The Rural Voice, 1990-04, Page 102LET'S TALK COMBINES! LET'S TALK BENEFITS! LET'S TALK A DEAL! The people who invented self-prop- elled combines now bring you two new high-capacity, conventional combines that lead the field in per- formance, features and peace -of - mind. Look to a name you know and trust for the quality and features you need. Spacious, center -mounted cab is damp- ened and insulated for less -than -80 -dB sound levels. Call or come in and see us and let us give you your personal presentation on the combine that leads the field in performance, features and technology. Hydrostatic drive simplifies op- eration. Wide -view cab gives an un- obstructed view of the cutterbar. Electronic harvest monitor dis- plays how every stage of the combine is performing. Choose 6 -row corn head, rigid or flexible bottom grain headers and a windrow pickup header. Trained M -F dealer service people and the M -F partN net- work.