The Rural Voice, 1997-12, Page 61PERTH Andy DeVries, R.R. #2, Atwood NOG 1B0 Phone/Fax 519-356-2133 PCFA Office 229-6430 Fax 229-6269 e-mail: denham@quadro.net County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER ' The Rural Voice is provided to farmers in Perth County by the PCFA. Perth County Federation of Agriculture Annual meeting held Our Annual Meeting was held on Thursday, October 30. Everyone was welcomed by President Andy DeVries. After a delicious meal served by Carol Satchell, presentations were made. The Perth County Federation of Agriculture Annual Recognition Award was presented to the Perth County Junior Farmers in recognition of their 75th Anniversary. This was presented by Rhonda Ehgoetz and received by Elizabeth Johnston, County President, Tom Mathison, Past President and Laura Good, First Vice -President. The 1996 4-H recipients of the Perth County Federation of Agriculture Jackets were recognized and were presented with certificates. Those in attendance were Erica Levy, Kirkton; Keith McIntosh, Milverton; Angela VandenHoven, Monkton; Matthew Eidt, North/South Easthope; Alicia Smale, Stratford/St. Marys and Lindsay Tyler, Stratford/Si. Marys. Elections for Regional Directors and Delegates to OFA Convention were held with the following results. Perth South: Director - Mary McIntosh; Delegates - Ron Richardson, Willy Keller, Agnes Denham Perth Central: Director - Ivan Stueck; Delegates - John Hicknell, Burnell Kipfer Perth North: Director - Paul Verkley; Delegates - Allen Hughes, Andy DeVries, Larry Biesinger Our guest speaker for the evening was The Honourable Lyle Vanclief, Minister of Agriculture and Agri - Food. We then moved into the business of our Annual Meeting. It was moved and seconded that the minutes of the 1996 Annual meeting be approved as circulated in our annual Review. CARRIED. It was moved and seconded that the Financial report be approved as printed. CARRIED. 58 THE RURAL VOICE It was moved and seconded that the budget for 1997-98 year be approved as printed. CARRIED. Elections for County Executive and Township Directors were as follows: President - Andy DeVries First Vice -President - Allen Hughes 2nd Vice -President - John Hicknell Township Directors: Blanshard - Scott Graham, Kirk Rankin Downie - John Good, Ernest Vanderschot North Easthope - Marina Schmidt, Willard Sherk, Elaine Cook South Easthope - Vacant Ellice - Burnell Kipfer, Rhonda Ehgoetz, Dave Smith Elma - Vacant Fullarton - Willy Keller, Bruce Morris, Dave McKay Hibbert - Alvin Dow, Dave VanDeWalle Logan - Karen McLagan, Cecil Rose Mornington -Larry Biesinger Wallace - Vacant The following resolution was presented to the annual meeting and was lost. Whereas the economy is the swapping of goods and services, and Whereas in 1936 the marketplace balance was upset with government legislation helping organized labour get ahead, and Whereas over the years, governments have taxed and borrowed, helping other parts of society catch up giving subsidies, pensions, welfare and supply control, and Whereas we have become a society where our welfare depends on how the government rules affect our situation. Therefore be it resolved that the OFA lobby governments to remove legislation that upsets the marketplace balance. The meeting ad,journed.° PERTH COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE DECEMBER DIRECTORS' MEETING Thursday, December 11, 1997 Downie Mutual Insurance Office Sebringville 8:00 p.m. ALL MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND THANK YOU to the Farms and Businesses that participated in the 4th Annual Harvest Day Tours on October 5 Ehgoetz Farms Ltd. First Lutheran Logan Church B & D Fullarton Farms Ltd. Brooklawn Farm Hoffmeyers Luckhart Transport Ltd. i