The Rural Voice, 1998-05, Page 21APP Grain Markets anticipated decent planting weather caused prices to lose another 5 cents right after Easter. The comment has been made that the corn chart looks similar to last year's chart, but if gains this summer are to be realized, the impetus will have to come from the supply side rather than from the demand side. In other words, something of the magnitude of a drought will be needed to make a big dent in the 1998 production. In Ontario, basis levels have softened as demand over the next few months has been pretty much satisfied. There will be opportunities in May to get some push in the basis if a producer is prepared to ship during planting, but I think a large percentage of the crop will be sold by producers in June. Basis levels for old crop corn is sitting between 80 cents and 90 cents over May futures and new crop is selling for 85 cents to 90 cents over December. The new crop basis in particular is very strong in historical terms, but don't expect too much change until the crop is made. SOPS The USDA's planting intentions showed acreage of 72 million acres, an all time high and the number may grow before planting is complete. The quarterly stocks report showed an increase in available stocks of 14 per cent over last year. However, the supply/demand reported showed a reduced carryover for 1998 of 235 million bushels, with a significant increase in residual use. This may mean that the 1997 production was not as large as originally figured. Soy prices dropped about 25 cents after these reports which was not much when compared to the losses experienced in the corn pit. Since the drop, there has been a significant amount of short covering by speculators as some traders think weather is already a problem. If corn planting gets delayed, it will mean more soybean acres getting planted later. Basis levels in Ontario are sitting around $2.35 over May futures but producers should be aware that crusher bids through June show no carry at all. This is an indication that the basis in Ontario will stay rather flat which won't pay for storage. New crop basis levels are in a range of $2.05 to $2.10 over November futures, a little stronger as a result of a softer Canadian dollar. FEED GRAINS There has been little change in feed grain prices relative to corn prices. Western feed wheat is selling for $167 and western barley for S149 while Ontario barley is trading for about $130/mt. You can see that these prices are still quite high if feed grains are to replace corn in feed rations. Grain markets always have bulls and bears. This is what make markets move up or down. Right now the bears are controlling old crop corn while the bulls are keeping a premium in the new crop. With the large corn stocks in the world and weakening demand, the bears should win for a while. I can still see a 15 cent to 20 cent drop in old crop futures before weather concerns set in. The corn bull is depending on an El Nino -induced drought and not even the weatherman can give him a clear answer yet. Supply and demand fundamentals are stacked against the bull with export inspections well under what is needed to prevent a reduction in annual exports and domestic feed use slowly backing off. The soybean market is in somewhat the same situation except for the fact that demand is still quite good, whether for soymeal or soyoil. You can't say that the bulls or the bcars are winners in the soybean pit but, at least neither is losing out yet. From the Ontario producers perspective, a large portion of the old crop corn and soybeans should already be sold. If not, the main thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't bet the whole enchilada on a summer drought -induced -rally. It just doesn't make good business sense. With the large stocks of both corn and soybeans in Ontario, you might not want to wait to pull plug. After all, you don't want to be selling when everyone else is.0 Information supplied by Dave Gordon, LAC, Inc., Ilyde Park, 519-473-9333. BODMIN SWINE GENETICS • BOARS • GILTS All Stock Delivered Boar Store - viewing area located just east of Belgrave RR #5, Brussels, Ont. NOG 1H0 OFFICE Phone: 519-887-9206 Fax: 519-887-9880 (Evenings) Phil Smith 519-764-2898 Rick Beunen 519-631-2341 TOP QUALITY EXTERIOR PAINTING Painting Contractors since 1946 • All types of exterior painting • Sand blasting • Pressure washing • Repainting pre -finished steel • Boom trucks �-'' GLEN EATON PAINTING R.R. 3, Chesley, ON NOG 1L0 519-363-2595 1-800-667-0138 eaton @ sos.ca MAY 1998 17