The Rural Voice, 1990-02, Page 60PERTH Paul Verkley, President, R. R. 1, Atwood NOG 1 BO 356-9022 * The Rural Voice is provided to farmers in Perth County by the PCFA County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER WATER QUALITY At the December meeting of the Perth Federation of Agriculture our dis- cussion topic was water quality. We had three excellent speakers to lead the dis- cussion and answer questions from the directors and members. David Hayman from UTRCA spoke about water quality as it affects lakes and streams. He said that they have had problems with beach closures since the late '70s because of high bacteria counts. One of the reasons behind that, he added, is the dry summers we have had. Also, the phosphorus level in the water is a problem. Phosphorus pro- motes plant growth. A report they have released splits the problem into 75 per cent rural and 25 per cent urban. These percentages are again split into the fol- lowing: 50 percent from erosion, 15 per cent milkhouse wash water discharges, 15 per cent industry, and 5 per cent faulty septic systems (grey water going directly into a drain). The report makes some suggestions as to ways to help minimize the prob- lems. Targeting funds to land most prone to erosion would be more cost effective. We should continue with in- centives to control problems and should limit the number of livestock on a spe- cific acreage. And rental agreements with neighbours should include the spreading of animal waste. Norm Bird from OMAF spoke about ways you can handle the waste water, etc. on your farm to minimize the prob- lems. He suggested that we minimize the quantity, treat, store, and dispose. Only use wash water that is needed. Have storage tanks big enough to hold waste. Dispose of a little at a time. When asked if drainage has an effect on water quality, Norm said that improved drainage moves contaminated water faster. Paul Ross from the Perth County Health Unit spoke about the quality of well water. He is with the inspection branch of the Health Unit. They get several requests from rural people for testing to ensure that well water is safe to drink. Also, doctors are wondering if the water is causing some diseases. The owner of a property is responsible for ensuring that the water is safe for any tenants. Usually the problems are bacte- riological. The Health Unit also edu- cates people about how to keep water safe. Each month at our meetings we are setting aside an hour for a discussion topic. In January we discussed crop insurance, and in February we hope to have discussions on county planning. FEBRUARY MEETING of the Perth County Federation of Agriculture February 15, 1990 Downie Mutual Fire Insurance Office Sebringville — 8:00 p.m. THE 3 Rs OF THE OFA (RECRUIT, RENEW, RETAIN) With the beginning of a new year and a new decade it only seems obvious that we in the federation must devise new and different ways to continue as the voice for Ontario farmers. Since the beginning of Individual Memberships in the OFA, we have consistently run the roads encouraging farmers to join. 1989 was as successful as any year in mem- ory, with more than 2,000 farmers re- cruited or renewed in Western Ontario. One question still remains: what about the member who never hears from the OFA after he or she joins? In June of 1988, the Perth federation visited more than 75 members in one week to listen and learn from our most valuable asset, the member, and during this experiment we offered an OFA sign as a gift to thank the member for renewing. We in the Perth County federation are faced with an interesting challenge. Should only seven per cent of our members receive a sign? Absolutely not! So starting February 1 we plan to visit every member in Perth, roughly one township per month. So you will know when we are coming, we will publish on this page what township we plan to do each month. Blanshard, we will see you in February.0 PREPAID CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FORM REGULAR CLASSIFIED Ad rate is only $6 for a maximum of 20 words. Each additional word — 25 cents. Over six insertions — 10% off total cost. and telephone are free. Please print ad clearly. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED Ad rate for a display unit (1 1/8 x 2 1/8) may include box, light and bold face, logo or small illustration. 1 time — $19. 3 times — $51. 6 times — $96. 12 times — $179. Please insert my classified ad ( ) display ad ( ) _ times starting with the Signature: Send to The Rural Voice, Box 37, 10A The Square, Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Y5. Name, address, issue. I enclose $ T FEBRUARY 1990 57