The Rural Voice, 2000-09, Page 82BRUCE Email:ota.on.ca 519-364-3050 or 1-800-275-9551 website:: www.ofa.on.ca/bruce 446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9 CountyFederation o Agriculture NEWSLETTER 'The RuralCVoice r provided e Bruce f 9 County Farmers by the BCFA. Government aid- misrepresented After Mother Nature has thrown every conceivable obstacle in the path of our farm community, from the drought of the past three years to the damaging record rainfall this year. our Provincial Minister of Agriculture. Mr. Hardeman made a statement on radio that the farm Safety Net Programs — NISA (Net Income Stabilization Account), Crop Insurance, AIDA (Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance), and OWFRP (Ontario Whole Farm Relief Program) would cover the devastation nature has caused. All of the above are calculated as a percentage of historical prices or yields using some statistics as long as 30 years for an average. The AIDA program from the Federal Government and of the OWFRP which is supposed to cover this type of devastation is reported to cover 70 per cent of gross margins, is badly misrepresented because negative margins are not covered in the Ontario plan. Also the government premiums paid to GRIP (Gross Revenue Insurance Plan) and NISA are deducted from the 70 per cent which brings the actual support down to 54 per cent. Perhaps our politicians would agree to accept only 70 per cent of their income less deductions for other expenses paid to them. This is on top of closing OMAFRA offices in most of rural Ontario so they do not have as many eyes and ears in the field. The way that the offices were closed, with most remaining open being in the south, it seems as if the sister Counties of Bruce and Grey are not considered agricultural in the eyes of Premier Mike's inner circle, which includes the aforementioned Minister Hardeman. If this is the case perhaps they should change the two counties into HURON FARM HIKER TOUR Lucknow Area Sunday, October 1, 2000 - Noon to 5:00 p.m. Pick up your tour program and map at the Lucknow Community Centre between Noon and 3 00 p m 78 THE RURAL VOICE strictly tourist areas, outlawing commercial farming and pay landowners to keep a few animals in the fields for the tourists to see when they drive on our rural roads. They could then view a wide variety of animals in manicured paddocks in front of well maintained buildings. A good example of OMAFRA's declining interest in the well being of Bruce County's farm community was their refusal to attend the information meeting on June 29 for farmers on the effects of the Walkerton water tragedy, sponsored by the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture. Just a note on that meeting. If you have any concerns or questions on the impact of the Walkerton water crisis on your farm or wish to express your opinion, please remember you are not alone. "In Unity There's Strength". CaII our office in Hanover at 519- 364-3050 or 1-800-275-9551. The environment, including groundwater, is getting more attention now than it ever has in the past. If you have not yet done so, now would be a good time to consider completing an Environmental Farm Plan (EFP). An EFP would show "due diligence" on behalf of the participant in case of any questions on the action of your property. It is also a gond educational insight as to what your actions could have. Sometimes just some small changes could make a tremendous improvement. There is also a $1,500 incentive available. EFP workshops will be held this fall. If you are interested in attending contact John Wilton at 367- 2408 for dates and locations of the workshops. While on this subject, I feel that our municipalities should also take a good look at the impact on the environment that their actions have on groundwater and air quality. It seems ridiculous that Toronto wants to transfer their pollution to the top of our fresh water Great Lakes system and then draw their own drinking water from it down stream. Also, there is the spreading of sewage sludge on land in Southern Grey County which most likely will go into the aquifers that feed the same water supply. Wake up Toronto and study and implement more environmentally friendly ways of doing things.0 — Submitted by Allan Smith OFA Regional Director Bruce North Bruce County Federation of Agriculture 59th Annual Meeting, Banquet and OFA Regional Meeting Friday, October 27, 2000 Mildmay -Carrick Recreation Complex • Social 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. NOTE: OFA Regional Directors, Delegates and Alternates for OFA Convention, BCFA Presidents and Township Directors will be elected at the meeting. NOMINATION FOR THE BCFA AWARD OF MERIT "For Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture" Each year the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture presents an Award to a person in Bruce County who has made a significant contribution to the agriculture industry. If you have someone you would like to nominate, please complete this form and return to our office in Hanover. Nominations should be received at our office by October 20. The Award will be presented at our Annual Meeting on Friday, October 27. I nominate: Reasons for nomination: Signature: Please return to: Bruce County Federation of Agriculture, 446 10th Street, Hanover, ON N4N 1P9 Fax: 519-364-4119 E-mail: bruce@ofa.on.ca Or you may give your nomination to any Township Director