The Rural Voice, 2006-03, Page 18Dine Fag. pproachng Are you one of the 17,600 producers who completed an Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) and had it deemed appropriate from 1993 to 20047 If so, we urge you to act now to take advantage of project cost -share opportunities. EFPs that were deemed appropriate through peer review during this period may satisfy the eligibility requirements under the current federal environmental cost -share programs. Projects initiated in 2004 and 2005 may be eligible. Older EFP action plans will only be honoured until MARCH 31, 2006. After that, all applications to the cost -share programs will require a Third Edition EFP deemed appropriate. Call your local OSCIA Program Representative or the OSCIA at 1-800-265-9751 for more information. IF '' Ontario Farm ��i" Environmental mik«` Coalition Faites-vous partie des 17 600 producteurs qui ont realise un plan environnemental de la ferme (PEF) approuve entre 1993 et 20047 SI c'est le cas, nous vous incitons a profiter sans attendre des possibilltes de partage des coats du projet. Les PEF approuves au terme d'un examen par des pairs au cours de cette periode pourraient repondre aux exigences en matiere d'admissibilite aux programmes de partage des touts environnementaux actuels du gouvernement federal. Les projets amorces en 2004 et en 2005 pourraient etre admissibles. Les plans d'action relatifs aux PEF plus anciens doivent etre envoyes avant le 31 MARS 2006. Apres cette date, toutes les demandes au titre des programmes de partage des touts necessiteront un PEF approuve et conforme a la troisieme edition du manuel relatif aux PEF. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec votre representant local du programme de ('Association pour ('amelioration des sols et des recoltes de ('Ontario en composant sans frais le 1 800 265-9751. www.ontariosoilcrop.org The Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) - A FEDERAL - PROVINCIAL - TERRITORIAL INITIATIVE Le Cadre strategique pour ('agriculture (CSA) - une initiative federate-provinciale-temtoriale 14 THE RURAL VOICE John Beardsley across the country voted Conservative. This certainly helped bring Steven Harper to power. If the Liberals are so sure that Ontarians don't want their food produced in Canada with Canadian food safety standards then 1 think they should hold a referendum. One of the other speakers at the rally, Grant Robertson. pointed out that farmers are already subsidizing the price of Canadian food by having to rely on off -farm income to keep their farms afloat. Phil Shaw pointed out that the taxes government collects on restaurant food alone provides the government with $1.5 billion, never mind the taxes on cigarettes and booze. The problem is a lack of backbone, which makes me think that the Liberals just aren't up to the job. One big change on the farmers' part is that they are not going to stop protesting this year until they have a long-term effective program like the proposed Risk Management Program.0 INCOME aTAX & SERVICE • farm, business, or personal • complete year-round service including tax audit representation • E -File available Over 20 years' experience Quality work at reasonable rates "FREE CONSULTATION" Stephen Thompson R.R. #2, Clinton (Home #) 482-3244 (Cell #) 524-0957