The Rural Voice, 2005-09, Page 63Advice
Water forum set for Grand River watershed
"A Fine Balance: Managing
Growth & Water" a forum on water
management will be held September
16 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the
Grand River Conservation Authority,
Administration Centre, 400 Clyde
Road, Cambridge. Ontario.
In its first four years. the Grand
River Watershed Water Forum has
become an important gathering of
experts on water issues. trends and
initiatives in the watershed. It is held
each year at the Grand River
Conservation Authority
Administration Offices to
Cambridge. The event has averaged
almost 400 participants and 41)
exhibits each year.
In 2(X)5. the theme of the thrum is
"A Fine Balance: Managing Water
and Growth". The event will be held
on Friday. September 16. The
program will provide government
leaders, municipalities. businesses.
developers and others with the
information about how our vital
water resources can he safeguarded
into the future. Speakers
representing government agencies
municipalities and environmental
organizations will discuss growth
management strategies and provincial
land use planning initiatives as well
as innovative technologies. the latest
information in watershed
management and the impact of new
government legislation and
regulations. The keynote speaker for
the event will be Justice Dennis
O'Connor who presided over the
Walkerton Inquiry. The program
will feature a panel of mayors
providing their perspectives on the
issues associated with managing
growth and water. A continuing part
of the program is the annual
presentation of a report on the State
of the Grand River Watershed by
GRCA Chief Administrative Officer
Paul Emerson.
Opportunities are a%ailahle for
sponsorship and exhibits. More
information can he Lound on the
Grand River Conservation Authority
website at
http.//www.grandriserca/index/docu'Sec= 26&Sub 1=1I&sub'_=O
Pork Congress offers fellowship to travel
Since 1988. the Ontario Pork
Congress has supported the
development and improvement of the
Ontario pork industry and its
members (producers. agri-husiness
and others closely associated with the
industry ) through the Ontario Pork
Congress Travel Fellowship.
The of this fellowship is to
encourage members of the Ontario
pork industry to travel outside
Canada and_ bring hack first-hand
knowledge of the global pork
industry. The Ontario Pork Congress
provides up to $60011 to the
successful candidate. or candidates.
to cover travel expenses.
This opportunity allows an
individual or group to become better
informed. develop technical and
leadership skills. and make a
contribution to the betterment of the
Ontario pork industry. Past travelers
have visited countries such as
Australia. Holland. Denmark.
Scotland. Sweden. England. France
and Spain to explore new ideas and
witness innovative practices
firsthand. Upon returning to Ontario.
the successful candidate(s) will share
what they have learned through a
written report and speaking
engagements. including the Ontario
Pork (ongrc.% Education Program.
Application Corms can he obtained
from the Ontario Pork Congress
office. Applicants are asked to
outline the objective of their trip.
describe the benefits this travel
opportunity will bring to the Ontario
pork industry. and provide a travel
itinerary. including expenses. For
more information. contact: Ontario
Pork Congress. Box 2311511, Stratford.
Ontario. N5A 7V8. Phone 1519)
625-8811. Fax: 1 5191 625-8878.
Email: opc((tore ca. Website.
http://www .porkcongre The
deadline for applications is
Scntember :. 2I1)5 Interviews will
he held the•tirst week of Octobers•;
Walnut among wood shavings
bedding can cause lameness
problems for horses
By Dr. Robert Wright, OMAFKA
Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is a
tree native to southwestern Ontario
and the eastern United States.
Occasionally. black walnut
shay in=s w ill he incorporated into
horse bedding. Horses bedded oil
black walnut .hayings will hcyonie
acutely lame within 12 to 24 hours.
exhibit moderate to severe Loneness
at the walk and refuse to pick up
their feet In their stall. they
commonly assume a sawhorse
Researchers can consistently
reproduce the syndrome by preparing
an extract of heartwood shavings and
administering it by nasogastric tube.
Applying the extract to the hoofs.
how , ger, dm.", not reproduce the
ss ndiome 1 lir .iqueuus extract of
heartwood does not .ontain juglone.
1hcrelorc. resc.irchcis believe that
thele is anuthei active ingredient in
black walnut that is responsible for
causing laminitis. t Ret Minnick PI).
Brown ('M. Brasclton WE. Mcerdink
(i1.. Slanker MR. The induction of
equine laminitis with an aqueous
extract of the heartwood of black
walnut (Juglans nigra). Vet Hum
Toy icol 1987: 29 (3. June): 230-233.)
Horse owners. should ensure that the
shavings they are purchasing are not
contaminated with black walnut
shavings. either in the fresh of kiln
dried forma