The Rural Voice, 1998-01, Page 45Electronic Rural Fair rescheduled Wellington FreeSpace Community Network and The North Wellington Advisory Group have rescheduled The Electronic Rural Fair that was to be held at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs head office on November 29 and 30. The event will be held in March of 1998. The Electronic Rural Fair (T.E.R.F.) is about learning and the Internet. The Electronic Rural Fair concept is unique in that it matches a year-long program online with a two- day signature event with workshops, seminars, exhibits, and hands on training. The Electronic Rural Fair is being held owing to an overwhelming interest in up-to-date information on electronic communication systems for the rural dweller. For exhibitors, this is an outstanding opportunity to display the latest technology to farmers, rural entrepreneurs, small home-based businesses, students, professionals and educators in the areas of Internet access, data management, computer commun- ications and other electronic technology as it applies to the rural economy. The North Wellington Advisory Group, Wellington FreeSpace Community Network,the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and The University of Guelph have partnered together to bring this unique event to the residents of Rural Ontario. You can contact us for more information at 519-826-7540 or see our website http://www.ruralfair.com for more information.0 Georgian College conducts labour market survey Georgian College's Owen Sound campus is conducting a labour market research project through funding from Human Resources Development Canada, Grey -Bruce. News The purpose of the project is to determine the education and training needs and labout market trends for the Grey -Bruce area. The college is working closely with the community to create and conduct the survey. In turn, the data collected and compiled through this project will be shared with the community so that everyone can better plan and co-ordinate education and training initiatives. The report will be completed by April 1998. The survey will be conducted during the month of January. Anyone who would like to receive a questionnaite should call Bonnie Kirkland Landry at Georgian College at 519-376-084-, ext. 2065, or e-mail at bonnie_landry@ goldsm tp.georcol l.o n.ca GB Farmers' week sees changes Grey -Bruce Farmers' Week is taking on a slightly new look. Following recommendations, it was decided to try concurrent sessions and allow commercial displays to be part of the education week. To accommodate these new changes, a new location will be used so that programs can be delivered simultaneously and Trade Show displays be dispersed throughout. The 32nd Grey -Bruce Farmers' Week will be held at the Elmwood Community Centre from Wednesday, January 7 to Saturday, January 10. The days and evenings unfold as follows: Goat Day - Saturday, January 3 • Beef Day - Wednesday, January 7 Swine Evening - Wednesday, January 7 Horse Evening - Wednesday, January 7 Dairy Day - Thursday, January 8 Crops Day - Friday, January 9 Rabbit Evening - Friday, January 9 Sheep Day - Saturday, January 10 Ratite Day - Saturday, January 10 The goat program is affiliated with Grey -Bruce Farmers' Week and will be held in the afternoon on January 3, 1998 starting at 1:00 p.m. in the Boardroom of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs office in Markdale. Beef Day, Dairy Day and Crops Day programs start at 9:30 a.m. Sheep Day and Ratite Day programs start at 9:00 a.m. Horse, Swine and Rabbit evening programs start at 7:00 p.m. New this year is the Ratite Day. Grey -Bruce Farmers' Week is an effective mechanism to help producers learn about their industry. The cost is: registration and lunch, $14; registration only, S8; registration for evening, $4. The Grey -Bruce Farmers' Week is sponsored by organizations in Grey and Bruce counties and the Ontario Agricultural Training Institute. It is co-ordinated by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. For a detailed brochure call the Walkerton office at 519-881- 3301 or 1-800-265-3023.0 Dufferin County Farmers' Week starts January 8 The 1998 Duffcrin County Farmers' Week starts off on Wednesday, January 8 with Crops Day. The Crops Day should be of interest to everyone with speakers talking about weed problems, crops update, soybean production, words from the 1997 Duffcrin Forage Master winner, and an update from Agricorp. The Dufferin Soil and Crop Improvement Association will also hold their annual meeting at this time. If you are a sheep producer plan to attend their annual Sheep event. Topics of interest are an update from OSMA, feeding market lambs, sheep dairying and predator control. Thursday is the day for Dairy people to gather and hear speakers on such topics as, farm safety, Dairy Farmers of Ontario Update, use of by-products in dairy rations, nutrient management and other related information. Thursday evening is for swine producers. The program includes topics such as gilt selection and a producer profile. They will also hold JANUARY 1998 41