The Rural Voice, 1988-06, Page 91PERTH County Pork Producers NEWSLETTER Cinth Vogels, R. R. 2, Dublin 345-2315 • The Rural Voice is provided to Perth County Pork Producers by the PCPPA TRIPARTITE STABILIZATION The Agriculture Stabilization Board in Ottawa announced plans to make the first payment. Farrow to finish opera- tors enrolled in the plan will receive $3.14 per hog marketed in the first quar- ter of 1988. Weaner producers selling to finishers not enrolled will receive 35 per cent of $3.14 or $1.10 per weaner sold. Where both weaner producer and fin- isher are enrolled, the finisher gets one- third of the weaner producer's payout to cover the cost of the premium paid by the finisher. The weaner producer gets $1.10 - 1/3 (.37) or $.73 per wearer. The finisher gets $2.04 (65 %)+ $.37 = $2.41 per hog. MARKET SITUATION Since April 9, Ontario has been producing more hogs than Quebec. This has encouraged Quebec packers to buy more hogs in Ontario, according to OPPMB sales manager Iry Stinson. The Japanese have also been quite active in buying Canadian pork. The result is a price that is $10 or more than the U.S. market. The U.S. market has also been experiencing heavier runs, up 11 per cent over a year ago, and the Ontario market is expected to be under pressure until the U.S. hog supply slackens. RESIDUE IN PORK The OPPMB task force on drug resi- due has completed its report. It has made a number of recommendations for eliminating drug residues in hog pro- duction. These are being sent to produc- ers in a summarized form. All producers have the option of requesting the 32 - page full task force report if they want one by writing to the Ontario Pork Pro- ducers Marketing Board, P.O. Box 740, 15 Waulron Street, Etobicoke, Ontario, M9C 5H3, or telephoning 416-621- 1874. U.S. STUDY INDICATES SULFAMETHAZINE SAFE A recently released study by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on sul- famethazine toxicology "does not dem- 92 THE RURAL VOICE onstrate any human health hazard from the continued use of sulfa products," said Bob Watts, spokesman for Cyan- amid Canada. The study reported that high dosages of 1,200 and 2,400 parts per million of sulfa fed to two groups of rats for two years resulted in thyroid tumors in the rats. Any potential human exposure to sulfa from its use in food animals is "thousands of times lower than the lowest level in the study. The safety margin is enormous," Waus said. The Canadian and American permitted tol- erance level for sulfa is 0.1 parts per million in pork. Canada has an outstanding record of low contamination in swine. More than 30 per cent of the pork produced in Canada is exported to the U.S., Watt said. "We are convinced that the use of sulfamethazine presents no human health risk." Although these studies prove that sulfamethazine residue shows no poten- tial danger, producers should still ad- here to the guidelines recommended to them to keep our pork residue -free. OPIIP This five-year program still has four years left and any pork producer who hasn't enrolled yet can still do so by contacting the OMAF office. Grants are available for ventilation, Caesarean section or ET facilities/installations, loading facilities, pregnancy -detection equipment, scales, rodent control, pres- sure washers, herd health, artificial in- semination, and education as well as feed -sample vouchers. PORK CONGRESS The Ontario Pork Congress is being held in the Stratford Coliseum on June 21, 22, and 23. It would be nice to see some more of our juniors (ages 12 to l 5) enter into the barrow competition. DAIRY AND PORK FEST Friday, June 3 in the Stratford Coli- seum. Tickets are $10 in advance from any director, or $12 at the door. Supper will start to be served at 5 p.m. with a dance to follow. GOLF TOURNAMENT Our annual golf tournament will be held at Science Hill on July 20 with tee - off time at 9 a.m. and supper at 5 p.m.0 Cinth Vogels R. R. 2, Dublin 345-2315 There are more than 14,000 FARMERS WAITING TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT. Place your advertisement in The Rural Voice, a rapidly growing magazine with a circulation of more than 14,000 farmers, agri-businesses, and farm specialists. For more information, contact us at 519-524-7668 or write: Gunbyfield Publishing Ltd.. Box 37, 10A The Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5