The Rural Voice, 2002-05, Page 54Ag News
Helen Johns named new ag minister
Helen Johns
Named new ag minister
For the first time since the 1980s
when Huron County's Jack Riddel held
the post in the Liberal government, the
province's rural ministry is headed by a
estern Ontario representative.
Huron -Bruce MPP Helen Johns was
sworn in as Minister of Agriculture and
Food April 15. in the new cabinet of
Ontario Premier Ernie Eves.
For the Huron County Federation of
Agriculture President Charles Regele
the move is a positive one for the farm
community. Saying first that the
Federation wants to congratulate Johns
on her appointment, Regele added,
"Her understanding of agriculture has
certainly increased over the years."
He spoke highly of Johns' co-
operation with those involved in
agriculture saying "She was always
willing to meet with us. I hope the
Federation and all farm groups can
continue to work with her."
For Huron, as well as the
surrounding counties, Johns'
appointment should be a benefit, said
Regele. "I think this is a positive move
for the area."
Praise also came from the Ontario
Corn Producers' Association.
"As the member of the legislature
from Huron -Bruce, one of the largest
Rural groups move towards national
Organizations representing rural organizations with an opportunity to
community interests across the sit down together and forge closer
country announced in Charlottetown links."
in early April, that they have taken Forum participants agreed to
the first step toward the development continue discussions to find a process
of a national rural network that that will encourage networking on
would allow them to work together rural and remote issues, including a
more closely. follow-up meeting.
The concept, developed by three "There is, no longer any question
groups, the Coastal Communities that people in rural regions from sea
Network of Nova Scotia, British to sea share the same way of life,"
Columbia's Coastal Community said Jean-Pierre Fournier, Vice -chair
Network, and Ontario's Foundation of SolidaritE rurale du Quebec. "I
for Rural Living, was supported by will recommend to the members of
more than 40 groups during the the Board of Directors that they give
National Rural Development Forum. their support to any initiative
The Forum was held the day enabling the Government of Canada
before the second National Rural to act equitably and responsibly
Conference in Charlottetown, which toward rural communities and the
was attended by nearly 500 rural people of rural regions."
citizens from across Canada. "I see nothing but positive
"I am pleased to see this spirit of benefits coming from this
cooperation," said the Honourable collaboration," said Bruce Milne,
Andy Mitchell, Secretary of State chair of the Coastal Community
(Rural Development) (Federal Network of British Columbia.
Economic Development Initiative for "Rural communities face many
Northern Ontario). "I'm especially challenges and working together will
pleased that the National Rural help us ensure that our communities
Conference provided these are sustainable."
grain and oilseed areas in Ontario, we
know Ms Johns has a good
understanding of the tough financial
future facing our sector," said Dennis
Jack, president of the 21,000 member
The Corn Producers also noted the
decision to drop the "Rural Affairs"
portion of the ministry's name. "It is
our hope that the decision to return to a
Ministry of Agriculture and Food will
result in a more focused approach on
the business of th industry," said Don
McCabe, the association's second vice-
For Johns,the first female agriculture
minister, a made -in -Ontario safety net
for producers is at the top of a must -do
Johns also prioritized the need to
pass the long-delayed nutrient
management bill. If it passes, she said,
money will be needed for infrastructure
and enforcement. She therefore expects
more money for agriculture despite the
loss of rural development to municipal
rural network
"By establishing this network,
we'll recognize the reality that rural
issues cut across all regions and
across all sectors," said Arthur Bull,
chair of Nova Scotia's Coastal
Communities Network.°
Firm hired
to conduct Huron
groundwater study
A Barrie firm has been awarded
the $459,000 contract to conduct a
groundwater study in Huron County.
County council Thursday approved
the hiring of International Water
Consultants Ltd. County Planner
Scott Tousaw said one of the
attractions of the Barrie company is
that it will work with local firm B.
M. Ross and Associates giving•it
local contacts.
In answer to a question from South
Huron Councillor Joe Hogan,
Tousaw said currently the county has
money budgeted to cover all costs,
even those studies of local water
wells that might reasonably be paid
for by the municipality.°