The Rural Voice, 1994-03, Page 57PERTH iftk
County Pork Producers NEWSLETTER
Harry Bardoel, President
• The Rural Voice is provided to Perth
County Pork Producers by the PCPPA.
Annual meeting produces plenty of resolutions
The Perth County Pork Producers
held their annual meeting on
Thursday January 27 in Stratford.
Following is a list of resolutions that
were passed.
* * *
Whereas the North American hog
industry is undergoing rapid
changes, and
Whereas Ontario production
continues to drop while our
competition are increasing
And whereas it is impossible for the
OPPMB to be everything to
Therefore, be it resolved that the
Ontario Pork Producers Marketing
Board request from the Ontario
Government the right to relinquish
their monopoly powers over the sale
of Ontario market hogs.
* * *
Be it resolved that the current
election format for Perth County of 2
directors per township with the
balance being "At Large".
* * *
Whereas C.P.O.P.I. exists to help
further the Ontario Pork Industry
and to help Ontario pork producers
receive a higher price for their hogs,
Whereas C.P.O.P.I. publishes in the
Ontario Farmer weekly a chart
showing the "lost income" by
Ontario Producer as compared to the
U.S. market, and
Whereas this number is clearly
Therefore, be it resolved that the
PCPPA express their disapproval, in
writing, to C.P.O.P.I. for this kind of
misrepresentation, further be it
resolved that PCPPA encourage
C.P.O.P.I. to print the average
Ontario producer could receive if he
chose to market his pigs in the U.S.
instead of Canada.
* **
Whereas the yard system is no
longer an effective means of
assembling hogs
Therefore, be it resolved that the
OPPMB proceed with a "user pay
system" for all marketing yards.
NOTE: yard portion of marketing
fee is approximately 47 cents.
* * *
Whereas, Perth County is not
Executive 1994
President — Harry Bardoel
Vice President — John Van Nes
Second Vice President — Larry Skinner
Secretary — Richard Yantzi
Treasurer — Karen Martens
Past President — John Crowley
satisfied with the proposed changes
to structure as proposed by the task
Be it resolved that the section on
reducing OPPMB counselors be
voted on as a separate parcel.
* **
Whereas formula pricing seems to be
a reasonable way of determining
price, but
Whereas there is general agreement
that the present formula does not
adequately compensate producers for
the quality of hog they produce,
Be it resolved that the indexing
factor be changed from 105.7 to 100
to reflect the better quality of
Ontario hogs.
* * *
Larry Skinner gave a presentation
on the difference in plugged hogs
when he tattoed hogs himself as
compared to a trucker. There was a
dramatic decrease in unidentifiable
tattos when he did it himself.0
Provincial Annual
Regal Constellation
Hotel, Etobicoke
March 16 - 17
June 23, 24, 25
Pork Products available from:
Fred DeMartines at 393-6812
Martin VanBakel at 345-2666
Dennis Zehr at 595-4771
MARCH 1994 53