The Rural Voice, 2002-02, Page 47RAINY RIVER Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER 411* R.R. 1, Devlin, Ontario POW 100 807-486-3622 Am=I RAINY RIVER II' • The Rural Voice is provided to Rainy River Federation members by the RRFA. January 15. 2002 DEAR GOD: So far today. I've done all right. 1 haven't gossiped. 1 haven't lost my temper. I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or overindulgent. I'm thankful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I'm going to get out of bed. and from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot more help. Amen. The January RRFA meeting was held at Morley with Vice -President Ken Fisher chairing. Attending were Kimio Calder, Jason Teeple. Angela Halvorsen, Kelly Teeple. Rudy Sinninghe. James Gibson. Kristine Carpenter, Shirley Morrish and Susan Boersma. Bernie could not attend because he was on his way to the Ontario Dairy Farmers' annual meeting at the Royal York in Toronto. Betty was away because she's vacationing in the south and, we haven't caught up to Reg yet. Happy birthday Ken Fisher! Kimco is anxious to get something started for Ag Days. This is the annual Seed Fair that so many look forward to each spring. It would be great to have some new faces come forward and help Kimco and Kristine to get the show on the road. Call Klink if you can assist in any way at 487-2863. You may think she can handle it alone, but she shouldn't have to. The new fair books are now being prepared for 2002. If you'd like to place an ad, call Shirley Teeple at 487-2465. The fair board has a new president for the coming season. Joyce Meyers will be presiding and 1 believe she's the first female president in the history of the Rainy River District Agricultural Society's existence. Joyce is a retired school teacher and has served on the fair board for some time as director. Connie Carrier remains as secretary/treasurer. KimJo announced the Livestock Medicines Course corning up February 27 for Dairy and February 28 for Beef. Seating is limited to 25 participants. You may register with your $50 fee by calling 1-877-480-9992. The lunch is included in the cost. The course will become mandatory by the year 2003. Kristine reported for our Ag Awareness Committee. On January 25 there will be P.D. Day at the local schools. Our committee will be setting up a display at Crossroads School in Devlin and at Sturgeon Creek School at Barwick. We will have resource sheets, hooklets. pamphlets, curriculum connections and everything that is available promoting agriculture. As ambassadors for Agriculture, we are always on duty. If you ate today, thank a farmer. Rainy River District Cattlemen will hold their regular meeting Wednesday, January 16 at Morley. Then on Wednesday, January 23, the annual meeting takes place at the Stratton Separate School at 7:00 p.m. All cattle people are urged to attend and voice your opinions. Tom is continuing his calls to Nault concerning the Animal Inspection Station. All other stations are taken care of by the Federal Government financially; our Rainy River/Baudette crossing is financed by the Rainy River Cattlemen's Association. Something is not right somewhere. The Rainy River District 4-H Leaders will be holding their annual meeting on January 25 at the Emo Inn beginning at 6:00 p.m. All 4-H leaders, partners, and new leaders are welcome to attend. The Year of the Horse. officially begins on February 2, 2002; the seventh year in a repeating 12 -year cycle for the traditional Chinese. To commemorate, Canada has designed souvenir sheets of stamps featuring all the animals of the zodiac with the horse highlighted in gold. The stamp costs 48 cents. The horse is a symbol of power and perseverance. Horses are perceptive. talkative. highly independent and very unpredictable — sounds like someone I know. The price of all stamps has gone up to 48 cents as of January 14. With tax. a letter costs 51 cents to mail. Charlie Gracey has been inducted into the Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame. He worked as secretary -manager of the Ontario Cattlemen's Association from 1965 to 1970 and was executive vice- president from 1970 to 1990. Charlie is still involved with the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency. "We make a living by what we get — we make a life by what we give." Remember cattle people. the tattoo letter this year is M. The Manitoba — North Dakota Zero Tillage Farmers' Association will have their 24th annual Workshop and Trade Show on January 29-30, 2002 in Minot. North Dakota at the Holiday Inn Riverside. Their workshop theme this year is "Farming Soil and Water Quality". The speakers come from Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan as well as several states. Registration is $120 Canadian. or $75 U.S. for the complete workshop. Farm Safety Report — World Health Organization (WHO) will hold their I Ith International Conference on Safe Communities this May in the Rainy River District. Last year, it was held in Anchorage Alaska where a number of delegates from our district attended, delivering the message that programs improving safety in all walks of life can be developed from grass roots participation without initial government funding. It is a great honour to have the Rainy Ri er District chosen as their meeting place May 7. 8. 9. 2002. Last summer. a 1 3 -year-old h,,, drowned after becoming trapped in a hot tub. This has resulted in the Office of the Chief Coroner to issue recommendations aimed at preventing similar deaths. They ask owners and operators of hot tubs. whirlpools. spas and similar units to inspect their mechanical circulating equipment. Chief Coroner. Dr. James Young, is advising: No. I. that each bottom or side suction fitting has a cover plate designed to reduce the risk of entrapment. No. 2. that two or more separately located suction drains are connected to the whirlpool pump. No. 3. that a vacuum -release mechanism is installed between the drain and the pump. No. 4. that a clearly marked emergency shut-off switch separate from the hot tub's timing device. is installed on a wall adjacent to the hot tub. Medical officers of Health and members of the Lifesaving Society of Canada will be advising owners and operators of these recommendations to ensure compliance. Did you hear that "Dolly". the cloned sheep. now five years old. has arthritis in her one back leg. If she was cloned from a seven-year-old sheep. would this not make her 12 years old? No wonder she has arthritis! Rainy River Vet Committee will meet in Nico's Kitchen on Thursday. January 24 at 10:00 a.m. They will he trying to resolve the reduced service problem for Targe animals within the Rainy River District. There are 18 dairy farms in the Rainy River District and one of our dairy farmers just became a grampa. Congratulations to James and Katherine Gibson on the birth of Brookelyn Lea Haglin to Laura and Tim. This was also the Rainy River District's first baby for 2002. I'm always in admiration in the wondrous way that one tiny baby can connect and Join people to make bigger families. Congratulations to great-grandparents. Fred and Grace Angus and all the many relatives across the country. The 4-H annual awards and banquet night will take place at Stratton Millennium Hall on the evening of March 1. Please call Kimco at 487-2863 to confirm attendance. Thanks to Alex Chisholm way down near Lake Huron who called and gave all that info on gun control. 1 will pass it on to Betty. our Member Services Representative. as soon as she returns from the sunny south. "Any age. is the right age. to start what you want to do".0 — By Sltirlev Morrish FEBRUARY 2002 43