The Rural Voice, 1997-10, Page 49Home Decorating A nice place to visit By Patti Robertson It can be nerve wracking getting ready for overnight guests, what with kids, full-time jobs and general upkeep of the home ... and of course our goal is to allow our guests a pleasant stay with as little hassle as possible. In the course of any year Ward and I are hosts to numerous overnight guests and I have found it is the little things along with our request to "Please, while you are here, make yourself at home!" that make the difference. Any room can double nicely as a guest room, providing the colour scheme is inviting, and there has been an effort to co-ordinate a theme of comfort. Along with clean sheets and their own towels, a generous -sized mirror for grooming, a bedside table and a good lamp for reading in bed, a stand on which to place one's suitcase, and hangers for clothes, an interesting array of accessories which complement the room's decor can add greatly to the overall presentation and these bits and pieces are great items on which to rest the eye as one lies in bed. Besides the basic necessities I enjoy providing a selection of up-to- date magazines, for my company's enjoyment: Architectural Digest for my design friends and the avid home bodies, Racing or Canadian Biker for the car nuts and a copy of Food for the gourmets. I also have a well - stocked booked shelf, with many classics as well as newer novels. Probably, the biggest hit with my guests is the goodie basket I keep in the corner of the room. A large white wicker basket holds an abundant array of sample -sizes shampoos, conditioners, soaps, hand and body creams, shaving gels and lotions, shower caps, toothbrushes, and paste, nail polish remover and files, Q -tips, etc. (this is a great use for all the hotel samples we drag home from our out-of-town excursions, or any of these can be inexpensively purchased at the drug store.) Often, on the first night, I'll turn the bedside lamp on for my guests at dusk to give a cozy welcoming feel. I also turn one corner down on the bed and leave either a little box of chocolates, a rose, or welcoming note or poem to be found by my guest as they prepare to tuck in. I also leave at least one night -light on to provide safe and easy movement should my guests need to get up during the night. Breakfast is usually a casual affair, as I let the household awake as either duty or leisure allows. The previous evening, before retiring, I set up an area to serve as a coffee and juice bar, including a basket of various herbal and fruit teas and the tea kettle. Cups, glasses, cream, sugar, etc. are all at hand. I cover one end of my kitchen counter with a fresh white linen cloth to create a "breakfast bar". I then arrange my toaster, croissants, bagels, muffins and a multi -grain bread along with jams, jellies, cream cheese, etc. A huge bowl of fresh fruit, a variety of cheeses and either pre-cooked bacon, sausages or sliced ham round out this "Help Yourself" affair! Using good china and linen napkins will enhance the appeal. The whole meal is easily made ahead of time and allows me a more leisurely morning in which to enjoy my company. I don't hover, I allow my friends to "make themselves at home"! This method has always received rave reviews. Accessing one's guests' needs, setting up and preparing well ahead of schedule allows us to enjoy our company in relative relaxation .. . and as I said it seems to be the "little things" that tickle overnight guests the most!O Patti Robertson operates Classic Interiors in Wingham. 1 I Cool, ./44i 0 .. -_ ......,,,,, .._ ✓' 0 crisp, delicious APPLES .,_., --. ,%--m-vb.. 0( h' \.._'�. ,„ ,) _z,,,,,,,. ,, .;‘, aro, .,.. BLYTHE BROOKE ORCHARDS Located 1 mile west of Blyth on Cty. Rd. 25 New cold storage, cider and packing plant facilities to serve you better. 519-523-9338 (Store) 519-523-4383 Working with the gifts of nature Home Front Acres Roger & Gail Farrell 9 varieties of apples grown Also available: cider, pumpkins, squash Hwy. 21 north of Amberley across from Pine Ryer Cheese Open 6 days/week 10-6 395-5246 ORCHILL FARMS & ORCHARDS Walton, Ont. NOK 1Z0 PH. 519-523-9279 BOYD & MURIEL TAYLOR QUALITY APPLES FROM OUR COLD STORAGE ALMOND'S FRUIT STAND Top Quality Produce Wide choice of apple varieties, sweet corn, spanish onions, squash, pumpkins, baked goods & crafts Open daily all year East of Meatord on Hwy. 26 519-538-2281 GOLDSMITH'S ORCHARD MARKET "We specialize in apples, corn, cider, apple pies and apple cider donuts" Hwy. 26 west of Thornbury 519-599-3246 ,•rte • , Ill OCTOBER 1997 45