The Rural Voice, 2005-05, Page 62People in Agriculture
Skinner re-elected at Ontario Pork
Larry Skinner
Re-elected Ontario Pork Chair
Perth County's Larry Skinner was forward direction for our industry."
re-elected as Chairman of Ontario Ontario Pork also elected its
Pork for a third one-year term at the Executive Committee yesterday. In
organization's board of directors addition to Skinner and Littlejohn,
meeting March 29. Curtiss Jasper Vanderbas from Oxford
Littlejohn, who farms in Brant County and Helmuth Spreitzer from
County, was re-elected as Vice Chair. Waterloo Region were re-elected to
Skinner said he is looking forward the executive. They were joined by
to continuing his work on behalf of two new committee members, Wilma
Ontario's pork producers. Jeffray from Grey -Bruce and Beth
"Our industry is facing Clark from Simcoe County.
challenging times. As a board, we are The meeting saw one new director
committed to actively representing join Ontario Porks Board. Teresa
the interests of Ontario's pork Van Raay from Huron County is the
producers, and our staff is dedicated new representative from District 3,
to serving producer needs," says taking over from Bruce Bergsma of
Skinner. "Personally, I am committed Londesborough. Teresa and her
to working with all of our value chain family have a farrow -to -finish farm
partners to help shape a positive, near Dashwood.0
Prominent swine breeders receive awards from OSI
Some of Ontario's top swine Stratford. Goderich, owned by Gilbert Vanden
breeders were honoured when The Distinguished Recognition Heuvel.
Ontario Swine Improvement Inc. Award was presented to Ken Bate, Since 1999 Bate improved sow
recently held its annual meeting in manager of The Hill Farms near productivity at the farm from 18 to
25 pigs per sow and achieved 42,000
Weitzel, Coukell retiring from DFO pigs from an 1,800 -sow herd as well
Two long-time directors of the saying she wanted to provide enough as improving the herd index from
Dairy Farmers of Ontario will not be notice to give potential candidates 108 to 111 and loin depth from 59 to
seeking re-election when more time to consider the centimetres.
nominations close in September for commitment. George and Elizabeth Procter of
positions on the board. Weitzel said a number of factors Bodmin Farms, Brussels, were given
Former DFO chairman Gord contributed to her decision including the Award of Excellence. The farm,
Coukell who represented region six, family health concerns and plans to celebrating its 50th anniversary this
comprising Dufferin, Peel, Simcoe pass the farm on to the next year, has tested more than 20,000
and Wellington Counties announced generation. "The third generation is pigs over the last four years. Also
earlier he would be stepping down now attending school and our farm involved in the company are their
after serving five terms. business must evolve," she said. daughter Kate and her husband Mike
Meanwhile Sharon Weitzel Directors spend about 100 days a Klages.
recently notified dairy farmers in her year on board business, receiving Richard Stein, president of Stein
region of Huron and Perth that she compensation for their travel plus per BMR Genetics International of
would not be seeking re-election diems totalling about $10,000 a Tavistock won the Contribution
following three four-year terms, year.0 Award. He was a partner with his
brother, the late Warren Stein in
Fear, deWolde new OSI directors Thames Bend Farms Ltd. in building
one of the best breeding herds in
Paul Fear of Brussels and Rod There may be some changes to the Canada. Over the years he won many
deWolde of Millbrook were make-up of the board, according to awards for his work in the industry.
acclaimed as directors of Ontario OSI President John Gough. Since Thames Bend was
Swine Improvement Inc. when the Currently Ontario Ministry of dissolved, he has worked with his
OSI annual meeting was held in Agriculture and Food has a sons Benjamin and Michael in the
Stratford. representative on the board but the new company named for their three
Fear and deWolde will serve two- government recently cancelled initials.
year terms, replacing Richard Stein $640,000 in annual funding to the Warren's children run Thames
and George Sockett who did not seek group so that position is likely to be Stein International with herds in
re-election. elminated.0 Central and South America.0