The Rural Voice, 1988-06, Page 451 1 optimize digestion. A reasonable aim is to feed 5 pounds of long fibre (more than one inch long), along with coarse-tex- tured grains (adequate long fibre can be provided by 20 pounds of haylage, with 25 per cent over one inch in length). 8. Buffers: By supplementing 1/4 pound of sodium bicarbonate or the equivalent for cows in the first 120 days after calving, rumen acidosis and de- creased feed intake can be minimized. 9. Wet rations: Wet rations lower DM intake, so it is best to avoid rations containing greater than 50 per cent moisture. 10. Added fat: Although excessive fat levels can be detrimental, the addi- tion of one pound of supplemental fat to the total ration can improve fat test and milk yield. Sources of fat include heat- treated soybeans, whole cottonseed, sunflower seed, or commercial animal fat products. 11. Niacin: In early lactation, milk output may exceed feed intake, causing borderline ketosis and fatty liver. By supplementing six grams of niacin daily, the incidence of these disorders can be reduced. 12. Dry cow nutrition: Before drying off, it is important to replace body-weight lost in early lactation, without allowing the cow to become too fat. Dry cows should be separate from the rest of the herd, and fed a ration formulated to both maintain the cow and meet pregancy needs.0 Bill Schilthuis and Associates GUIDES FOR SOYS IN DAIRY RATIONS Dairymen thinking of feeding raw soybeans should note these guidelines: Feed no more than 2.5 kg (5 to 6 lbs.) of raw beans per cow per day. If adding to a grain mix, no more than 20 per cent of the mix should be raw soybeans. Higher levels could cause lower milk yield and a lower fat test. A more suit- able feed is made by rolling or cracking rather than grinding. Grinding can make soys less palatable, and during warm weather rancidity may develop because more unsaturated oil is exposed to the air. Cracked or rolled soys fed in moderate amounts will help to maintain a normal butterfat test.0 [ ✓I V F7-1: Milk Coolers* FIRST FOR DAIRY SUPPLIES & SERVICES Sanitation Supplies Computer Feeding • Pipelines/parlours Fre-heaters Cow Mats • Multi Drop Feeders GARY McKNIGHT SALES & SERVICES LTD. P.O. Box 669 Walkerton, Ont. NOG 2V0 519-881-2440 Stop The Gatecrashers With Great Gates From Gallagher! The Gallagher Spring Gate stretches the power up to 18 feet - and keeps your hand. protected. Just one of our easy and effective gate -handling systems! (� For more information: Gallagher Power Fencing Systems Inc. Box 576, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5R1 1-800-265-3150 17 4i ddMOM SMUG NE& JUNE 1988 43