The Rural Voice, 1990-06, Page 78GREY County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER •The Rural Voice is provided to all Grey County Farmers by the GCFA. 446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9 519-364-3050 GREY COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE HISTORY In 1940, the Grey County Federation of Agriculture was organized through the efforts of the Grey County Council, which already had an Advisory Agricul- tural Council. The Advisory Council worked very closely with Tommy S. Cooper, agricultural representative of Grey County from 1920 to 1959. Council took steps to set up a provi- sional organization. This consisted of two county councillors or ex -county councillors from each township and made a board of 32 members. Meetings were held in the various townships and five men were selected from each town- ship. The chairman of each township organization was then a member of the new Board of Directors of the Grey County Federation of Agriculture. The first board consisted of 16 town- ship directors and an executive of presi- dent Douglas MacDonald, ex -warden, vice-president William McGregor, ex - warden, second vice-president Arnold Hutchinson, and secretary -treasurer William McGregor. Many ideas from the township direc- tors were then discussed at the county federation, which met one day a month from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. At this time, World War II was on, and many of the young farm men were leaving for the services. Farm Radio Forum (a weekly study group) was a Monday night must on CBC Radio at 8 p.m. Topics such as hydro for rural areas, farm safety, and producer organizations were intro- duced. A discussion on the broadcast topic followed and ideas were recorded. These were then taken to the county fed- eration, where a consensus was reached and sent to the Department of Agricul- ture. And at the end of each month, a summary was given on the radio. This brought a great deal of support for the county federation from all the farmers in the county on many important issues. Some of the achievements of the county Federation of Agriculture were: 1. A paid county secretary (Bob Misch in 1954). 2. A paid projectionist who showed film board pictures. 74 THE RURAL VOICE uLL%VP. PROTON, JOIN THE GREY COUNTY Federation of Agriculture ON JULY 18, 1990 ANNIVERSARY 50TH CELEBRATIONS CENTRE GREY RECREATION COMPLEX — MARKDALE 3. The organization of a Commer- cial Swine Producers' Association. 4. The organization of a Beef Pro- ducers' Association. 5. The greatest number of Radio Forums in the province of Ontario and the Dominion of Canada. 6. A group of 18 men representing the Swine Producers' Association. 7. A representation of 7 men for the Beef Producers at the annual meeting. 8. 70 per cent of our Grcy County farmers signing a petition authorizing the deductions of one-quarter of one per cent from all receipts for livestock sold at the stock yards and packing plants. No other county had gone so far in the matter of financing at that time. Long before the days of OHIP, the Grey County federation implemented the Grey Co-operative Medical Serv- ices. This was managed by a county board with one member per township. In the beginning the fee was 515 per family, per year. The coverage paid for approved hospital expenses, certain ambulance calls, etc. This coverage (the Extended Health Plan) is still available today with the Co-operators. The Grcy County Federation of Agriculture also assisted in establishing DEW, the Co-operative Auto Insurance Com- pany to get fairer premiums. Public speaking contests involving all our schools in the county have been continuous for the past 45 years. Also, the Wiarton Cattle Sales and the Grey- Dufferin Pasture Farm are all notewor- thy ventures accredited to the Grey County federation. Although concerns have changed in the past 50 years — to a stress on envi- ronmental issues, the Line Fences Act, the property tax rebate, free trade, the GST, farm animal care, etc. — the county federation still plays a very im- portant role for the farm community. To recognize this historical signifi- cance, the July Directors' Meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture will be held at the Centre Grey Recrea- tion Complex, Markdale, on July 18 at 10 a.m. There will be a cold luncheon at noon and a banquet in the evening. Plan to attend and help us to recog- nize the 25 presidents we have had over the past 50 years. And join in the enter- tainment. The excitement of this event is growing. See you there!O Agnes Diemen Chairman, 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee