The Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-02-14, Page 15;,i MID -WINTER SALE 'All winter footwear at sae prices, CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-1840 WOAA INTERMEDIATE GROUP 1 TEAM STANDING The following record includes all games that have been reported up to and including January 30th. TEAM Walkerton Port Elgin Wiarton Kincardine Mt. Forest Wingham Paisley GP 12 10 14 10 12 ti 12 7 13 4 12 3 11 2 L T TOTAL POINTS 2 0 20 0 20 1 13 0 14 4 5 5 9 0 9 0 8 1 INDIVIDUAL SCORING STATISTICS PLAYERS NAME TEAM GOALS Les Kingston Harv. Davidson Mel, Miller Keith Davidson Bob Meyer Orkie Kerr Doug Mercy Doug Teeter Doug Dudgeon Bob Woods Wilford Jack Connell Port Elgin 37 Port Elgin 24 Port Elgin 19 Kincardine 21 Walkerton 19 Walkerton 20 Walkerton 14 Walkerton 16 Port Elgin 12 Port Elgin 17 Wiarton 10 Kincardine 12 8 6 5 ASSISTS POINTS PIM 24 61 12 29 53 20 34 53 10 22 43 00 18 37 4 15 35 9 12 26 6 9 25 14 11 23 18 6 23 10 11 21 8 8 20 2 nems Win � Close The Wingham and Clinton Bantams played another excel-- lent xcel-lent game in the Wingham arena on Friday night. The final score was close, Wingham taking the game 4-3. In the first frame the host team had the only score', which carne from Armstrong's stick on an assist from Renwick. Armstrong and Renwick re- peated the performance in the second period and when the teams broke into the third the score was still 2-0. At 2:30 in the last period Armstrong from Ewing and Ren- wick notched still anothergoal. Clinton managed their first counter in the third period of the game, Flee: and Irwin get- ting the credit, Renwick, assis- ted by Carr slipped in Winghanis final counter and Clinton, in the last couple of minutes' of play had excitement running high and gained two goals. There were only two penal- How to turn your small change into a small fortune Do you realize that, in your lifetime, you will probably earn more than $250,000. How much of your earnings fortune will you keep? Why not squirrel away just a dollar a day in an Investors Saving Certificate. In ten, fifteen or twenty years you can accomplish what very few people ever do in a lifetime. At the same time, you can enjoy the benefits of an ever-increasing reserve. Just write or call: investors 0? CANADA, t f M r I E e ° from CRAWFORD MOTORS n THOMAS 3ARDIN District Manager Dial 367-3661 - Box 394 WINGHAM, ONT. 13A Head Office. Winnipeg • Offices In Principal Cities 0=0 =O 1:::101=0=10C:=11 a 0 m n 11 0 1962 Chrysler 4 -door Sedan with very low mileage. Power steering and power brakes—in new -car condi- tion. This is the buy of the week. 1961 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan, a one owner car in tip-top condition 1959 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan 1958 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan 1958 V-8 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan with automatic transmission and radio. 1958 Ford Sedan 1956 Monarch 4 -Door Hardtop USED TRUCKS 1957 Dodge Truck with dump body 1956 Chevrolet %4on Pickup 1955 Mercury Tractor Trailer 0 a a D 11 D p 0 11 O onCrawford Motors n Your Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer eh Phone 3574862 - Wingham o 0030 01=0 =aor 01==10 1 BELGRAVE CUBS 1st Belgrave Cub Pack met for the regular meeting in the Community Centre, with 24 Cubs and four leaders present. The meeting opened with the Grand Howl with Mrs. Ken- neth Wheeler (Akehla) in charge. The Grey Six had most points during inspection and their sixer, Gary McSween, placed their pennant on the totem pole. Bagherra (Mrs. Gordon Mc- Burney) taught the "Panther Dance" and games were led by Raksha (Mrs. Clare VanCampl and Baloo (Mrs. Harold Vin- cent). Instruction was given to the beginners by Mrs. Mc- Burney. Mrs. Vincent taught the first star work and Mrs. VanCamp led the older Cubs in semaphore. Billy Fear had a game and the meeting closed with Taps. Next meeting will be held on February 19. 1ST WING HAM TROOP Bryan Forsyth, leader of the Wolf patrol, broke the flag at last week's opening ceremony. A first aid exercise was held. All patrols received morse code messages which led them to different destinations where they picked up patients suffer- ing from broken legs and severed arm arteries. They administered first aid and car- ried the casualties to the post office where their first aid was checked. A race on lashings was held while making a chariot and the four patrol leaders carried the troop leader to the Scout House on the chariot. The boys went through their paces on marching before P. L. Forsyth lowered the flag. 0--0--0 LEADERS' HIKE Troop Leader Dave Wenger and four patrol leaders, Bryan Forsyth, Ron Hitchings, Mike Forsyth and Steve Gorrie left ties throughout. Barris of Can ton and Norm Corrtu of Wing - ham each had two ninutres for tripping. Taylor, in the Wingham net played an outstandinlg game, Ile starred along with the Arm- strong, Ewing, Renw ek line --- Armstrong Armstrong chalked up three scores and Renwick had one goal and three assists. Ewing assisted with one. This line was hot all night and carried the game. WINGHAM--Goal, Larry Taylor; Brian Carr, Bruce Boyd, John Douglas, 13111 Kerr, Gary Carter, Doug Ewing, Robert Armstrong, Neil Renwick, Norm Corrin, Tont Miller, Wayne Irvine, Bob llutson, Kevin Fisher, Doruie Willie; spare goalie, Brian Forsyth. CLINTON—Howes, Irwin, Harris, Pickett, Fleet, Varga, Elliott, Beven, Burns, Andrews, Schoenhals, Sharr, Cox. Sco activities the Scout House at 8:40 Sunday morning on an all day hike. The boys travelled on snow shoes and skis through bush and fields. They cooked and ate three meals while covering thirteen miles, and returned home at 8 p. m. AIR JAMBOREE DATES ANNOUNCED The 6th Jamboree -on -the - Air, an air waves meeting of Scouts the world over, will be held during the week -end of October 19-20, 1963, the Boy Scouts World Bureau, Ottawa, sponsors of the event, announce, Starting time will be 0001 hours on Saturday, October 19th, and it will terminate at 2359 hours on Sunday, the 20th. Both times are Greenwich Mean Time. Amateur radio opera- tors everywhere, by making their equipment available, make it possible for thousands of Scouts in many lands to ex- change greetings during the Jamboree -on -the -Air period, Over sixty-three countries took part •in the 1002 event. Details of the frequencies to be used by the Scouts World Bureau Station, VE3WSB, will be announced later, Bureau officials state. A GOOD TURN Lost by a Canadian Wolf Cub, a billfold containing money was found and turned in to the Boy Scouts of America local office in Jackson, Tennes- see. From there it went to the national office of Boy Scouts of America in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Next it went to National Headquarters, Boy Scouts of Canada, in Ottawa. From Ottawa, by means of a birth certificate artd a Scout membership card, the wallet was traced to its owner, Cub. Wayne Miller, of the 43rd Windsor, Ontario, Pack to whom it has now been returned. ZANZIBAR The tasselled red fez worn by Scouts in this small island off the coast of Tan- ganyika is also warn by Moslem Scouts in several other African countries north of the Equator, ZANZIBAR HAS ABOUT 800 SCOUTS UNIFORMS Of THE WORLD The illustrations end information are from the British Scouts' Patrol Book No. 18, "Uniforms and Badges of the World", compiled by Edward G. W. Wood and illustrated by Kenneth Brooks. They ore reproduced by permission of The Boy Scouts Association of the United Kingdom. Wingham Team Bests Kincardine Monday night in the home arena the Wingham Jets put on an all -our effort in the third period to defeat the league- leading Kincardine Bulldogs, 6-5. In the first frame Kincardine picked up four counters to the Jets' two. Connell and Bell clicked with singles, while Davidson got two for she Bull- dogs. Cerson and Hain did the work for the Jets. In the second period David- son scored his third of the night, while Murray Kerr came on to score his first. Trailing by two goals going into the third period, the Jets turned on the power, Kerr started the action, scoring his second goal of the evening. Templeman followed closely with his first. Then, with the game tied and only 15 seconds left to play, Don Lee broke loose to give the Jets the win- ning goal. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Feb, 14, 1983 «„ Page 15 PLAY BINGO AT HOME! Get your Home Bingo card from any Kinsman or your favorite store and try for $100 prize. Bantams Win Over CIintQn The Bantams had a 5-2 victory when Clinton played here on Tuesday evening of last week. Fleet of Clinton opened the score, one minute after''the starting hell, Robert Armstrong, Tom Miller and John Douglas each notched one for the home team with the assists coming from, Neil Renwick, Brian Carr and Bill Kerr, The second frame wasscore- less. Pickett, at 2:11 in the third, captured Clinton's se- cond and final goal unassisted, Bob Hotson, on an assist from Renwick, scored for Winghatn and Bill Kerr got the fifth coun- ter for the home team. The referees were George Kerr and Paul Strong. Allan Harrison was timekeeper. WINGIIAM--Taylor, Carr, Boyd, Douglas, Kerr, Carter, Ewing, Armstrong, Renwick, P. Fleury, T. Miller, Irwin, Hot - son, K. Fisher, Willie, N. Corrin. Wilson Rink Wins Trophy BELMORE—Despite mild weather, a very successful hon - spiel was held in the Bclmore arena on Wednesday of last week, with a full entry of 20 rinks. Winner of the eleven o'clock draw and the Elliott Trophy was Cecil Wilson's rink from Ford- wich, skipped by Walter Dem- merling. Second was Edward's rink of London; 3rd Gordon Mul vey of Fergus; 4th Weir Mc- Donald, Teeswater; consola- tion went to Mac Metcalf's rink from Mildmay. In the nine o'clock draw - Clare Ziegier's rink of Harris - ton won to place first with 3 wins plus 11; 2nd went to Ken Dickson's rink, Belmore; 3rd Billy Binkley of Clifford; 4th went to Ross Toman's rink from Wroxeter and the consolation was won by Harry 1liller's rink from Teeswater. Wins Jitney A jitney was held at the Wingham curling rink last Tues- day by the Country Curling Club. J. R, Taylor's rink won first prize with 3 wins plus 0; second, DeWitt Adams, 2 wins plus 11; third, Cecil Coultes, 2 wins plus 7. The consolation prize went tc Ross Turvey and his rink. Wiarton Redmen Take Decision Friday night saw the Wing - ham Dominion Tire Jets take another defeat, this time at the hands of the Wiarton Redmen. MacDonald and Ray did the honours for Wiarton tallying two goals each. John Fryfogle and Murray Kerr each got singles for the Jets. This was a four point game. Hunter Safety Program Has Graduate 45,995 TORONTO—Guns in the hands of inexperienced hunters always have been a menace both to the tyro himself and those in the field with him. This men- ace is steadily being reduced through Ontario's Hunter Safety Training Program which, since its inception in 1057, has gradu- ated 45,995 students, mostly young people and many of them girls capable of handling firearms safely and behaving so as not to endanger themselves or others. Certificates of competence in gun handling are required of all new hunters to obtain a hunting licence in Ontario. Graduates are being turned out at the rate of about 15,000 Hockey Teams Win and Lose FORDWICII—The Squirts had a good night last week when they met the Belgrave team in the Wroxeter arena and walked away with the game. The score was 10-1 for Fordwich. The Pec-Wees played against Gorrie and won by a 3-1 score. The Gorrie Intermediates turned the tables on their Ford- wich apponcnts with this Ford- wich entry losing 7-4. In a game in Wroxeter the home town Bantam team trim- med the Fordwich visitors? -5. The Midgets played Stone School and the score in this game was Fordwich 7, Stone School 5. a year — 15, 082 in 1062. Hunting accident figures are showing the result of the train- ing program, (A hunting acci- dent is defined as one in which a person is injured by a hunting weapon outside of the home and arising from the activity of hunting, including travel to and from the hunting field). In 11102 there were 125hunt- ing accidents, 17 of them fatal. In 1301 the total was 120 with 22 of the accidents fatal, Both years were an improvement over the blackest year, 1000, when the hunting accident total was 153 and 30 people lost their lives. These days you had better think twice before promising the moon. N E S LIV#0 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Last week's warning has caused excitement to run high in this, our first game in our last quarter. Everyone seems to be leaning over everyone else's shoulder saying "What did you get in that last game? Guess we are going to have to work a little harder to beat you': And believe me, they aren't kidding. This week, we had several individual games over 250, and also several over 300. Shirley Storey took the high single with 271 as well as the high triple with 604. The boys shared the honors with I Iarold Taylor taking the high single with 323 (wish some of this would rub off on ntej•and Frank Burke taking the high triple with 751. Team standings as follows: Bruins, 80; Wings, 85; Leafs, 82; Rangers, 78; Canadians, 72; hawks, 7u. Fair warning Five more games before playoffs"! 1 ' 0--0--0 LADIES' LEAGUE Team standings: Gay Lords, 43; Matinees, 41;' Players, 41); du Mauriers, :36; Belvederes, 35; Sweet Caps, 38. Roberta Seddon had high single of 317. Gwen Mac- Laurin had high triple of 607. 0--0--u MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE League standing: Lees,00; CKNX, au; Burkcs, 63; Hydro, 50; Rockets, 32; Mustangs, :32. Ian MacLaurin took high single w ith 283 and 13111 John- ston, high triple 722. I3ANTAMIS Iligh single Rhonda Bell, 140; David 13alser, 103. Yanks, 1:3; Angels, 13; ;Mets, 11; Giants, 0; Cubs, JUNIORS High single, Brenda Hafer- mehl, 150; Donald Collar, 223. T. Birds, 1:3; M G's, 11; Chevies, 11; Jag's, 11; Sting- rays, -10; Caddies, 7. INTERMEDIATES Spades, 24; Diamonds, 23; Clubs, 22; Hearts, arts, 13; Aces, 13. Barb Cameron, high single, 267; Don Rintoul, 20'. Kincardine Trims Wingham Jets The Johnson Dominion Jets travelled to Kincardine last Wednesday, only to receive a 0-2 fleecing, Bell led the Bulldog attack, scoring three goals, followed closely by Miller and Connel, who scored two each, Singles were credit- ed to '!_old and Pollock. Jim Bain and Barry Fryfogle each scored oar for the Jets. •=30=01=10=10=0=0 0=10 Do erm� i o� Wingharn Arena FRI., FEB, 15th Paisley at Wingham WED., FEB. 20th Paisley at Wingham 11 WED., FEB. 27th I1 q Walkerton Wingham ',�®iC�D�tr<I�[D� ., ■060. R(�1�01.�: