The Rural Voice, 1991-10, Page 52PERTH Matt Crowley, President, R. R. 1, Gadshill NOK 1,10 393-5716 PCFA Office 229-6430 * The Rural Voice is provided to farmers in Perth County by the PCFA County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER LIFE AFTER GRAIN AND OILSEEDS FIGHT Over the past two months, the On- tario Federation of Agriculture has been very visible with its joint lobby with our corn, wheat, and soybean commodity allies as we attempt to get additional cash aid for the 1990/91 crop. We are delighted that the Ontario effort has now turned into a national issue and is sup- ported by farm groups and politicians from coast to coast. Shall we be success- ful? The next few weeks will tell the story, but the lobbying of MPs and MPPs must continue. With all the excitement around grains and oilseeds and drought, some members are asking the legitimate ques- tion, "what else is OFA doing?" TRADE We held a trade seminar on Septem- ber 12, and had updates from our agri- culture negotiator, Mike Gifford, on the status of GATT and NAFTA. More info will be circulated to counties soon. There is a need to get proactive in lobbying MPs and consumers about the implications of no GATT agreement. PROPERTY TAX REBATE OFA has a committee set up in preparation for any unilateral attempt by the government to change the program in order to save dollars. Long term solutions are our goal, and we have recommended that the current Order -in - Council be extended until the Fair Taxa- tion Commission can deal with the is- sue. ENVIRONMENT OFA has formed an industry coali- tion to come up with a single agricultural environmental agenda. We are watch- ing the slow movement towards an environmental Bill of Rights. LABOUR ISSUES We chaired another coalition on OCTOBER MEETING Thursday, October 24, 1991 Downie Mutual Fire Insurance Office Sebringville 8:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME ATTENTION ALL PERTH COUNTY OFA MEMBERS COUNTY ANNUAL MEETING OFA REGIONAL MEETINGS Thursday, October 10, 1991 Sebringville Community Centre Banquet 7:00 p.m. Meetings 8:15 p.m. Cost $8.00 per person Tickets for the meal are available from directors or call 229-6430 1991 OFA CONVENTION November 25, 26, & 27 Delta Meadowvale 6750 Mississauga Road, Mississauga 48 THE RURAL VOICE labour related matters. It met with Minister Mackenzie this week around his labour relations act proposals. (More information to follow.) CREDIT AND FINANCE We are working with Pat Hayes, MPP, to come up with long term provin- cial financing vehicles for 1992. These options include a crop insurance based loan. COMMUNICATION We must better educate the taxpayer and consumer about our business. We are going to meet with editorial boards of the major national papers. Their sup- ply management bashing, and sensa- tional and often repeated "$2 billion bailout" headlines, cause us a lot of grief! There is life beyond grains and oilseeds, and Ontario Federation of Agriculture is alive and well!O Perth County Federation of Agriculture President Vice President Past President Blanshard Downie Ellice Elma Fullarton Logan NEH SEH Wallace Matt Crowley Bob Simpson Paul Verkley Rick DeBrabandere Tom Graham Willie Erb Garry Hill Burnell Kipfer Greg Luyten Norval Priestap Dave Smith Ron Bowles Bill Long Willy Keller Bruce Morris Ken Thompson John Drummond Fred Jung Cecil Rose Roland Danis Ron Hyde Ivan Stueck Gary West Rae Bender 393-5716 229-8840 356-9022 229-6736 284-1233 393-5512 393-6544 271-3399 595-4260 393-6256 393-5908 291-3848 356-2442 348-9753 229-8735 393-6621 347-2725 347-2420 348-8726 656-2508 625-8620 656-2379 655-2575 343-5804