The Rural Voice, 1988-10, Page 57ADVICE FIVE WAYS TO "WRECK A FARM" Management and budgeting is a tough aspect of the business of farming. Success takes hard work and planning. It also means avoiding the "five ways to wreck a farm" — 1. Father can't give up control: some fathers take it as a real threat when one of the children wants to take some initiative and try a new idea. Most farmers are glad when a son or daughter takes an interest in the busi- ness, but some have trouble letting go of a little control. 2. Inability to communicate objec- tively: this is a common problem. Small differences and annoyances get saved up. A disagreemeftt on a business decision can lead to an unload- ing of a whole bunch of those small frustrations that have been stored up and held back. Decisions get "personal" and are often presented in accusatory language (You're just saying that because..."). A cooling -off period is needed to assess those differences of opinion more objectively. 3. Gossip: it's hard to maintain mutual respect in the face of gossip. Talk in the coffee shop or at meetings about the way people live, keep house, and raise their kids usually gets back to the person being talked about. 4. Inability to compromise or admit mistakes: most mistakes can be fixed if the family will talk and work together. Pride is good, but don't be too proud to change when necessary. 5. Lack of clearly stated goals: particularly when two families or differ- ent generations work together, an under- standing of common aims is needed. For example, a workaholic may resent children taking a vacation. Too often people don't talk about their attitudes towards lifestyle and liv- ing conditions. Remember that the co-operation of bankers, suppliers, and business associ- ates depends upon their understanding of your needs and objectives — and that families working together can be a po- tent force in the face of adversity.0 Art Lawson Farm Business Advisor Patz SALES SERVICE • Chatsworth FARM EQUIPMENT *Ayton GREY COUNTY Ayton Bev Schenk 519-799-5584 Hanover Larry Eller 519-364-1599 Chatsworth 519-794-2181 "Where Price and Quality Meet" DURABILITY DEPENDABILITY AND ACCURACY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE! PAUL LIVESTOCK SCALES being used by THE RED MEAT PROGRAM 2000 Ib. or 3000 Ib. series offers capacity, size and durability to accommodate any size animal. rcT; '••► A Division of J.K. Red Manulaauring & Sales Ltd. R.R. 1, Moorefield, Ont. NOG 2K0 519-638-3551 For Sale or Rent ROLLER/BLOWER MILLS For KERNEL OR HUSK CORN - r MOOREFIELD EQUIPMENT LTD. in Teviotdale 519-343-2122 used units in stock OCTOBFR 1988 55