The Rural Voice, 1997-11, Page 16Guest Column Just who can you believe today? by Art Kirkby Is it my imagination, or are things getting just a little more dishonest lately? Oh, I don't mean the REALLY BIG lies, the whoppers, like politicians pretending to tell me what they'll actually do after they get elected, or their convenient memory lapses about evenings with bimbette campaign managers at the Bide -a -Wee Motel on Highway 2, and things like that. And I don't count the things any Real Estate agent tells me either. "I know the place next to it looks like a halfway house for child molesting, drug addicted, chainsaw murderers, but, trust me, it's not. The people you saw on the lawn were, uh, Shakespearean actors. Yes, that's it. Shakespeareans, practicing, uh, Twelfth Night on Elm Street." Any more than I would accept the disturb- ed mutterings of the president of a tobacco company. "Smoking is GOOD for you. Look what it does for salmon." I'm not talking about the truly enormous lies. I'm talking about the subtle, sneaky ones. What members of the legal profession, steeped in the craft, call weasel words. Like the guys in the muffler shops. Sure it's true that they'll replace the muffler they install for as long as you own the car. It's just that they've arranged things so that the muffler is the teeniest, tiniest portion of the system. The muffler is merely the short boxy bit, not the pieces they call the exhaust pipe or the tail pipe, or the extension pipe. And all of those are guaranteed NOT to last. At least, not past the edge of the lot. You think you've got the whole thing protected? What's it like to be bom every minute? And speaking of car pieces, there's an ad around showing all the Weasel words bend the truth freebies you get when you buy one particular automotive rickshaw from overseas. Take a good close look. Some of those freebies look suspiciously like a steering wheel, a gear shift, and a brake pedal. Hey, if those are options, don't settle for anything less than the fully -loaded model. It's a red light. Quick, honey, drag your feet. This bending of the truth, this fudging of the facts, is becoming epidemic. It shows up in clips for movies, where the producers throw together a half-dozen bits to show you what a terrific film you'll see, for a measly $8.50. Turns out, these six bits are the ONLY good laughs or exciting scenes in the whole thing. The other 89 minutes 45 seconds are as devoid of life as the producer's cerebrum. What started me thinking about this current tendency to flirt with fiction when facing fact, was a catalogue. One of those monstrous department store tomes they slash DAWLEY ENGINEERING CIVIL, STRUCTURAL and MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Toll Free: 1-800-287-9553 Ph / Fax: (519) 364-7837 HANOVER, ONTARIO e-mail: dawleyen@wcl.on.ca Working With Agriculture "Quality and Profitability Begin When the Designer First Puts Pencil to Paper" • STRUCTURAL DESIGN/ANALYSIS (Concrete, Steel, Wood & Masonry) • BUILDING DESIGNS • COMPLETE TENDER DOCUMENTS (Design—Build or Fixed Price) • FUNCTIONAL LAYOUTS • SITE DRAINAGE • 3—D PRESENTATIONS • MANURE HANDLING SYSTEMS • CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT • BUDGET PREPARATION & DESIGN • COMPUTERIZED DRAFTING & DESIGN (All drawings on AutoCAD R13) C[On ASSOCIATE MEMBER Nelson Dawley, P. Eng. 12 THE RURAL VOICE