The Rural Voice, 2005-04, Page 66BRUCE Email bruce@ofa.on.ca 519-364-3050 or 1-800-275-9551 website: www.ofa.on.cafbrube 44610th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1 P9 County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER ' The Rural Voice is provided to OFA Members in Bruce County by the BCFA Roots of Bruce Project 2005, April 7-8 Approximately 850 grade five and six students from 19 schools throughout Bruce County will be attending the 1 1th annual Roots of Bruce Event 2005 on April 7 and 8. Each year, we invite the students to participate in the 24 interactive learning stations set up in the three Agricultural Buildings in Walkerton. The commodity volunteers effectively present hands-on learning activities that emphasize some facts about their specific food related topic. This year our theme is Healthy Nutrition. Under the direction of Chairpersons Louise Ahrens and Ralph Dietrich, the Agriculture in the Classroom section of The Bruce Prices are the problem The root cause for all the present farm problems is that commodity prices are too low. If the product you sell is priced at Tess than the cost of production, once your assets are depleted, you are out of business. Our governments have decided on a cheap food policy, providing food to the consumers at less than the cost of. production, and supporting the farmers to some degree with programs that favour the factory farms. I would prefer floor prices at the cost of production and control the countries imports and exports. If the governments continue with the present policy, they must cap the support programs at family farm levels for everyone. This would result in support up to the cost of production for all farmers to the family farm level (approximately $250,000). This would cost the government one half the present support costs with the following results: family farms would start to flourish; local businesses would flourish resulting in vibrant communities; high employment; and a high quality secure food policy. - Submitted by Ernie Young, Bruce Township Director 62 THE RURAL VOICE County Agri -Food Council is looking forward to another successful event. Agricultural and food commodities involved are: Ag - Canada Veterinary Association, beef, beekeeping, Canadian Food Grains, dairy, 4-H clubs, Farm Safety, Grey - Bruce County Health, Hydro One, maple syrup, market gardening, Pork Producers (the Pork Mobile will be present this year!), potatoes, poultry, pumpkins, sheep, soils and crops, and woodlot management. We thank our many volunteers, including the Commodity representatives, high school students, and members of the Women's Institute, who make this Roots of Bruce a most remarkable learning opportunity for everyone involved. As we begin the next decade of this incredible project, we invite anyone with an interest in agriculture to join our team! For more information, contact Louise Ahrens at 519-363-3286 or ahrens@highspeedfx.net - Submitted by Louise Ahrens, Co -chairperson BRUCE COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE DIRECTORS' MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 25. 2005 8:00 P.M. Bruce County Administrative Building, 30 Park Street, Walkerton Members are welcome to attend. GREY AND BRUCE FEDERATIONS OF AGRICULTURE TOMMY COOPER AWARD MEETING Friday, April 15, 2005 Elmwood Community Centre (Downstairs) Social: 6:30 p.m. - Entertainment Dinner: 7:00 p.m. - Tickets: $15/person $$ MANAGING + MARKING CORRECTLY THE RIGHT TREES MARKETING - MAXIMUM SS THE LOGS RETURNS EFFECTIVELY SHORT AND LONG TERM Learn more about all four of these at the Third Bruce County "GOOD FORESTRY PRFCTICE" WORKSHOP Saturday, June 4, 2005 Formosa Community Centre Registration: 9:00 a.m. — Workshop: 9:15 a.m. Cost: $15 advance or $20 at the door (includes lunch) Contact: Lloyd Graham 519-528-2406 or Lloyd Schnurr 519-881-3998 Your Bush Could Be the most Productiue and Profitable Beres you Own Note: Please wear appropriate clothing for the bushlot tour Co-sponsored by the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture