The Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-08-22, Page 10?age 2 ,. W ghaln Advance -Times, Thursday, August 22, 1963 Grade 13 Results at WDHS Ja,ndt Beaeroft: I7n&, C. 53, Fr, C,,65 1...A, 60 Let. A. 59, Lat. C. 5$, Roger iBieman: Alg. 69, Bat. 64, Chem, 82, Eng. I+ 66, Fr. C. 69 Fr. A. 50. Denstds Callau: A. 63, Chem. 83 Eng. C. 67, Eng. L. 62, Fr. C. 55. Fr. A. 66, Geom. 77 Phy. 74, Trig. 74. Anne Cardiff: Bot, 70, Eng. C. 68, Eng. L. 62, Fr. C. 67, Fr. A. 65, Dist. 84, Lat. A. 74, Lat. C. 66, George Conn: Mag. C. 68, Geom. 10 4'H Fr. 86 $6Lt Fr. A. 74. Lat. C. 86, Phy. 88. Yvonne Connelly: Bot. 77. Eng. C. 50, Eng. L. 66, Fr. C. 67, Fr, A, 89, Hist, 70, Lat. A. 61, Lat. C. 73 Douglas Coupes: Alg. 79, Chem. 82, Eng. C. 80, Eng. L. 71, Fr. A. 63, Geom. 88. Trig. 76, Murray Coulter: Alg, 80. Chem. 94, Eng. C. 75. Eng. I,. 76, Fr. C. 72, Fr. A. 68, Geom. 85, Pity. 90..'Frtg. 88. Carol Craw ford: Bot. 74, Eng. C. 56, Eng. L. 56. Fr. C. 60, Fr. A. 57. Hist. 73, Lat. A. 68, Lat. C. 67. Julia Crutk. shank: Bot. 84. Eng. C. 76. Eng, L. 85. Fr. C 76, Fr. A. 80, lust, 88, Lat. A. 78, Let. C. 84, Zoo. 94. Barry Currie: Bot, 64, Geom. 53, Zoo. 55. Dianne Dalmer: Chem. 53. Karen Elliott: Chem. 83, Eng. C. 60, Eng. L. 74, Fr. C. 6?. Fr. A. 65, 7Hutt. 71, Lat. A. 58, L3.1.0, 70 Pity. Douglas uC. 69ng For{40 Che53, BarrEng y, Ey Fuller: Che*,, 67, Eng, C. 58, Eng. L. 81. Pay. 43. Trig. 55. John Halliday A1g, 78, Chem, 80, Eng. C. 60, Hew. L. 64, Fr. C. 51, Geom. 63, PM'. 64, Trig. 59. Neal Hardie: Sot, 63 Eng. C. 55, Eng. L. 58, Hist. 56, Zoo. 63. .enneth Harrison: AIg, 51, Chem. WATERLOO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE THE FACULTY OF ARTS OF WATERLOO LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY "A Quality Education in a Christian Environment" SCHOLARSHIPS: An unlimited number of continuing scholarships are offered to students with a .minimum 75t"r average in Grade XIII who maintain the same high standards in university. CENTENNIAL SCHOLARSHIPS -VALUE 35,000 Free tuition, incidental fees, room, board and $1,200 in cash over three or four years. Qualification -90% on nine papers. FACULTY -BOARD SCHOLARSHIPS -VALUE $2,500 Free tuition and 3200 in cash for three or four years, Qualification --80'i on nine papers. PROFICIENCY SCHOLARSHIPS -VALUE $L900 Free tuition and 350 book credit for three or four years. Qualification -755"c on nine papers. PROGRAMS OFFERED: FOUR YEAR HONORS B.A. COURSES Business Administration, Economics, English Langu- age and Literature, French, Geography, Geography and Planning, German, Greek, History, Latin, Philosophy, Psychology, Politics, Spanish. THREE YEAR PASS B.A. COURSES General B.A., Pre -Theological B.A., General Science B.A. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS: An average of 604,7c in nine Grade XIII papers is preferred. ORIENTATION AND REGISTRATION OF NEW STUDENTS: September 15 to 17. Lectures begin September 23. FOR INFORMATION: Calendars and Application Forms, write or telephone: Mr. John M. Kopas, Registrar, Waterloo University College, Waterloo Lutheran University Waterloo, Ontario. 22b TRAILWAYS BUS CHARTER 0 0 ,y ye v DIAL 357-1554 :*C-z.ir <<:< C4`C< TO CNE TORONTO LEAVE WINGHAM 7:30 AM, AUG. 28 RETURN AFTER THE SHOW ONLY $g4iOO RETURN ENJOY YOUR DAY AT THE EX. --- NO TIRESOME DRIVING iN HEAVY TRAFFIC. NO PARKING PROBLEMS. TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT YOUR LOCAL DEPOT. BUY EARLY AND INSURE YOURSELF A SEAT. DOWNIE'S SUNOCO SERVICE STATION WINGHAM • 59, Edg, C.,53 Sing. L. 55, Phy. 65. Robert Hol eatech:3g. 52, Eng• C. 76, .Geom. 50. 'Trig. 59. Paul Jardin: Chem, 57, Eng. C. 52, Geom. 58, Phy 55. Trig. 59, Wil- liam Jeffrey: Chem. 63. Eng. C. 56, : Eng. L. 55, Hist. 62, Phy. 50. Mur - ' ray Kerr: Alg. 58, Chem. 59, Geom. 63 Phy. 58, Trig. 72, Mary Kingt Bot. 59, Chem. 59. Eng. C. 84, Eng, L. 58, Fr. A. 53, Htst, 68, Lat. A, 73, Lat. C. 67.Betty Ante Lapp: Bot, 50, 1 Eng. C. 56. Eng. L. 63, Fr. C. 57, Fr. A. 58, Silt, 59, Lat. A. 81, Lat. C. 75, Zoo. 55. Carol Louttit: 58, Eng. C. 50, Eng. L, 58, Fr, C. 70, Fr. A, 63, Lat. A. 82, Lat. C. 74, Trig. 71, Zoo. 58. Malcolm Mac- Kay: Bot. 60, Chem. 58, Geom. 55. Sandra MacLennan: Bot. 68, Chem. 74, Eng. C. 56, ELng, L, 53, Fr, C. 66, Fr. A. 59, Lat. A. 65, Lat. C. 73. Alan 'McDonald: Chem. 70, Geom. 60, Phy, 56, Donald McDowell: Mg. 61, I Chem. 71, Eng. C. 56. Eng. L. 60, Fr. A. 53. Geom. 57, Phy. 73, Wal. ton McKibbon: Bot. 55. Zoo, 50, Murray McLennan: Alg. 70. Bot. 76, Chem. 82, Eng. C. 73, Eng. L. 67 Geom, 75, Phy, 84, Trig. 89. Donald McTavish: Chem. 69, Eng. C, 54, Eng. L. 60, Fr. C. 59, Fr, A, 55, Geom. 72, Phy. 69, Trig. 73. John Madill: Chem. 55, Eng. C. 53, Eng. L, 50, Geom. 53, Trig, 58. Gwendolyne Martin: Bot. 70, Eng, C. 68, Eng. L. 73, Fr. C. 73, Fr. A, 69, Hist. 80, Lat. A. 83, Lat. C. 66, Lucille Merkley: Chem. 64, Eng, C. 58, Eng. L. 53, Fr. C. 60. Elizabeth Merrick: Bot, 55, Eng, C. 56, Eng, L. 63, Fr. C. 54, Fr. A. 50, Hist. 80, Lat. A. 59, Lat. C. 60. Thomas Mil- len: Chem. 75, Eng, C. 58, Geom, 54. Phy. 64, Trig. 59, Angela Mitch- ell: Chem, 58, Eng, C. 60, Phy, 50. j Muriel Moore: Eng. C. 68, Eng. L. 71, Fr. C. 57, Fr. A. 67, Geom. 57, Hist, 89, Lat. A. 82, Lat. C. 59. Helen O'Malley' Alg, 57, Bot, 78, Chem. 73, Eng, C. 64, Eng. L. 50, Geom. 77, L,a,, A. 70, Lat. C. 71, Michael O'Malley: AIg. 62, Chern, 82, Eng. C. 56. Eng. L. 63, Fr. C. 63, Fr, A 61, Geom. 68, Phy, 77, Trig. 75. Jane Reid: Bot. 82, Eng. C. 60, Eng, L. 67, Fr. C. 50, Fr. A. 59, Hist, 80, Lat. A. 66, Lat, C. 50. Cor- inne Rhame: Eng. C. 63. Cameron Robinson: Chem. 73, Eng. C. 59, Eng, L. 60. Geom. 53, Phy. 58, Trig. 63. Sandra Rowe: Bot, 74, Chem. 81, Eng. C. 74, Eng, L. 76, Fr. C. 70, Fr, A. 71. Hist. 75, Lat, A. 66, Lat, C. 70. Mary E. Shackleton: Alg. 55, Bot. 64, Chem. 66, Eng. C, 58, Eng. L. 55, Zoo. 50. Robert Shackleton: Alg. 51, Chem. 61. Eng. C, 58, Eng. L. 50, Fr. C. 53, Fr. A. 53. Glenn Sklnn: Alg. 51, Chem. 61, Eng. C. 69, Fr. A. 62, Geom. 51, Phy. 58, Trig. 55. Rae Smith: Alg. 51, Chem. 69, Eng. C, 66, Eng. L. 55, Geom. 57, Phy. 63, Trig, 51, Zoo. 50. Douglas Spry: Bot. 64, Eng. C. 65, Eng. L. 50, Fr. 0, 61, Fr. A. 64, Geom. 59, Hist. 64, Trig. 57, Zoo. 64. Evelyn Stephens: Bot. 78, Eng, C, 75, Eng. L. 70, Fr. C. 62, Fr. A. 70, Hist. 67, Lat. A. 68, Lat. C. 67, Alex Strong: Alg, 68, Chem, 75, Eng. C. 66, Eng. L. 56, Fr. C. 58, Fr. A. 61, Geom. 60, Phy, 77, Trig. 59. John Strong: Alg. 52, Chem. 64, Eng. C. 63, Eng, L. 62, Fr, A. 50, Geom. 54, Phy. 69, Trig. 52. Lynne Stuckey: Bot, 80, Chem. 70, Fr. C. 65, Fr. A. 71, Geom. 57, Trig, 64, Douglas Thom- as: Bot. 63, Zoo. 59. Gerald Thom- as: Eng. C. 50, Eng, L. 57, Lat. A. 58, Lat. C. 57. Hilda Tiffin: Bot. 70, Chem. 66, Eng. C. 74, Eng. L. 62, Fr. C. 71, Fr, A. 61, Geom. 54, Lat. A. 56, Lat. C. 81. Doris Troupe: Eng. C. 66. Eng. L. 67, Fr. C. 73. Fr, A. 75, Hist, 71, Lat, A. 70, Lat. C. 67. Elbert Vandonkersoged: Eng. C. 56, Eng. L. 57, Fr. C. 65, Fr. A. 63, Ger. C. 51, Hist. 71, Lat. A. 62, Lat. C. 73. Anne Wightman: Eng. C. 76, Eng. L. 79, Fr. C. 66, Fr. A. 63, Geom, 50, Hist. 74, Lat. A. 54, Lat. C. 57. Grade 12 students writing grade 13 papers. Philip Adams: Zoo. 53. Donald Bateman: Eng. C. 51, Phy. 67. Wayne Caslick: Zoo. 82, Brenda Conron: Zoo. 61. Linda Coultes: Zoo. 75. Marie Coupes: Zoo. 72. David Griffiths: Zoo. 59. Alex Ham- ilton: Zoo, 61. Gall Henderson: Zoo. 55. }Cathleen Hodgins: Zoo. 80. Patrick King: Zoo. 64. Alan Mac- Rae: Hot. 06. Eng. C. 54, Eng. L. 52, Hist. 67. William McBurney: Eng. C. 59, Eng. L. 52. Judith McKibbon: Zoo. 73. Adeline McKinney: Zoo. 61. Jo- seph McKinnon: Hist, 51. Wayne Martin: Zoo. 65. Elaine Moffat.: Zoo, 59. Elwin Moore: Zoo. 80. Hugh Mundell: Zoo. 81. Claudia Nortntn- ton: Zoo. 87, Thomas Powell: Zoo. 79. Susanne Reynolds: Zoo. 68. Hel- en Runstedtler: Zon. 65. Larry Simpson: Zoo. 63. Julia Thornton: Zoo. 79. Grade 11 writing grade 13 papers. Frederick Alcorn: Bot 68. Ken- neth Anderson: Bot. 70. Douglas Bieman: Bot. 64. Keith Bone: Bot. 54, Sandra Cameron: Bot. 64, Ruth Casagrande: Bot, 58. Gail Dins- more: Bot. '70. Jack Galbraith, Bat. 57. Mary Ruth Haugh: Bot. 64. Myrna Ireland: Bot, 72. George, Kerr: Bot. 63. Brenda MacLen- nan: Bot. 75. Joyce Procter: Ilot. 69. James Robinrion: Bot. 77, Mary Ann Scha.efer: Bat, 79, Floyd Smith: Bat, 56. Louis Stadelmsat: Bot. 76. Lorna. Woods: Bot. 72. FISH THE BANKS For the last 500 years fleets of every important maritime nation have fished the Grand Banks orf Newfoundland. Benmiller United Church was decorated with white, orange and yellow glads on Saturday when Robert Paul Moss of Goderich, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moss, Goderich, took as his bride Barbara Joan Brindley of R, R, No, 5, Goder- ich, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Brindley. Rev. A. C. Dukelow of Victoria United Church per- formed the double -ring service. The organist was Miss Crystel Straughan of Benmiller and the soloist was Miss Shirley Fowler of Goderich. The bride, given in marri- age by her father, was beauti- ful in a full-length gown of embroidered organza over bridal taffeta. The skirt was puffed at the hipline and caught with tiny handmade bows, The tiny basque waist had a sabrina neckline and lily -point sleeves. Her four -tiered silk illusion pouffe veil was held with a regal crown of seed pearls and swiss mohair, She carried a crescent cascade of white car- nations and gardenias. Miss Ruth Brindley of London was her sister's maid of honour and Miss Linda Brindley of Goderich, sister of bride, and Miss Mary Brindley, cousin of Key to Subject Abbreviations AIg.-Algekw Bot, -Botany, Chem. -Chemistry. Eng. C. -English Compositio3t. Eng, L. -English Literature. Fr. C. -French Composition. Fr. A.. -French Authors. Ger, A.-Gernt.zn Authors, Ger. C. -German Composition. Geog.-Geography. Geom.-Geometry. Gk. A. -Greek Authors. Gk. C.-Greck Composition. Ital. A. -Italian Authors. Ital. C. --Italian Composition. Hist,-Hi3tory. Lat. A. -Latin Anthony. Lat, C. -Latin Composition. Mus. -Music. Phy.-Phystrs. Sp. A. -Spanish Authors. Sp. C. -Spanish Composition. Trig. -T rigotontct ry, Zoo. -Zoology. rajteOtiiireAliatzitatat, s BUSINESS ACADEMY A1lt CONilITluNi;b 44 QUEEN SOUTH K11TC:IHF:NKK Secretariat Huai n4 ss Courses Enroll Now Fall Term begins Sept. 3 Ph. 744.3539 1959 PLYMOUTH 2-000R 1957 BUICK 2-000R =0T" 1957 DODGE ROYAL =P tart - -.Photo by Haddon bride, also of Goderich,- were bridesmaids. All three were attired alike in apricot sata- peau gowns with scooped neck- lines and short sleeves, The controlled skirts had garlands of rosettes falling at the sides and a little bow at the back. Their headpieces were rosettes of the same material, held by stiff net at the back. They carried white carnations and Johanna roses, Little Miss Betty Brindley, sister of bride, was flower girl and was attired in a white nylon dress featuring a tiny lace - edged Peter Pan collar. The tiny skirt was a picture in sculptured self ruffles. Her small white rosette hat matched the bridesmaids' and she carried a white basket with carnations and Johanna roses. James Vint of Goderich, was groomsman and ushers were Fred Moss and Robert Brindley. A navy linen two-piece out- fit with red accessories and a corsage of red roses was worn by the bride for travelling. They will reside in Goderich. Miss J. McKague Feted by Friends Three showers were arranged in honor of Miss Jane Mc- t(ague prior to her marriage on Saturday August 10th. Mrs, Don, MacKenzie of New Lisk- eard and Mrs. Malcolm Hamil- ton of North Bay were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at which many lovely and useful gifts were received. The nursing staff of New Liskeard and District Hospital also held a miscellaneous shower for Miss McKague, who had been on the nursing staff for the past two years. On Monday evening, August 5th, a shower was held in the Wingham Council Chamber, with friends, neighbors and relatives attending. Contests were enjoyed during the eve- ning, after which an address was read and the bride -elect was presented with a beautiful pole light, a set of TV tables, a lovely amber goblet, a clothes hamper and a sum of money. Jane sincerely thanked everyone for their kindness. A delightful lunch was served by the hostesses, Audrey McKague, Helen McKague, Jean Mac- Donald, Jane Malda and Jean Leitch. Map reading hint: any road will take you to the hospital ...if you drive fast enough. TWO 1957 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEVERAL OLDER. MODELS IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER 1955 GMC TRUCK 3 -TON STAKE BODY TASTE - TEMPTING HAMBURGER PONE THE WAY YOU LIKE 'EM ENJOY OUR DELICiOU$ HOME - COOKED MEALS BLUE -JAY SNACK BAR South ,n Highway 4 PHONE 357-143$ ACCENT on YOUTH FROIITIER DAYS PARADE OPEN TO ALL 16 YEARS OF AGE AND UNDER PRIZES IN EACH CLASS: First Prize, $15.00; Second Prize, $10.00; Third Prize, $5,00 PRIZES WiLL BE AWARDED FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1 -Best national float, 2 -Best national costume. 3 -Most original float. 4 -Most original costume. 5 -Best decorated vehicles - (Bicycles, tricycles, wagons, doll buggies), 6 -Best pioneer costume. 7 -Best frontier float. 8 -Best Indian dress. 9 -Best cowboy or cowgirl attire. 10 -Float and entrant coming farthest distance. A grand prize will be awarded for the float or entrant adjudged best in the entire parade. THE FOLLOWING WINGHAM BUSINESSMEN HAVE DONATED PRiZE MONEY: First -- Edighoffer (Wingham) Ltd.; Western Foundry Company Ltd.; Berry Door Co., Ltd.; Hodgins - McDonald (Wingham) Ltd.; Percy Clark; Miller's Ladies' Wear; W. B. Conron Insurance; Canadian Tire Corp., R. E. Campbell; Lloyd -Truax Ltd.; Vance's Drug Store. Second - Hafermehl's Jewellery (two prizes); Hayes Family Clothing; Red Front Grocery; Wingham Body Shop; Burke Electric; Wingham Advance -Times; Remington's iGA; Fry & Blackhall Ltd,; W. H. Gurney & Son; Hanna's Men's Wear. Third -Dunlop Shoe Store; Armitage Bros.; Ben- nett's 5c to $1.00 Store (two prizes); Deyell's Meat Market; Burke Electric; Readman's Texaco Service Station; Callan Shoe Store; Wingham Meat Market; United Dairy & Poultry Co-op. GRAND PRIZE OF $25.00 FOR THE BEST OVERALL FLOAT, ENTRANT AND BAND Vance's Drug Store, $15.00; C. Hodgins, Massey - Ferguson Dealer, $10,00; Jack Alexander Hardware, $10.00; E. Elliott Insurance, $5,00; Earl's Men's Wear, $2,00, r ENTRY FORM I LIONS FRONTIER DAYS PARADE 1 1 1 1 Saturday, August 31, 1963 1 NAME OF ENTRANT ADDRESS CLASS NO. Mail to: G. W. CRUiCKSHANK, WiNGHAM, ONTARIO .sr MEM INOMM011ow..e wtatrt e> e LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS Your Dom, Plynwuth, Chryiler, Valiant Dealer WINGHAM PHONE 357-3862