The Rural Voice, 1988-07, Page 79BRUCE
446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9
•{,' Federation ofAgriculture NEWSLETTERThe deRurat Voice is provided to Bruce
County 9 County federation members by the BCFA.
Special guests at the BCFA May
meeting were Jim Mulvale and Joachim
Ostertag from the Community Network
Support Team in Owen Sound.
They are submitting a proposal for a
grant application to the Health Promo-
tion Branch. The person hired would
work in concert with programs that offer
farm counselling: eg. the Queen's Bush
Rural Ministry.
The program would enhance net-
working — farmer to farmer — and
would deal with symptoms. The BCFA
voted to support the proposal in prin-
ciple and to do what is necessary to get
the program initiated.
The OFFIRR program was dis-
cussed. Program cuts of 60 per cent are
unacceptable. This is one program tar-
geted to the needy. The program should
be a long-term project and abuse by the
banks should be stopped. Letters will be
sent to Minister Riddell, Treasurer
Nixon, and Premier Peterson.
Grey -Bruce Farmer's Week was
discussed, including new ideas related
to format. Night programs and more
producer panels may be a possibility.
The Public Relations Committee
will be conducting an opinion survey
and results will be printed here when
The BCFA made a grassroots pres-
entation to a municipal hearing chaired
by Ron Lipsett in Walkerton. Regional
government is not wanted by those who
attended. The presentation included
Sunday shopping, the farm tax rebate,
OFFIRR, and the Lines Fences Act.
OFA board restructuring was an
interesting topic. The BCFA was happy
to make recommendations to the OFA
on the directors' meetings. A return to
monthly meetings was felt to be a posi-
tive move, as was maintaining the
number of directors. It was felt that the
OFA meetings should not allow guest
speakers except in direct relation to
policy -setting matters, and should stick
to OFA issues. Issue discussion seems
to have been somewhat limited in past
The BCFA metes again at the end
of June.O
Gerald Poechman
There has been a joint proposal pre-
pared by the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture and the Christian Farmers
Federation of Ontario. This proposal is
for an automatic, multiple-choice, re-
fundable checkoff of fees to fund gen-
eral farm organizations in Ontario.
The primary purpose of the scheme
is to better fund general farm organiza-
tions in Ontario. The present limitation
of finances thwarts these organizations
into dealing with short-term bandaid
issues. These organizations have a duty
and a desire to do more long-term re-
search and policy development.
Why support such an idea? The
work of these general farm groups
benefits all Ontario farmers, not just
those paying membership fees. More
resources will allow these organizations
a better chance to be seen as the legiti-
mate spokesmen for farmers. Perhaps
the "common good" is more important
than the "individual gain" or savings by
not paying a membership.
Refunds will be available to farmers
upon written request. For those who do
not choose a specific general farm or-
ganization, there will be a fund jointly
set up for co-operative activities such as
research, education, or charity.
The question is: Will this checkoff
make general farm organizations
stronger as spokesmen or will it just
water down the present concentration of
effort? Will the organizations become
insensitive to grassroots feelings? The
intent is just the opposite.
Perhaps the challenge will be for the
organizations to use the extra funds to do
more long-term research and develop-
ment for the benefit of all farmers, not
only today in Ontario, but also in the
future for the "common good" of all
farmers everywhere. As individual food
producers we are part of the world's
many food growers and a policy to our
benefit should likewise be of benefit to
all farmers, the world over.
Perhaps the challenge to work for
the common good is tougher than poli-
cies to benefit the individual producer or
his marketing board. Are our organiza-
tions up to the challenge? We' 11 find out
if the proposal becomes reality.0
Recnectfully submitted
Bruce County Federation
Public Relations Committee
Note: Each month this
page will contain an
item of opinion on some
current farm issue. We
would like to know what
YOU think. If your opinion
differs from the one you
have read here, or if you
support our view, call the
office at 464-3050.