The Rural Voice, 1997-10, Page 37the two systems, though some individual SEW farms were experiencing low rates. The wean - conception rate was not significantly longer for SEW herds than farrow -to - finish herds. The average number of services per litter was not significantly different. "The average parity of farrow -to - finish herds is significantly higher than the average parity of SEW herds. This would be expected since expansion was often occurring in conjunction with the switch to SEW. As these herds mature we may see an improvement in reproductive performance." The survey showed SEW pigs took 159 days to get to market compared to 164 for farrow -to -finish pigs. Pigs enter the nursery at a younger age with SEW and stay for a longer period. SEW pigs enter the grow/finish phase at 63 days compared to 61 days. Because farrow -to -finish pigs enter the nursery when they are older, their average daily gain was higher. Still, there was no significant difference in gain or feed conversion between the two systems. There was also no significant difference in feed conversion or average daily gain in the grow/finish phase, though the study says the SEW system was so new when the figures were collected that only small amounts of pigs could be analysed. Gordon Bowman brought hope for the small producer when he pointed out "Pig production is a biological, not a manufacturing process. Improvements in the efficiency of the process are open to operations of all scale. The process can be industrialized into large scale operations but the resulting efficiencies of scale are minimal because all major production costs are costs per pig (feed, housing, and labour)." The cost of feed, Bowman said, is not influenced by the scale of the operation: it's a function of production management, not scale. "Pork production is a biological cycle: it will always take five or six months to get a hog to market. You can't put on extra shifts." There is a threshold commercial scale (TSC), however, he said. This scale is based on a farm size that URGENT.MUST SELL 2 all Steel Straight Wall Quonset Style Buildings -BRAND NEW, never constructed. One is 30 x 50. Easy to erect! Perfect for the do-it-yourselfer. DISTRESS PRICES - CALL TODAY 1-800-301-5766 t Superior Strength mummimmummim BRUCE TILE R.R. 3, Walkerton, Ontario NOG 2V0 519-392-6929 Toll free 1-800-265-3080 "For int:rea land value and greater pop yields" 1 r� We can help you plan your drainage requirements Contact Bruce Tile or Your Local Bruce Tile Drainage ntractor: • Tait Brothers, Chatsworth • Barry Weigel Dralna • Schmidt Drainage, Harriston • Nichol Drai • K.M.M. Farm Drainage, Walton • St • Ron Williams Drainage, Listowel or Newton • Tait Brothers, Grand Maximum Water Intake 0n1eA 1.00.10 OCTOBER 1997 33