The Rural Voice, 1997-04, Page 13i Scrap Book Cleaning the barn cheapest control of flies A good old pressure washer may be the cheapest, most effective control of troublesome flies in a swine operation, University of Guelph researchers say. Wayne Bennett and Gordon Surgconer tested several fly - control methods including biological controls like parastic wasps, fly strips and baited -jug fly traps and found the most economical control is still a clean barn. Testing the wasps, which attack the pupal stage of the fly, they found that high initial cost ($44.15 per 15,000) and the fact the wasps do not reproduce on their own, led to a high cost of $244.50 per room in a 17 -week test in a weaner room and two grower -finisher rooms. The success rate was only 38.6 per cent in the weaning room and 27.2 per cent in the two grower - finisher rooms. Fly strips didn't work well because of the amount of dust. Baited -jug traps provided good control, 57 per cent in the smaller weaning room, but it took three traps in the larger grower -finisher rooms to bring effective control. Still, good manure manage- ment by pressure washing manure out of the comers of rooms and around the feed bunkers had the best results, a 64 per cent reduction. The cleaning should be done at least once every 10 days to remove the food needed by developing flies. Maggots and developing pupae can't survive in liquid manure if they're washed into the manure pit. Based on a $10 per hour wage, the researchers estimated a cost of $5 per room per wcek.0 —Source: Agri food Research in Ontario 1- W l rti p , ,y Bruce County Proud 4-H Supporter The Bruce County Friend of 4-H wishes to thank ail 1995-1996 donors for their support and encouragement of the 4-H program. Thompson Feed & Supply, Ripley Bruce Centre Women's Institute Allenford Women's Institute County of Bruce Bruce County Federation of Agriculture Bruce County Cattlemen Bruce County Milk Recording Bruce County Junior Farmers Port Elgin Junior Farmers Farm Credit Corporation Culligan Bottled Water McDonald's, Hanover Kincardine Commercial Printing Glen & Donna Leslie, Chesley There are many others who donate to 4-H in a variety of ways of time and talents...many thanks. 'Learn to do by Doing" C• . c U Hoses Bearings Hydraulic Pumps Cylinders TICX)1_0aP Rugged - Convenient Marty models to meet your conditions .. . 3 point hitch & engine driven models available Made in Canada • 3 pt. hitch - Model 12 - B • 4" bore cylinder • 14 tons of splitting force • Auto return valve B BAR FOOT'S J WELDING AND MACHINE INC. 517 Brown St., Warton (519) 534-1200 1-800-265-6224 APRIL 1997 9