The Rural Voice, 1987-08, Page 37NEWS who works for the Jamaican Federation of Women, was one of the guest speak- ers. She is instructing 76 schoolteachers in the education of children ages three to six. These rural children attend schools that have few supplies — including food, and one of Allen'smany contribu- tions is the establishment of a garden at each school. Workshop subjects at the confer- ence varied from program planning, the new family law act, and investment opportunities to life begins at 40, lobby- ing, and developing the winning edge. One high point of the celebrations was the anniversary cake garnished with sparklers — which set off the fire alarm system.° Marcie Johnston HURON PLANS MARKETING CLUB Producers interested in joining a marketing club in Huron County but who were unable to make the meeting held July 28 at the OMAF boardroom in Clinton are welcome to call the ministry office, 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170. Marketing clubs, notes farm man- agement specialist Brian Hall, are usu- ally small and informal groups which promote their members' knowledge of marketing tools, information, and meth- ods at a low cost.° CONGRESS DRAW John Moses of Moses Farm Systems, R. R. 1, Mitchell (with Rural Voice edi- tor Lise Gunby) picks the winner of the Rural Voice draw at the Ontario Pork Congress. The Moses Hand Cleaner was won by a London visitor. FEED MIXING SYSTEM - Oil bath drive system - Fast efficient mixing - Hi -cap 10 hp hammermill • 5 year complete structural warranty - Available with electronic Smale scale "Better by Design" NUHN INDUSTRIES LTD. R. R. 1, Sebringville 519-393-6284 ALETAL Think Canadian BELT FEEDER & CONVEYOR BUILT EXPRESSLY TO MEET YOUR FEED 10 HANDLING NEEDS TH E VALMETAL 000 BELT FEEDER OFFERS A SIMPLICITY OF DESIGN AND OPERATION THAT RESULTS IN HIGHLY RELIABLE OPERATION AND EASY INSTALLATION WITH ITS FLEXIBLE ENDLESS BELT, IT SERVES YOU AS AN END -CHARGED CONVEYOR AND - OR AS A CATTLE FEEDER UP TO 150 FEET LONG. MOOREFIELD EQUIPMENT LTD. n Teviotdale 519-343-2122 AUGUST 1987 35