The Rural Voice, 2002-05, Page 20HYDRAULIC HYDRA -SPREAD MANURE SPREADERS 285 BU. - 368 BU. - 421 BU. - 465 BU. - 550 BU. Eliminate some of life's problems pike chains, worn gears, shafts & bearings) with HYDRA -SPREAD The Canadian altemative in spreaders. N. E. HAGEDORN & SONS LIMITED — Paisley, Ont. website www.manurespreader.com 1-800-707-7271 L PPecast Produc by Design Concrete Systems Ltd. Bunker Silo Walls - available in "T" or "L" - up to 10' high Insulated Wall Panels - various colours & finishes available Columns & Beams Precast Drive -On Slats - up to 12' long Precast Freestall Risers Save Time & Money! EAZY WALK° Dairy Slats Cows Walk Better, Slip Less & Have Better Foot Health! Great for Young & Mature Cows! Up to 12 Foot Lengths 16 THE RURAL VOICE Design Concrete Systems Ltd. Toll Free: 1 (877) 253 4577 (519) 527-0397 Fax: (519) 527-1458 require 22 fixtures. "One specific management challenge is to provide six uninterrupted hours of darkness for cows milked three times per day. Extending the installation of and management of the lighting system, with appropriate `light' and `dark' intensities, to the holding pen may be required. Light intensity must be evenly distributed throughout each barn, avoiding `spot -lighting' and dark corners. Appropriate height of light fixtures can help achieve uniform distribution. common mistake is to place lights only above the feedbunk and not evenly throughout the entire freestall barn. Consider a cow is at the feedbunk 3- 4 hours a day and resting in a freestall 9-14 hours per day. If the lighting is inadequate in the freestall, where the cow spends a majority of her time, the cow will not be exposed to the required photoperiod. "Increased milk production will cause a subsequent increase in dry matter intake. The increase in DMI will be approximately one kilogram per cow per day, depending on the milk response. The increase in feed "Increased milk production will cause a subsequent increase in dry matter intake." costs will be significantly smaller than the increase in revenue from milk. "Using photoperiod management to increase milk production is profitable. To calculate expected annual profit for a specific operation, use the calculation worksheet on the website reference at the conclusion of this bulletin. Generally a completely new lighting system will pay for itself within six months to one year of installation, depending largely on labour cost for installation. "Additional source of information: "The website http://iltraill, outreach.uiuc.edu/photoperiod has additional information on photoperiod, worksheets to assist producers in light design and cost analysis, and other contact information."0