The Wingham Advance-Times, 1964-03-05, Page 6Page 6 •-- WinghamAdvauee-Times, Thursday, March 5, 1964 "YOU'LL FIND IT IN THE WANTADS!' 'COU N4• FOR SALE SHOP BENNETTS 5c to $1.00 STORE FIRST for Floral ar- rangements in plastic con- tainers, 98c; roses and car- nations centre piece, 98c. 5b GIRL GUIDE complete costume for sale, size 16. Phone 357- 1581, 5b TWO UNIVERSAL, milker units for sale. Stan Horsburghy phone 357-2744, Wingham. 5b GARAGE for sale, 25'x40, Can be moved as a unit. Pressure system, Phone 528-2609, Luck - now. 27-5* QUANTITY of Russell oats for sale. Phone 392-6175, Tees - water, evenings. 27-5* 1500 SQUARE BALES of hay for sale, excellent quality, first cut. John Gnay, R. R. 1, Bel - grave, phone 357-3559. 5-12b SMALL EVAPORATOR for sale, size 7x2, also 70 good galvan- ized buckets with covers and spites. Apply Lloyd Montgom- ery, 357-3739. 5* FOR SALE - Double oven, 4 - burner electric range. Excel- lent condition, $200: Sunbeam Mix -master with juicer, $25; two odd kitchen -type tables. Phone 357-3522. 5* BEEF FOR SALE -Front quar- ters, 34c per lb.; hind quarters, 47c per lb.; sides of beef, 39c per lb.: cutting and wrapping, 2c per Ib. Walls' Meat Market, phone 49W. Clifford, Ontario. M5rrb PIANO in good condition. Mac - Bel Friendship Club. For par- ticulars please call Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness, R. R. 1, Clifford, Mildmay telephone 367-2208. 5b SEEDS ---We offer this long term hay pasture mixture at $7.92 per acre, mixed free -8 lb, aI- falfa. 2 Ib. red clover, 4 Ib. timothy, 4 lb. brome grass, 2 lb. meadow fescue. All Super- ior Grade No. 1 seed. SPECIAL -March 7 to 14 only, Top Grade Canadian alfalfa. $27.00 per bus. Complete line of seed grain. Custom seed and grain cleaning service. ROY CRAMM & SON, Pinkerton, phcne Car- gill 366-2494. 5-12b FREE PANT SUIT SALE --For $55.00 with extra trousers Free, you can have your New Spring Suit tailored to your measure, at Armitages. during their an- nual spring Bond Clothes Sale. This is less than you will pay for a ready-made suit with one pair of trousers. You order your suit now and you can take delivery in April or May. As this sale is for a limited time only. you should not de- lay. and get your order in early. Remember Extra Trous- ers are FREE, durirg this sale at ARMITAGE'S, WINGHAM. This is the last week of the sale. 9rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED ANGUS bull for sale, 15 months old. John Rinn, phone 357-3048. 5* ONE SOW for sale, due within two weeks. Noah S. Eyler, R. R. 1, Wroxeter. 5b PIGS FOR SALE - 2 sows due soon; 2 litter of pigs about nine weeks old. Wm, Uuldriks, R. R. 1, Wingham, phone Wroxeter, 547J3. 27-5* 30 CHOICE YORK pigs for sale, weighing about 80 lbs. Apply Jack Inglis, Clifford, near Lakelet. 5b S. j. PYMM SERVICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE WRITE P. O. BOX 74 OR PHONE 528-2390 LUCKNOW Public Accountant since 1944 Je20eowb William S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service in boy r4 or selling all real Mtge prapertlee FARMSBES Dial Wingham 351-2174 Jy8lrtb TAXI SERVICE PHONE 357-2320 HAIR DRESSING FOR ALL OCCASIONS call Lee's Taxi, for long or short trips, Dial 357-1521. rrb WANT'S TAXI PHONE 357-1836 LOCAL AND OUT-OF-TOWN F6rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r..., GOOD BUILDING LOT for sale, 100:X135'. Reasonable. Phone 357-1615, 5b FOR SALE - Centrally located, in Teeswater, 6 room house, insul siding, modern 3 -piece bath, double car garage, full size lot, Apply Angus Strome, Box 301, Teeswater. 5b HOUSE FOR SALE - 2 bed- rooms, modern kitchen and bathroom, heavy duty wiring for stove. Oil heat. Located en Carling Terrace. CMHC mort- gage at 634%. Call 357-1990, 9-5; 357-2383 evenings. 23rrb FARM FOR SALE -100 acres, 80 tillable, some hardwood bush. Frame house, bank barn, hen- house. Hydro, drilled well with pressure. Mrs. Earl Elliott, R. R. 1, Wingham. 27-5-12b GENERAL STORE in Gorrie for sale, brick construction with two apartments over store and 7 - room dwelling attached. Store is well stocked and is priced for quick sale or would consider exchanging for other real estate. Fyke's General Store, Gorrie, phone Wroxeter 227, or Fordwich 57R11, 5b WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LIMITED REALTOR, WALKERTON, Ont. $4,600.000 will buy this 6 room privately located home in Blue - vale, 3 piece bath, 3 bedrooms, kitchen with built in cupboards and sink, hot and cold water on pressure. Dining room and spac- ious living room. Summer kitch- en attached, partial basement, new oil fired furnace, H.D. wir- ing and good asphalt roof. Large lot and small barn, with terms available. A 1 -storey asphalt sided 5 room house, asphalt roof, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and living room. Hard and softwood flooring, H.D. wir- ing, partial basement and water on pressure. Garage attached. Large lot and chicken pen. Cen- trally located in Bluevale. A leap year special for only $2,300.00, $3,500 down payment will buy this 100 acre farm. 70 acres workable good clay loam soil. Balance hard and soft wood bush. Well drained. Good water supply on pressure throughout. Bank barn 56'x36', all loose stab- ling. 11/2 storey 8 room house with partial basement. Farm borders 86 Highway. very good location near Wingham. Full price $7,500. For farms, homes, nesses, contact - FRANK J. CASKANETTE Wingham, Ont. Dial 357-1702 - Box 167 5b lots or busi- FOR RENT APARTMENTS for rent in Bel - grave. Apply C. W. Hanna, Phone 357-1299. 12rrb APARTMENT for rent. Suitable for couple, living room, kitch- en. bedroom and bath. Low rent. Phone 357-2074. 5-12* APARTMENT FOR RENT -Off Diagonal Road. Apply Jack Reavie, phone 357-3563, at noon or after 6 pan. 27rrb ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham. Dial 357-2981, rrb MALE HELP WANTED WANTED -Two firemen, For- ward applications to Robert A. Hickey, secretary - treasurer, Wingham Fire Dept, 5-12-19b EMPLOYMENT WANTED MOTHER would like to baby sit any evening after six. Phone 357-1581. 5b MISCELLANEOUS COMING SOON! Rexall 1e sale. McKibbons Pharmacy, 5b STARTS TODAY -Our big 6th anniversary sale. .Hafermehl's Jewellery. 5b BRING YOUR SHOES to Heughan's for repairs -Pick- ed up Thursdays and Satur- days by "Rays" of Clinton. Excellent work, errb PLASTERING, patching, stucco, parging. Reasonable rates. By hour or contract. Contact Art Cooper, 357-2924, Wingham. 5-12-19-26e PIANO TUNING Regulating and Repairs. Ex- perienced. Contact Erie W. Rice, Lucknow, R. R. 2, phone 528-6695. J30 -M5* KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY Expert reupholstering, refinish- ing and repairing of furniture. Work guaranteed. Phone 357- 2002, Wingham. 24rrb NOTICE If you are thinking of finan- cing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R, R. 2, Wing - ham, phone 357-1679. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection - Call your Co-op Agent - LLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, R.R. 5, Dial 357-3739 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MAR- GARET ADAIR FISHER. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on the 18th day of January, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 7th day of March, 1964, After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 15th day of February, A.D 1964. CRAWFORD & HETHERING- TON, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 20-27-5b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CATH- ERINE ANNIE JOHNSTON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Bluevale, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 18th day of November, 1963, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned, on or be- fore the 7th day of March, 1964, After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate shaving regard only to the claims of which they shall then ,have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 15th day of February, A.D 1964. CRAWFORD & HETHERING- TON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 20-27-5b HEATED 3 -bedroom apartment for rent. Separate entrance. Phone 357-2745. 5-12b MODERN 6 room apartment for rent, 3 bedrooms, 1 block off main Street. Available immedi- etely, Phone 357-2575, 5* HEA1`r:D and furnished apart- ment to rent, Suitable for couple, living room, kitchen, bedroom and bath. Phone 357- 2084. 572084. 20rrb MALE OR FEMALE HELP WANTED GENERAL OFFICE HELP re- quired, part-time, typing and shorthand preferred, Apply Boy 15, Advance -Times. 513 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MAR- GARET ELIZABETH ROGERS. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham. in the County of Duron, Widow, Who died on the twenty-second day of February, 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the twenty-first day of March, 1964, After that date the Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the estate' having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 27th day of February, A.D. 1964. CRAWFORD & I TETHERING - TON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. APPLICATIONS WANTED BELGRAVE COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD OF TRUSTEES .Applications for the position of Secretary -Treasurer to the Bel - grave Community Centre, Board of Trustees, will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., March 14th, 1964. L. Vannan, Secy.-Treas. F20&M5b WANTED CARS WANTED -1951 or 1952 Chev.; old guns, rifles and typewriter. Cameron's Bil- liards, 5b TIMBER AND LOGS WANTED Hardwood Bush and Logs We are paying top cash prices for hard maple basswood, cherry, ash, soft maple and beech. James T. Craig & Son Auburn Sawmill PHONE AUBURN 526-7220 5-12-19b CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all those who sent cards, and let- ters of sympathy. -Mrs. Archie Scott and Edith, Exeter, Ont. 5* The family of the late Mrs. Reuben F. Garniss wish to ex- press their gratitude for the many acts of kindness to her on the part of relatives and friends. They wish to mention especially those who visited her while she was a patient in hospital and in Huronview. with appreciation for the care of the nurses. 5b I wish to thank my friends and relatives for their cards and flowers and those who visited me while I was a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London. -George Casemore. 5b I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours who visited me, sent fruit and cards, also Dr. Crawford and nurses, while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. -Fred Carbert. 5b I would like to thank my rela- tives and friend for the lovely flowers and cards and those who visiteri me while a patient in Wieeeem a"' T)istrict Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Leahy and all the nurses on first floor who were so kind to me. -Mrs. Carl Pennington. 5* I wish to express my thanks to those who remembered .me with cards, letters, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and a special "thank you" to Rev. G. Fish. -Wm, Ford. 5* I wish to thank friends, neigh- bcurs and relatives for cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Crawford, Rev. Gordon L. Fish and the nurses on the first floor north. -Ted Foxton. 5b We would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends and neighbrnus who so gener- ously cortribeted to the purse of money the received and to every one who helped with our. shower, Wesley (Mike) and Al- berta Newton. 5* I wish to thank my friends and relatives for flowers, gifts, cards and visits while a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Father Freker, Drs. B. Corrin and Klah- sen, Mrs. O'Malley and the nurs- ing staff on third floor. -Ronald Kieffer. 5* I would like to say a sincere thank you to Dr. W. A. Craw- ford and the nurses on first floor for their friendly, efficient care while my son, Peter, was a pa- tient in Wingham and District Hospital. Also for the cards and gifts from friends and neighbors, -John Martijn, 5* We wish to thank our friends and relatives for all the kindness extended to us while we were both in Wingham and District Hospital. We would also like to thank Dr. McKibbon and the nursing staff on first floor, and the ministers who called to see us. -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dus- tow. 5* I wish to thank my many friends, neighbours, relatives, Royal Canadian Legion 180, the Ladies' Auxiliary for their kind- ness in sending me gifts, letters, cards and visiting me, also The Advance -Times for sending the paper along while t was a pa- tient in Westminster Hospital, London. It was greatly appreci- ated.- -Percy Harris. 5* BIRTHS WILLIE -In the Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, March 1, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Allister Willie, Teeswater, a son. MacDONALD-In the Wingham and District Hospital, on Sun- day, March 1, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs. Hugh MacDonald, Tees - water, a daughter, SALES HELP WANTED - Male and Female Men or women, neat appearing as Distributors of Rawleigh Products, full or part time. Large earnings, Write Raw- leigh, Dept. C-453-4, 4005 Rich- elieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 5b iN MEMORIAM SMALL -In loving memory of our parents, Harriet V, Small, who passed away April 28, 1960, and her husband, Edwin R. Small, March 2, 1962, Nothing can ever take away, The love hearts hold so dear, Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps them near. -Their family. 5* SELLERS -In fond and loving memory of a dear sister, Ida M. Sellers, who departed this life March 4, 1961., also our mother, Mrs, Lillian Sellers, on March 31, 1963. There is no parting From the ones we love. No distance can divide For today in memory's garden, We still walk side by side. Each dawning day, a thought of them At eventide, a prayer. For in the hearts who loved them, They always will be there. -Always remembered by sis- ter and daughter, Stella, and husband, Jack, and family, 5* AUCTION SALE COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE of PUREBRED SCOTCH SHORTHORN CATTLE Lot 42, Con. 7, East Wawanosh Township, 1% miles south of Belgrave, on No. 4 Highway, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th at 1 p.m. Cattle - Roan Buttercup, cow, Reg, No. (494128), 6 years old; Augusta Queen, cow, Reg. No. (483154), 7 years old; Augusta Rose 2n;d, cow, Reg. No. (527353), 3 years old; Fairy Flower, cow, Reg, No. (484290), 7 years old; Red Fairy Flower 2nd, cow, Reg. No, (537273), 2 years old; Non - pariel Rosebud, cow, Reg. No. (490142), 6 years old; Nonpareil Rose 2nd, cow, Reg. No. (522535), 3 years old; Pauline In, cow, Reg. No. (511705), 6 years old; Broadhooks 7P, cow, Reg. No. (511717), 5 years old; Rothes Queen 6P, cow, Reg. No. (511716), 5 years old; Robins Missie, cow, Reg. No. (451864), 10 years old; Maple Emblem Golden 12th, cow, Reg. No. (507552), 4 years old; Roan Rose 2nd, cow. Reg, No. (475990). 8 years old; Leeland Missie 9th, cow, Reg. No. (493377), 6 years old; Nonpareil Bud, cow, Reg. No. (515985), 4 years old; Non- pareil Rose, cow, Reg. No, (416663), 12 years old; Augusta Pat Is, cow, Reg. No. (543198), 3 years old; 2 heifers, 2 years old, will have calved by March; 4 heifers, rising 2 years old; 4 heifers, rising 1 year old; 5 heifers, suitable for 4-H calves; 6 feeder heifers, Hogs -3 York sows with lit- ters; 1 York sow; 8 York pigs, weaned 1 month; 9 York pigs, ready to wean. 200 bales of mixed hay. Terms -Gash. Edgar Wightman, Prop., R. R. 1, Belgrave; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; Geo. Powell, Clerk. 27-51e DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED A.NIMA1S CALL COLLECT DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 'Wad Animal Ida No. 2+320-61 A train travelling at 80 mph needs a mile to stop, an engin- eer points out to motorists. In- attention is a main Cause of level crossing accidents. Train the mind to mind the train. Coming Events RUTH'S BEAUTY PARLOUR Will be closed from February 28th to Maroh 14th, inclusive. 27-5b HOWICK LIONS Merchandise bingo In the Wroxeter Town Hall, Friday, March 6th, Games 10c or 3 for 25c; 3 specials; share the wealth. Bingo starts at 8,30. FASHION SHOW The Wingham Business & Pro- fessional Women's Club will pre- sent "Melody in Fashion 1964" in the Wingham District High School Wednesday, April 15th, at 7:45 p.m. Draw for lucky prizes. Admission 50c, Tea served. 5b EUCHRE AND DANCE A euchre and dance will be held in the Foresters Hall, Bel - grave, on Friday, March 6. Music by the Localaires, Euchre to start at 8:30 sharp. Lunch count- er in the hall, Sponsored by the building committee. Everyone welcome. 5b ODDFELLOWS EUCHRE Party will be held Friday, March 13, in the Oddfellows Hall at 8:30 p.m. Everybody welcome, 5-12b MARY HASTINGS EUCHRE In the Council Chambers on Friday, March 6, 8:15 p.m. Lunch served. Good prizes. Everyone welcome. 5b PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE Party will be held in White- church Hall Saturday, March 7, at 8.30 p.m., in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hlavack. (Bet- ty Zinn). Everyone welcome. 5b ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, William J. Hen- derson announce the engagement of their daughter. Ellen Janette, to Mr. Andrew Rodger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Phillips, of Wingham. The marriage will take place on Friday, March 27, 1964. in the Salvation Army Citadel at 2 p.m. 5* ATTENTION ALL SERVICE MEN Provincial service officer of the Royal Canadian Legion will visit, the Wingham Branch on Tuesday, March 10th, at 2 p.m. Anyone wishing to discuss veterans welfare with this officer call 357-3784 and an appointment will be arranged. 5b CEMENT ¶OS FOR SALE Now is the time to book your orders for a cement silo be- fore it is too late. 13 to 14 ft. diameter, 55 ft. high. Arnold Hugill & Son SILO CONTRACTORS 92 Cambria Road, Goderich Phone 524-9437 27-5-12* MAR LATT'S ad Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses ac- cording to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels • Phone 133 • 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 95163B Property for Sale Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd. REALTORS WiNGHAM OFFICE DIAL 357-3840 TEESWATER AGENT - J. EVERETT PENNINGTON PHONE 392-6064 $6,000 full price for a 100 acre farm with 65 acres workable. Approx. 1114 miles from Wingham, lee storey home with furnace. H.D. wiring and water on tap. $7,500 for a 100 acre farm situated on the highway close to shopping. 11/2 storey brick home, L-shaped barn 64'x40' and 35'x57' in good state of repair. Never failing spring on property. $8,600 with a small down payment and easy terms for this rich 100 acre farm with 85 acres of level workable land. Situated 21/2 miles from a shopping centre. The first farm off the county road. lee storey 7 room home with conveniences such as 3 -piece hath, cupboards, and H.D. wiring. Bank barn 48'x72' with a lean 24'x50', also a good drive shed 22'x35'. Hydro and water under pressure in the barn. Don't miss inspecting this one. King size lot 74'x66' situated close to main street of Wing - ham, Water and sewers available. $5,500 full price for a 11/2 storey brick home with conven- iences, situated on 31/2 acres of Iand a short distance from Wing - ham. Very low down payment and easy terms. $8,900 for a lee storey home in Wingham. Home contains all modern conveniences. Situated near schools and churches. $5,000 lee storey home in Bluevale with conveniences such as a 3 -piece bath, H.D. wiring and built in cupboards. Also a small barn 18'x15'. Lot size 132'x132', $4,900 full price with a low down payment and easy terms for a bungalow type home with conveniences such as a 3 -piece bath, H.D. wiring, etc, Situated on a double lot in Lucknow, PROPERTY SOLD -Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Walter, of Luck - now, sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Plaster, of 71 Inglewood Dr., Toronto, Ont, Paul S. Starr & Co, Ltd. REALTORS ONTARIO'S LARGEST RURAL REALTORS ORANGEVILLE, FLESItERTON, OWEN SOUND, HANOVER, BRAIICPTON, GUELPH, PORT ELGIN, WINGHAM, CIIESLEY MEMBERS OF THE Grey Bruce Real Estate Board - Orangeville Real Estate Board "Brampton R.E+B. - Owen Sound R.E,B. - Guelph R.E.B. Ontario Association of R.E.B - Canadian Association of 11.E,B. MULTI USTINC SYSTEM ASK ONE OF OUR AGENTS HOW TO GET MA7#IIIItJM COVERAGE BY LISTING YOtIR PROPERTY AS A MULTIPLE LISTING THROtJGR PAUL S. STARR CO. LTD. "We- Sell Rural Ontario"