The Rural Voice, 1997-05, Page 73PERTH fit' County Pork Producers NEWSLETTER Walter Bosch, President 519-356-9000 • The Rural Voice is provided to Perth County Pork Producers by the PCPPA. Good prices, pork exports and quality control The Ontario Pork Producers' Annual Meeting held in Toronto this past March was of great interest for all present. Our chairperson, Carl Moore, gave a report on the highest pig prices received this past year and the optimism for the coming year. Even though we lost Schneider's as a major packer of the slaughtering of our hogs, they are still a major processor, buying from other packers. Our major buyers are Maple Leaf, Quality and T.A.V. with a very active provincial group of buyers as well. The meeting heard a report by Julien Den Tandt about his trip to the different Asian countries to promote our pork. There was real interest in quality, location and the place of organization as to where our hogs are raised. He outlined the trial of a new quality assurance program and the importance of its success, in order to service in the global marketing place. (HACCP) A notice of concern to all farmers! Occasionally, individuals under pressure of time or for convenience, will stop at suppliers, coffee shops or corner stores when travelling between barns. It seems like a quick easy stop for them. To those not used to animal smells, dirty boots and clothing, as well as material scuffed off footwear, this comes across as a negative cultural shock. They leave, not feeling good about farming, and may not return to the place of business. The solution to this situation is reasonably simple, carry a clean pair of coveralls and .boots in the vehicle and change before going into a building. This can all probably be done in less than a minute and has a very strong, positive effect on the people you deal with. This is a very small change to make when you consider the consequences of inflicting a bad experience on your major customers.0 Submitted by Jack De Groot There were approximately 24 - 26 resolutions debated at the annual meeting. The highlight of the two-day event was the discussion on the Perth resolution about the monopoly powers of the Pork Board. The pros and cons were debated for over an hour before the vote was made by closed ballot. The result was 172 against and 42 in favour. A resolution was presented by Oxford County to do a study. It was carried. I understand, as I am writing this column, there has been a study - force set up. There will be more debate on this topic in the future. The local meeting was held on April 5, 1997 with Dave Frank from O.S.I. highlighting his work there. He gave an overview of his A.I. work and he also talked about the three different options on carcass evaluation. This is available to all pork producers for a fee. For further information call 519-824-1665 or 519-662-2979. Peter Huitema will attend the OFAC meeting in Guelph on behalf of the Perth County board of directors.0 PERTH COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS' PORK PRODUCTS • Smoked Pork Chops • Fresh Pork Chops • Stuffed Loin Chops • Smoked Sausage • Smoked Cheddar Sausage • Pork Burgers • Bacon Burgers • Boneless Rib 0' Pork • Teriyaki Pork Steaks • Bruce Packers Summer Sausage • Vittorio's BBQ Sauce AVAILABLE FROM: Fred de Martines (Sebr.) Dennis Zehr (Brun.) Martin van Bakel (Dublin) 393-6812 595-4771 347-2666 MAY 1997 69