The Rural Voice, 1992-06, Page 17bam and then vented from the build- ing. This practice is more applicable in climates where high temperatures are maintained over long periods, and where humidity levels arc normally below 50 per cent. If housed outdoors, it is essential that shade be provided, along with increased numbers of waterers that provide fresh, cool water. Finally, during the summer, it is recommended that the weather fore- cast be monitored daily, paying close attention to both temperature and hu- midity (the humidex reading). A few moments spent at this time imple- menting a system to assist in reducing body temperatures, can be extremely beneficial in reducing acute death losses due to heat prostration.° We have tried to keep our topics timely and informative. However, we would welcome any suggestions from readers for future topics. We would also invite interested persons to tour the facilities at the Diagnostics Labo- ratory at Huron Park. We would ask that you make prior arrangements by phoning 228-6691, Ext. 276. h.KURAL VOICE THE MAGAZINE OF 1HE AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY Fill us in... and treat yourself to a night out We want your opinion on what's in Rural Voice so we can make it better. On the back inside cover of last month's issue you'll find a readership survey. Fill it in and mail it with your name on the outside of the envelope and marked "Readership Survey" and you could be one of two winners of two tickets for the Blyth Festival (courtesy the Festival). Help us to help you. Send in your survey today. DEADLINE JUNE 15. INTRODUCING CANADIAN CUSTOM WATERSTOVE The Outside, Wood Fired, Hot Water, Central Heating System. Construction: The C.C.W. is a combination of a specially designed high efficiency air tight firebox surrounded by an insulated water holding storage tank. Operation: The C.C.W. automatically controls the air flow into the firebox to keep the stored water between 120 and 190 degrees F. The hot water is piped into your home or building and the heat is released through your existing ductwork or radiators. Efficient: The C.C.W. is equipped with on demand forced draft which means you will only need to load your unit every 12 to 48 hours depending on your individual requirements. Because of the unique design of the unit, over 90% of the heat produced in the firebox is retained by the water. By centrally locating the C.C.W. unit, additional structures, pool/spas or greenhouses can be heated with the same unit Farm shops and barns. The optional domestic hot water system may account for up to 30% saving in your utility costs. GREEN VALLEY HEATING R. R. 3, Lucan NOM 2J0 Paul Wallis 225-2127 Charlie O'Shea 225-2135 SAVE Up To 70% Of Your Energy Costs For Heat & Hot Water Are Temperature Changes Killing Your Profits? , A properly ventilated and insulated building could be your salvation with an Axis -Air Integrated Blending System. Call 519-345-2258 for one of our ventilation specialist to give you a free ventilation assessment of your confinement area. Axis -Air has stood the test of time. AXIS PRODUCTS LTD., 5 Main Street, Brodhagen, Ontario Canada NOK !BO Phone: 519- 345-2258 JUNE 1992 13