The Rural Voice, 1997-10, Page 54PERTH Andy DeVries, R.R. #2, Atwood NOG 1130 Phone/Fax 519-356-2133 PCFA Office 229-6430 Fax 229-6269 e-mail: denham@quadro.net County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER The Rural Voice is provided to farmers in Perth County by the PCFA. Perth County sets up Agricultural Review Committee Earlier this year, Perth County Council took steps to establish an Agricultural Review Committee at the county level for the purpose of dealing with complaints concerning manure management issues and practises associated with livestock and poultry operations throughout the county. The Committee was established by County Council in response to the work of the County's Agricultural Committee. The Perth County Agricultural Committee was established by County Council in 1995 for the purpose of reviewing and discussing issues relating to livestock and poultry operations, particularly manure management issues. As a part of its work, the Agricultural Committee made a submission to the Province of Ontario concerning the Province's Agricultural Code of Practice and Certificate of Compliance Program. Some of the recommendations in the Committee's submission were that all new livestock and poultry operations and significant expansions of existing livestock and poultry operations be required to obtain a Certificate of Compliance; that nutrient management plans be included as a Certificate of Compliance requirement; and that a review committee be established at the county level for the purpose of dealing with concerns or complaints SPECIAL NOTICE Perth County Federation is co -sponsoring some Candidates Meetings for Municipal Elections Perth North - Wed., Oct. 29 - Christian Reformed Church, 345 Elizabeth Street, Lisbwel Perth East - Tues., Oct. 28 - Milverbn Recreation Complex, Milverbn West Perth - Mitchell Watch your toed Perth South - TBA poj sw snore (nlomiotionl OFA CONVENTION November 24 to 26 Perth County will be sending 12 delegates. //you are Interested In attending, give a county director or the office a can. 50 THE RURAL VOICE regarding manure management issues. The Perth County Agricultural Review Committee has been established in response to the latter of the above -noted recommendations. It consists of 12 members from the farm community whose names were put forward by various farm/commodity groups in the county (i.e. Cattlemen's Association, Dairy Producers Committee, Pork Producers, Egg Producers Marketing Board, Chicken Producers Marketing Board, Perth Federation of Agriculture, and the Perth County Christian Farmers). The Chairman of the Perth County Agricultural Review Committee is Paul Bald and the vice-chairman is Terry Poole. Where a person has a complaint concerning a manure management issue involving a livestock or poultry operation in the County, the complaint should be submitted to the Clerk of the local municipality in which the livestock or poultry operation is located. In order to be considered by the Perth County Agricultural Review Committee, a complaint must be in writing and it must be signed by the complainant. The local municipal Clerk will then forward the complaint to the Comm- ittee and members of that Committee will make arrangements to meet on- site with the farm owner/operator of the livestock or poultry operation in question to view the operation, con- sider and assess the complaint, and to discuss with the farmer owner/opera- tor the options available to address or remedy the concerns. All complaints involving the pollution of water- courses will be forwarded directly to the Ministry of Environment and Energy for review and action and will not be dealt with by the Perth County Agricultural Review Committee. Anyone wishing additional information concerning the Perth County Agricultural Review Committee or the complaint procedure should contact their local municipal Clerk or the County of Perth Planning and Development Office at the County Court House in Stratford (Tel. No. (519) 273-3511).0 GET OUT OF TOWN Perth County's 4th Annual HARVEST DAY TOUR Sunday, October 5, 1997 - 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Passports, including maps are only available the day of the event. Pick up your passport in the parking lot of the Stratford Mall, Staffens in Mitchell, or Staffens in St. Marys. Look for the tractors in the parking lots. $5.00/passport. One passport per vehicle. Come out and take a Sunday drive through the heartland of Ontario Agriculture. For more information contact Tourism Stratford 1- 800-561-7926 or 519-271-5140. ANNUAL MEETING Thursday, October 30, 1997 Mitchell Community Centre, Mitchell Guest Speaker: The Honourable Lyle Vanclief, Minister of Agriculture Social Time: 6:30 p.m. Meal 7:00 p.m. with guest speaker and meeting to follow Delegates to OFA convention and County Directors will be chosen at this meeting. Tickets are available from directors, or call 229-6430.