The Rural Voice, 1998-06, Page 71RAINY RIVER
Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER
'". R.R. 1, Devlin, Ontario POW 100
' The Rural Voices provided to Rainy
RAINY RIVER VALID' River Federation members by the RRFA
May 18, 1998
A month ago, I wrote about the rain
— it lasted one day. Since then, it has
been so dry that fires were a hazard all
across the District. Then this weekend,
we got the works! Sideroads were
flooded, culverts washed out, hail
damage to vehicles and rooftops; but,
you should see the pastures growing!
There just might be a good hay crop this
year, yet.
Attending the May 4 RRFA meeting
were Kim Desserre, Lucy Lahti, Bill
Darby, Don McCullough, Waync Flatt,
Betty Salchert, Linda Armstrong,
Shirley Morrish, Kristine Carpenter,
Stanley Armstrong, James Gibson and
Rudy Sinninghe.
Linda reported that of the surveys
sent out, there was a 43 per cent return.
Members were concerned with crop
damage and wildlife problems. Linda
also informed us that Manitoba cattle
people were being allowed access
between Warroad and Baudette,
Minnesota, so that they could re-export
their cattle to the States through Rainy
River's designated port of entry. The
U.S./Canada Border at Emcrson was
under repair and closed. Our local
cattlemen are not happy about the way
the Manitoba cattlemen received access
so quickly, and easily, while our local
people have been waiting over 25 years
to be able to seal the truck before
driving through the States and not break
it until re-entry into Canada. Very
simple, but very confusing for
government officials it seems.
The Farm Progress Building has 12
paid entries to date. Contact Linda
Armstrong or Kim Desserre if you wish
to rent a space at fair time.
Betty Salchert, new Member
Services Representative, announced that
she travelled to Toronto, did the
meeting thing, and returned with a lap
top computer. So, if there is any way
that she can help you with RRFA
problems or questions, she's more than
ready to assist.
Linda reminded directors that the
OFA signs should NOT be hung on
hydro or telephone poles. It seems that
if a worker is up there and slips — well,
need we say more.
Kim reported that their (Wade and
Kim's) huge pig barn is half built, so the
rumors that they are building one is true.
Best of luck with your porkers. It'll be a
first pig barn of that size in the district.
Just a reminder — Calgary has
declared 1998, the year of the cowboy,
with activities right through to
Christmas, celebrating the city's
western heritage every month.
The North West Link has a deadline
for publications on the 15th of each
month, so you should have your reports
in by that date, or they will be printed a
month later. The newsletter gots out to
all registered farmers in the district.
Thanks to the RR Federation of
Agriculture, RR Cattlemen's
Association, RR District Milk
Producers, RR Hereford Association
and Christian Farmers' Federation of
Ontario for contributing to the
subscription rates. As a result, the
readership has increased from 200 to
387. Some are receiving the newsletter
for the very first time. Let's all try to
keep the link active and informative.
The RR District Cattlemen's
Association are having a Picnic and Fun
Day on July 26, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. at
Caliper Lake Provincial Park. It will be
pot luck with the Hereford Association
providing burgers and dogs. Everyone is
Kristine reported for Ag. in the
Classroom committee. Kris has placed
an ad in the new Fair Prize book which
will be out shortly. There are positive
results coming from the egg hatching in
the local schools who undertook the
project. Farm tours for primary grades
have begun and will continue until
school is out for the summer in June.
Classes touring, arc from as far away as
Mine Centre who are also hatching
eggs. A display was set up at the Clover
Valley Farmers' Market for opening day
with tremendous interest from adults as
well as kids. Seeds were given out for
the Giant Pumpkin contest as well as
other unusual seeds. The results will be
known this fall.
During Spring Fever Days at Emo,
Al Best had three of his llamas on
display and was giving rides to people
with the llama pulling a cart. Donations
amounting to $80 were collected and Al
presented this to our local 4-H
Association. The 4-H kids wish to thank
Al Best for his support and time in
promoting 4-H. 4-H also set up a
display at the LifcStyles Show in Fort
Frances to promote what 4-H has to
offer. We also had a stand set up to sell
hot dogs and pop during the day. All
proceeds go towards 4-H conferences,
trips, activities and awards. The next 4-
H,Association meeting is Monday, June
8 at 8:00 p.m. at OMAFRA.
During Ag Days, one of the excellent
speakers present, Don Campbell, gave
us something to think about. "If you
erected an enclosure around the city of
Winnipeg the people could not survive
If you enclosed the district of Rainy
River the same way, we could survive."
We arc an industrious farming district
and proud of it.
Rainy River Farmers' Market
opened fir the season on May 9 at 9:00
a.m. Call 852-3685 or 852-3650 fo'
more info andbooking a table.
Clover Valley Farmers' Market
opened Saturday, May 2 and will run
from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each
Saturday until October. New Market
manager is Andra Stacpoolc-Arnold.
President of the Local Farmers' Market
Association is Deb Cornell.
RR Valley Agricultural Society (Fair
board) will be featuring "Lonestar" on
Friday, August 14 at the fair. They were
seen on Country Music Awards on CBC
last month. On August 15, Mark Collie,
whose hits include "Boys Will Be
Boys" will entertain. Fair days coming
up are August 13, 14, 15, 1998 at Emo
Family Safety Day takes place at the
Fort Frances Memorial Arena on June 4.
It features numerous displays and prizes
awarded from 2:00 to 7:30 p.m. Safety
is a message that must be delivered to
every industry, trade, home and farm
across the country. It seems to take the
death or injury of only one person to
remind us that we have a very long way
to go. Take that extra moment and think
before you make a tragic mistake. Life
is too precious.
At our annual RRFA Spring Dinner
and Dance, we had a number of
sponsors who continually give their
support. At this time, we wish to thank
Voyageur Panel, Emo Feed Service, RR
Rural Safety Association, Co-operators
Insurance, Environmental Farm Plan,
RR District 4-H Association, Nor -West
Animal Clinic, Tompkins Hardware and
Kris Carpenter. Without your
promotion, we would not have such an
exciting event.
"Do all the good you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can."0
– John Wesley -Rules of Conduct
By Shirley Morrish
JUNE 1998 67