The Rural Voice, 1998-04, Page 15Scrap Book Ozone boosts animal health Ozone, a problem for growers of crops like white beans, may actually improve the health of animals in intensive livestock operations, preliminary results of an air-quality improvement project in Regina show. Envron Environmental Ltd. installed an ozone generator in one 25,000 -layer barn at an 0 & T Poultry Farms Ltd. operation near Regina in September. By early January, the results were noticeable. "We've seen better shell quality and our bird health is better," said Leonard Underwood of 0 & T. Each bird is laying, on average, three to four more eggs. The number of cracked and rejected eggs received at the grading plant is 1.5-2 per cent less than previous years. "It's a smoother egg and the shells are stronger and more consistent," Underwood says. Al Finney of Envron Environmental said the improvements are a result of the ozone generator removing one pound of ammonia gas from the barn air each day. "We decreased the ammonia in the barn by 60 per cent." Ozone cleans the air by oxidizing substances, breaking down pollutants like ammonia and killing germs, bacteria, viruses and fungi. Ozone has been used to reduce odour and treat water in Europe for 100 years and has been used in the U.S. for about 10 years. Finney first experienced the benefit of ozonation in a hog barn in Iowa. There's a danger, however, since having too much ozone in the air can irritate eyes and lungs and an unrestricted flow would kill animals.0 —Source: Western Producer BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK 887-6461 "1 887-6811 SALES Thurs., Apr. 2 - Easter Lamb & Goat Sale - 1:00 p m Wed., Apr. 15 - Calves & Yearlings Vaccinated Sale - 11:00 a.m. In lieu of Good Friday Stocker Sale - Sat., Apr. 11 Tuesdays 9 a.m. Thursdays 9 a.m. Fridays 10 a.m. 1 p.m. - Fed Cattle, Cows, Bulls - Bob Calves, Veal, Lambs & Goats - Stockers - Pigs Confidence • Trust • Service WESTERN STOCKERS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE SALE Q/1S STAL4� $$$$ SELLING YOUR f FARM OR INDUSTRIAL s TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT $$$$ WITH 29 YEARS in the new and used equipment business, we have experienced every type of BUY -SELL arrangement possible. From this experience we offer you the following options to dispose of your surplus equipment. OPTION #1 - Consign your equipment to one of our bi-monthly auctions. Over the past 25 years of auctions, we have developed a clientele of buyers from across Canada, the United States and overseas. Whatever you have to sell we can produce a buyer and we offer the most competitive commission rates of any major auction yard in the country. OPTION #2 - Price Guarantee! We will appraise your equipment and give a guaranteed price. If it sells in the auction for less it is our loss, for more your gain. OPTION #3 - We will buy your equipment outright. After we agree on a fair price, you will receive a cheque on the spot. Take the money to the bank and the deal is done. COMPARE OUR PRICES! - We feel confident that you will receive maximum dollars with any of the options we offer. WE TREAT EVERY CUSTOMER THE SAME. HONESTLY!! If you have equipment to sell, one piece or 50 units, big or small, give Bryan or Ken a call today. FARM & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LTD. 14104 FARM & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LTD. Hwy. 6, 3 km south of Hwy. 401 North of Hamilton, South of Guelph Puslinch 519-837-0710 HOURS OF OPERATION: Mon. - Fri. 8 a m. - 5 p.m.: Sal. 8 a.m. - 12:00 noon (fenced yard - no after hours without appointment) HWY 401 APRIL 1998 11