The Rural Voice, 1987-09, Page 143AROUND GREY FARMERS' UNION District 7 of the Farmers Union, made up of Grey, Wellington, Dufferin, and Bruce Counties, is not as active as regions in eastern and southern Ontario. The union was much more active in the area 15 years ago with 1,000 members. Today, there are 50. Lloyd Morrison, district director, believes that the Farmers Union still plays a valuable role in the agricultural community. Morrison, from Egremont Town- ship, would like to see all meats being marketed under one system. "I feel they're competing against each other," he says. "Consumers would still have the choice of meat, but I don't think one should be advertised against the other." Morrison has a farrow to finish operation and stocker calves on his farm near Holstein. Because the Farmers Union is fam- ily-oriented, each district also has a female director. Hilda Echlin, also from the Hostein area, finds that despite the low membership members in the area are committed to getting a good price to farmers for their products. There is concern for the equality of women and the recognition of farmers as hard work- ers who deserve a great deal of credit. The Echlin's milk 28 cows, keeping all calves as beef or replacement heifers. She notes that every dairy farmer is a beef producer because every dairy cow becomes hamburg or some type of beef. Dairy farmers, she adds, should be con- cerned about the price of beef as well.0 BEGINNINGS Grey County covers an area of almost 1,800 square miles and was settled only 150 years ago. The first settler, Charles Rankin, was a government sur- veyor who settled in St. Vincent Township in 1833 before moving to a permanent residence in Owen Sound in 1851. The land was first surveyed so that more property could be granted to United Empire Loyal- ists and ex -army and navy officers from the Napoleonic wars.0 MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES INTRODUCES ROAR ROAR (Report Offenders of All Resources) is a program devised to get the people of Grey and Bruce counties involved in caring for their natural resources. Conservation officers of the Ministry of Natural Resources are on the job 24 hours a day, but note that they still need the help of residents. Officers ask that suspicious activities be reported by calling 519-376- 3860 or 1-800-265-3720.0 RESERVE CHAMPION 1987 PORK CONGRESS DUROC BRED GILT Donholm Success 550U Bred to Donholm Macho 510U 8.4 B.F. 138 days Thanks to Avon Swine Inc. for the purchase of this Champion Breeders of Quality • Yorkshire • Hampshire • Landrace • Duroc • Crossbred Boars R.O.P Tested Herd Health Classified "Good" Your enquiries are always welcome DIETRICH FARMS LTD. R.R. 1, Shakespeare, Ont. Don & Ray Dietrich 519-655-2245 SEPTEMBER 1987 57