The Rural Voice, 1988-07, Page 75GREY 44610th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1 P9 519-364-3050 • The Rural Voice is provided to all Grey County Farmers by the GCFA. County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER WHO'S WORKING FOR YOU? THE OFA, OF COURSE Can you imagine the state of agricul- ture if there were no Ontario Federation of Agriculture? The OFA executive, regional directors, field staff, county and township executives and members are all out there working for you. This past winter and spring they have been extremely busy with impor- tant farming issues. These issues are concerns of all farmers regardless of commodity groups or size of farm. There was a dilemma this past win- ter concerning our local credit unions (refer to the March 1988 issue). Since then, the Grey County Federation of Agriculture has taken these concerns to the OFA and the banking legislation has now been changed to assist farmers who wish to deal with credit unions. Could you have done this as an individual? Another issue concerning all farm- ers is the proposed OFA Revision to Bill 83 — Right to Farm Legislation, which will enable us to farm under normal farm practices. This is not to exclude the application of innovative technology. The OFA has had considerable input and has proposed several revisions that will give the farmer better protection under Bill 83. Could you have done this as an individual? The waste management issue is a major concern and the OFA supports and promotes the 4 Rs program: 1. Re- use, 2. Reduce, 3. Re -cycle, and 4. Recovery of energy. Agricultural land is the dumping ground for all garbage, both urban and rural. Garbage dumps are one of the major pollutors of ground water. The OFA supports the following recommendations: 1. THAT OFA strongly promote Energy From Waste (EFW) plants, and that separation of re-cyclable materials be an integral part of these plants. 2. THAT OFA continue to support, research, advocate, and promote all methods of reducing the need for land- fill sites with the ultimate goal of elimi- 74 THE RURAL VOICE nating land -fills. 3. THAT OFA support the use of composting of bio -degradable materi- als. 4. THAT consultation be main- tained between the OFA and the Minis- tries of Agriculture and Food, Environ- ment, Energy, Municipal Affairs, Natu- ral Resources, and any other organiza- tion as necessary. 5. THAT stringent air -emission standards for EFW plants be adopted and enforced by the Ministry of Envi- ronment, incorporating, and upgrading to, the latest technology available. 6. THAT all ash from EFW plants be disposed of in a safe manner to protect the environment effectively. 7. THAT the Ministry of Environ- ment have all below -standard land -fill sites investigated and that effective remedial action be taken. 8. THAT all new land -fill sites be designed with state of the art technol- ogy. 9. THAT dependency on agricul- tural land for land -fill be minimized. 10. THAT no industrial or house- hold garbage, until processed under one or more of the 4 Rs, be land -filled. 11. THAT federal and provincial governments recognize the need for, and make available, greater funding for capital costs of waste management proj- ects. Energy from waste plants must receive the same level of financial assis- tance as provided under the financial assistance program of the Ministry of Environment. 12. THAT the Ministry of Environ- ment make it mandatory that all Waste Management Steering Committee meetings be public and that two mem- bers of the Public Liaison Committee be full members of the Steering Commit- tee. Become an OFA member and help the OFA promote these recommenda- tions on the waste management issue. The above are three of many problems that the OFA is dealing with. Problems in agriculture don't go away. Join the Federation of Agricul- ture and come to your township and county meetings and help protect your livelihood and future in agriculture. It would do your heart good to see all the work and effort that local farmers put into the federation. Farmers working for farmers certainly holds true. See you during our county canvas July 26, 27, and 28. Join the OFA, become a member. We need your sup- port.° Agnes Diemen 1st V ice -President REGIONAL DIRECTORS NORTH GREY Case Vanderham R. R. 1, Holland Centre 794-3561 EAST GREY Clay Schwegler R. R. 1, Flesherton 924-2770 SOUTH GREY Bill Pullen R. R. 1, Proton Station 23-6734