The Rural Voice, 1997-11, Page 131 Robert Mercer local Uxbridge Fall Fair where we used to be involved. This year they had a new twist to the demolition derby. The first heat was six hearses trying to outlive each other in the muddy showing. I'm told it was the most successful fair in recent years.0 Robert Mercer is editor of the Broadwater Market Letter, a weekly commodity and policy advisory letter from Goodwood, ON LOC 1 A0. N L. 4 f GP �OLANO sp�C Marvin L. Smith B.Sc.F. (Forestry), R.P.F. Farm Woodland Specialist 765 John St. West Listowel, Ontario N4W 1B6 Telephone: (519) 291-2236 Providing advice and assistance with: • impartial advice/assistance in selling timber, including selection of trees and marking • reforestation of erodible or idle land • follow-up tending of young plantations • windbreak planning and establishment • woodlot management planning • diagnosis of insect and disease problems • conducting educational programs in woodlot management • any other woodland or tree concerns Solutions In The Seed John Thompson, Lucknow (519) 357-2018 Pauline Daunt, Listowel (519) 291-9842 Gary Zehr, Tavistock (519) 462-2505 Dale Feltz, Mitchell (519) 348-8589 Lorne Glanville, Walton (519) 527-1943 David Dammeier, Palmerston (519) 638-2801 Achim Kuebler, Denfield (519) 666-2958 Scott Consitt, Varna (519) 565-2728 Murray Duncan, Monkton (519) 347-2750 Dennis Maguire, Lucan (519) 227-4323 Londesboro Seed Plant (519) 523-4399 Neil Schlorff, Mildmay (519) 367-2047 James Van Nes, Stratford (519) 271-6857 Alan Riehl, Sebringville (519) 271-2750 Jack Ford, Dashwood (519) 237-3366 Louis Hendrikx, Parkhill (519) 294-6413 Mathew Aerts, Narin (519) 232-9502 Earl J. Martin, Elmira (519) 664-2528 David Hodgins, Corbett (519) 294-0517 Ron Wiltshire, Mount Forest (519) 323-3048 Ken McKay,Tavistock (519) 462-2352 NatureGard 2362 2725 CHU An excellent yielder with the added protection of the NatureGard" NGBt1 gene against first and second brood European com borer. Strong emergence and rapid early growth make it particularly well adapted to reduced tillage environments or early planting. ' 2458 r A tall, attractive hybrid with the NGBt1 gene to pro- tect it against first and second brood European corn borer. Delivers excellent yields on strong stalks with exceptional ear retention. 23825 A later companion to 2362 with the same high yield potential and NGBt1 protection against European com borer. In addition; 2382 demonstrates very good tolerance to drought stress. Alaireraid Mycogen BRAND • SEEDS Solutions In The Seed NOVEMBER 1997 9