The Rural Voice, 1991-12, Page 50ADVICE PROPER AERATION ENSURES QUALITY CORN LATER More grain and oilseeds crops will be stored this winter as prices are in the doldrums. It is critical to ensure proper aeration to prevent spoilage, especially for corn. Corn must be stored at a moisture level of 15.5 per cent. As the bin is filled, the incoming grain probably var- ies in temperature and moisture content because of changes in grain maturity, weather conditions, and drying fluctua- tions. Hot spoiled areas may occur, even if the moisture level in corn was low, because, as winter approaches, large temperature differences will occur be- tween the corn on the outside of the bin and the centre of the bin. Air convection currents will be caused, and as the air rises in the centre of the bin, it will warm, increase its moisture holding capacity, and pick up more moisture. However, as the air reaches the top of the bin, the reverse happens, and the mois- ture is dropped at the top centre of the bin where potential spoilage may occur. In the spring season, the outside temperature rises, and the opposite air- flow will occur because of the higher ambient temperature. The corn should be aerated as soon as possible after being placed in storage. Continue cooling in steps until corn is between 0°C and -5°C. Periodically aerate the crop during the winter, espe- cially during large temperature fluctua- tions. In spring, the com needs to be warmed to prevent convection airflow from occurring and spoiling the stored crop. A factsheet entitled "Grain Aera- tion" is available from your local OMAF office. Remember, protect your investment by proper aeration in the upcoming months.° Pat Kuntz farm management specialist TELL THEM YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE RURAL VOICE. A FARMER'S FRIEND CHEVY TRUCKS P •iAV.VhI/.IIM.VNb% MMAN•M/WM //. 0 ROBERT EVANS CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. at Hwys. 8 and 21, Goderich 519-524-7314 at SELECTION - PRICE - SERVICE We sincerely wish you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season and Best Wishes for 1992 �l'rre 'Continuing a Tradition of Sales and Service Satisfaction' 671: HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 6 - Q Fri. 6- 6; SM.6-5 Azgur SALES REPRESENTATIVES - Rob Evans, Don Fuller, Ron Harris, Peter Illeman 74 KINGSTON ST., GODERICH 524-7314 One of Huron County's LARGEST SELECT ONS of USED CARS Established 1884 ATWOOD, ONTARIO Coverage for Farm Home and Auto. For information contact the agent in your area. Ostic Insurance Brokers Arthur Smith Insurance Brokers Arthur Leslie Insurance Atwood Hammond Insurance Atwood 519-848-3912 519-848-3938 519-356-9088 519-356-2873 519-356-9029 519-523-4481 519-887-6476 519-843-5985 519-335-3193 519-338-3847 519-291-2470 519-595-8108 519-595-4923 519-347-2733 519-323-1420 519-273-2253 519-823-2665 519-271-6940 Elliott Insurance Brokers Ltd. Blyth Knight Insurance Brussels Paul Goetz Insurance Fergus Wylie Insurance Brokers Gorrie Harriston Van Allen Insurance Listowel Milverton Insurance Brokers Milverton Denstedt Insurance Milverton Monkton Mount Forest Insurance Brokers Ltd. Mount Forest H.J.M. Insurance Brokers Stratford David Ferraro Insurance Brokers Ltd. Guelph Whitehead & Watkins Stratford HEAD OFFICE — 130 John Street, Atwood, Ontario, NOG 1B0 Phone: (519) 356-2582 1-800-265-2389 DECEMBER 1991 47