The Rural Voice, 1997-11, Page 50BRUCE County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER 44610th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1 P9 519-364-3050 or 1-800-275-9551 • The Rural Voice is provided to Bruce County Farmers by the BCFA. Quality Control comes to the broiler industry Chicken enjoys a high level of consumer confidence and popularity in Ontario, but as with other food products, consumers are demanding assurance of safe production and handling practices. In response, the Chicken Farmers of Canada are setting up a pilot project on 20 farms in four provinces to develop a project called, "Good Production Practices Design." The program will monitor areas of potential problems during the growth and development of the chicken, and will focus on those elements over which a farmer has control — feed and water. The farmers will assure that the proper feed is fed at the right stages of growth; that the right feed is in the right bin; that medication in the feed has the proper withdrawal time; and that there is the correct timing of feed withdrawal before shipping the chickens to the processing plant. The quality and availability of water is another critical factor which the farmer can control. Each farmer will be required to keep detailed and accurate records of the total management methods of each flock in each barn. The pilot project will eventually lead to standard "Best Farm Practices" which will be available to all producers. High levels of volunteer participation by farmers across the country may prevent such guidelines from becoming mandatory. Over the past five years the system of prices paid by processors to farmers for their chicken has changed considerably. Prices used to be set BRUCE COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Directors' Meeting Monday, November 17, 1997 8:00 p.m. OMAFRA Boardroom, Walkerton Members are welcome to attend 46 THE RURAL VOICE every two weeks by the marketing board, which could then be appealed by processors. The system no longer served the needs of all parties, and was changed to a negotiated pricing structure. Upon agreement by the commodity organization and the processors, the price is set for one quota period of eight weeks. Failure to reach an agreement leads to the appointment of an arbitrator by the Farm Products Marketing Commission, a government -appointed body which oversees the regulation of commodity boards. The arbitrator must choose one of either the price proposed by the Chicken Farmers or the price offered by the processors, and may not choose to set a price somewhere in between those numbers. Decisions to date have, at times, gone in favour of either side. Production numbers are decided for the province by the Board determining from processors what their projected needs are. Increases in production may be allocated to producers in other provinces by the national organization, Chicken Farmers of Canada. A new allocation system is being proposed that would divide Canada into three regions, with a cap on production being applied to the region rather than individual provinces. The chicken industry continues to grow, with a 2.2 per cent increase this year over last, in large part due to the development of new products such as chicken wieners and cold meats. Chicken farmers and the boards that work for them continue to look for ways to keep the industry strong.0 – Submitted by Lloyd Schnurr Greenock Township Director Farm vehicles on Ontario highways - are you in compliance? Attend a special meeting of farmers and OPP - MTD - Farm Safety Pages to discuss • changes to SMV legislation • Secondary attachments - safety chains • Lights and lighting • Quick connects • Farm vehicle inspection • CVOR - Commercial Vehicle Operator Registration Wednesday, November 19, 1997 — 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Freburger Welding, County Rd. 19, just south o1 Hwy. 9, east of Walkerton Refreshments Sponsored by the Bruce County Farm Safety Association BRUCE COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE 56th Annual Meeting and Banquet and OFA Regional Meeting Saturday, November 1, 1997 Royal Canadian Legion 630 Green Street, Port Elgin Guest Speaker: Ross Daily, Host "This Business of Farming", BBS - TV Tickets: $12.50/person Tickets available from all Township Directors or at our office Call: 519-364-3050 or 1-800-275-9551