & PE 3; Hist. I, 1; Math I, 1; Phys. 1; Lat. 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 1. Galbraith, Sally: Eng. 3; H & PE 2; Hist. I, 3; Math 1,2; Phys. 2; Lat. 3; Fr. 4; Typ. 1, Gibbons, Ruth: Eng. 4; H & PE 3; Hist. 1,3; Math 1,4; Phys. 4; Lat. 4; Fr. 4; Typ. 1. Gordon, Wayne; Engl 3; H & PE 2; Hist. 1,3; Math. 1,4; Phys. 4; Fr. 4; Typ, 4. Goy, Ronald: Eng. 2; H & PE 3; Hist, 1,2; Math. I, 1; Phys. 1; Fr. 2; Elect. 2; Dftg. 1. Grant, Jean: Eng. 2; H & PE 2; Hist. 1,2; Math, 1,4; Phys. 3; Fr. 4; Typ. 2. Gurney, Rae: Eng. 2; H & PE 2; Hist. 1,2; Math I, 4; Phys. 2; Lat. 1; Fr. 1; Typ.2. Hall, Brenda; Eng. 2; H & PE 3; Hist, 1,3; Fr. 4; Off. Prac. 2; Shtd. 4. Hallahan, Mary Ellen: Lat. 3; Typ. 4. Halliday, Jean: Eng. 3; H & PE 2; Hist. 1, 4; Math 1, 4; Phys. 3; Lat. 3; Fr, 2; Typ, 2. Hardie, Kay Marie: Eng.2; H & PE 3; Hist. 1,2; Math. 1, 3; Phys. 2; Lat. 3; Fr. 2; Typ, 1. Higgins, Marilyn: Eng. 2; 11 & PE 2; Hist. 1,4; Math. I, 3; Phys. 2; Lat. 3; Fr. 3; Typ. 1. Hollingshead, Gaye: Eng.2; H & PE 2; Hist. I, 1; Math. 3; Phys. 2; Lat. 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 2. Horsburgh, Elizabeth; Eng. 3; la & PE 3; Math. 1,4; Phys. 4; Lat. 4; Fr. 3; Typ, 1. Hotchkiss, Patricia: Eng. 3; H & PE 4; Hist. 1,2; Matn. I, 4; Phys. 4; Fr. 2; Off, Pract.:3; Shtd, 3. Johnston, 1Ie1en,: Eng. 13 �u. PE 3; Ilist. 1, 3; \lath, i, 4; Phys. 4; Off. Pact.:3. Johnston, Rcbertt End . 1; II a IT Hist.", 3; PI" L;. , i'r. 4; Typ. 1, a, William; ''r!r . t; 11 P list. I, . 2; Lat. 4; Typ. . \1,. . I, °; I' . .i; lip„ laiipaxt.'ick, C,;a' . 1 ng. 11 a PL 1; hist. i,:.; Matt:. 1, fait):, i; Lat. .,; , ; Leg:tatt, Allan; ]Lna, 11 ,'. PI: 4; hist. 1,';; Mats. 1,4; Phys. 2; Fr. 4; Typ. 3. MacLeod, Maleolus: Ing.3; 11 & PE 3; dist. 1,4; Math. I, 4; Phys. 4; Fr. 3; Elect. 4; Dftg. 4. Manjin, Joseph: Eng. 2; II & PE 1; Hist. 1,3; Math, 1,4; Phys. 3; Lat. 4; Fr. 4; Typ, 3. Mason, Mary Anne: Eng.1; 1-1 & PE 1; Hist. I, 1; Math. I, 3; Phys. Lat. 1; Fr, 1; Typ. 1, McDonald, Archie; Eng. 2; H & PE 2; Hist. I, 1; Math. 1, 4; Phys, 2; Lat. 1; F. 1; Typ. 2, Wingliam Advant'e-Tithes, 'l'hursclay, July 1, 1']t; t.1)0;1c :1 Mc:Kaguc' James; Eng, 2; 11 & Pi: 1; Hist, J,:3; Math, 1,2; Phys, 1; hat, 4 , McKlhhou, Ann; Eng, 2; i1 • PE 1; Illst, 1,2; Math. 1,3; Phys. 2; Lat, 2; Fr. ;3; '1'yp, 2. Meechan, Stella: Eng, 1; 11 & I'E 2; (list, 1,'3; Matic. 1,4; Phys, 3; Lat, 2; Fr, M; Typ. 3. Millen, Joyce; )Eng, :3; 11 ,e 1'13 4; hist, 1,'4; Matt, 1,8; Phys. 4; Er. :3; 011. Pract, 4; Sind, :3, Moore, Margaret: ling. J; 11 ti 1'1. 2; Hist. 1,1; Math. 1,1; Phys, 1; Lat, 1; Er, 1; Typ. 1. Nichol, Margaret; ling. I; 11 & PEE 4; (list. 1, 1; Math, 1, 3; Phys. 2; Lat, :3; Fr. 2; Typ. :3. Nickel, Marjorie: Eng, 2; 11 & PE 4; 1 list. 1, 2; Math. 1, '2; Phys. 2; Lat, 2; Fr. 3; Typ. 2. Phelan, Mary Ann; ling, 3; II & PE 4; I list, 1,4; Math. I, 2; Phys. 3; Er. Off. Pract, 2; Shtd, 2. Powell, Karen: ling. 1; 11 & PE 2; Hist. I, 1; Math. 1, 1; Phys. 1; Lat. 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 1. Rae, Margaret: Eng, 1; 11 & PE 3; Hist, I, 1; Math. 1,3; Phys. 3; Lat, 2; Fr. 2; Typ. 3. Rathbun, Mary; Eng. 1; Ii & PE 4; Hist. 1,1; Math. I, 4; Phys. 2; Lat. 3; Er. 3; Typ. 4. Reed, Gary; Eng. 2; H & PE 2; Hist. 1, 1; Math. I, 1; Phys. 1; Fr. 4; Typ. 3. Sanders, Elaine: Eng.2; H & PE 2; Hist. 1,3; Math. 1,4; Phys. 4; Fr. 4; Typ. 4. Schaefer, Nancy: Eng. 1; H & PE 1; Hist, I,1; Math. 1, 2; Phys. 1; Lat, 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 2. Schwartzentruber, Maty Mae: Eng. 1; H & PE 2; Hist.I, 1; Math. I, 1; Phys. 1; Lat. 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 3. Sinclair, Ruth: Eng. 1; H & PE 2; Hist.I, 1; Math. 1,2; Phys. 2; Lat, 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 2. Skinn, Mary Ann: Eng. 2; H & PE 2; Hist. 1, 1; Math. I, 1; Phys. 1; Lat. 1; Fr. 1; Typ. 2, Smith, Gordon; Eng. 4; H & PE 3; Hist.I, 4; Phys. 4; Fr. 4. Smith, Norma: Eng. 2; H & PE 1; Hist. 1,2; Math. 1,2; Phys. 3; Fr. 1; Off. Pract. 1; Shtd. 1. Stuckey, Kerry: Eng. 3; Hist. 1,2; Phys. 4; Lat. 4; Fr. 4. Typ. 4. Thornton, Jill: Eng. 1; H & PE 2; Hist. 1,2; Phys. 4; Lat. 2; Fr. 3; Typ. 4. Walden, Gary: Eng. 3; H & PE 3; Hist. 1, 2; Math. I, 1; Phys. 1; Fr. 4; Typ. 2, Walsh, David; Eng,. 2; I1 & 1>13 2; 111st,1,' 2; Math, 1,4; Phys. 3; Lat. 2; Fr. :3; '.i'yp, , Watnsicy, (Jail: Eng, 1; II & P13:3; Dist, 1,2; MatJi, 1,2; Phys. 1; Lat. 2; Fr, 2; Typ, `3, Whit field, James; ling. 8;� 11 a I>13 2; Hist. 1, 1; Math, 1, 1; Phys. 2; Fr, 1; Fleet, 2; Dftg. Wright, Kaye; Eng, 4; 11.' Pl: 3; Hist, 1,4; Math, 1, 4; Phys. 4; Lat, 4; Fr, 4; Typ. GRADE XI 4 Yr, Arts and Science SECOND CLASS HONOURS: Yuill Ross; i3itton. Judith, Taylor Larry (equal). TIIIRD CLASS HONOURS; Henderson Lawrence; McBurney Carman; Dennis Douglas; Hors - burgh 'Beverley (equal); Lowe Douglas; Brown Lyle; Kirton James. PASS:'l'lrynne l leatlte; Bates Bruce; Chambers Rohert; Ilynd- man James; Finch Gordon; Mann Harvey. GRADE XI 4 Yr. Bus. and Commerce SECOND CLASS HONOURS: Smith Mary Ann, Stapleton Linda (equal); Errington Ever- ett; Cronkwright Wendy; Tun- ney Pamela; Dauphin Julianne; Bauer Joan; Verbeek Johanna; Musgrove Faye; Ducharme Nancy; Forster Janet; Finley Shirley, McKay Donna(equal); Nuhn Myrna; Coleman Susan; Law Kathleen; Smith Doreen, THIRD CLASS HONOURS: Hohnstein Dorothy; Coulter Patricia, Taylor Marilyn (equal); Bauer Jean; Baird Clay- ton; Clark Connie; Roane Gil- bert; Searson Nettie; Seli Su- san; White John; Smith Mar- gery; Mawhinney Marilyn; Ed- gar Louise; Wormington Susan; Montgomery Jacqueline. PASS: Jouwsma Rina; Field Richard; Huether Brian; Aitchi- son Larry; Riley Marilyn; Me- Whirter Nancy; Snell Elaine; Foxton Joanne; Smith Pauline; Weber Anne. Please Turn to Page Ten G. A. WILLIAMS, O.D. Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 LADIES! IF YOU KNIT OR SEW — THE PLACE TO GO -- IS -- Dabble Industries Salesroom (Newlands Salesroom) 10 King Street , Gait SUMMER ..., rx NCE SALE U2 PRCE ON RENANTS *Bulky Knits *Brushes? Mohair *Laminates *Nylon Fleece *AN Wool Jersey *Mohair Loop *Poodle Cloth *Double Jersey *Orlon Pile *Orlon Wool Jersey Many Other Types Available Jane 29 to July 16 OPEN ALL DAY — THURSDAY --- JULY 1 CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY -- JUNE 28 ALSO iN STOCK: Hand Knitting Yarns, Towelling, Upholstery Fabric, Yard Terry, Plain and Print REGULAR STORE HOURS: MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 12 noon TUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS -7 p.m. to 0 p.m.