The Rural Voice, 2000-09, Page 79RAINY RIVER Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER 444 ALINIENIIL RAINY RIVER VALLEY' The Rural Voice is provided to Rainy River Federation members by the RRFA. place and in order for the astronauts to sustain life for the 27, -month voyage. astronauts will have to grow their own food. OAFE has become involved in a project that will test the effects of the gravity -free space environment on tomato seeds. Canadian students will be involved by germinating and growing tomato seeds after they return from outer space. OAFE will develop the teachers' guide and instruction package which will accompany this project. OAFE feels honoured to have been chosen because the project is national in scope. OAFE Educational Consultant. Rhea Brillinger will lead the project. Back here on earth. at Emo. our local group will be promoting dairy products and by-products at the Lair. We'll be working alongside the local milk producers educating people on the importance of milk in everyday diets. Chamber of Commerce in Fort Frances will have their trade show Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30. 4-H reports that a leaders' worship takes place September 9 at Donald Young School. Karen Scott will lead it. It begins at 10:00 a.m. with a potluck luncheon at noon. All leaders and new leaders are urged to attend. Go for the Gold 4-H competition takes place September 16 at Donald Young School. Each team will have four members. one alternate and one coach. The winning team goes to the Royal Winter Fair in November. The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is November 2 - 1 1 , 2000. I must cut this short for this month as 1 have four displays to get ready for the fair by noon tomorrow. Make a new list of "to dp' things everyday from your larger list of projects, goals, and things to do. If an item gets transferred from one daily list to the next for 10 days, drop it. There's a reason you're avoiding the item, and your time would be better spent reassessing your motives. Did you know that frogs move faster than toads? – Submitted by Shirley Morrish R.R. 1, Devlin, Ontario POW 1C0 807-486-3622 August 15, 2000 Summer never seems to last long enough and I think we notice it more as we get older. But we should still take the time to enjoy the flowers, the daylight hours, a glass of iced tea with friends and the luxury of quiet conversation. The world will continue spinning, even if you slow down. It's worth it. It's a busy time here in the Rainy River District. Preparations for the annual Fall Fair at Emo are underway. Special events and activities along with displays of the earlier days are part of the agenda. Last evening, RRFA met at the Emo Arena which becomes the Farm Progress Building during the fair. We set up the frames and curtains that are backdrops for all the groups who have a trade to show off. The fair board has planted trees throughout the grounds and painting and repairs have taken place everywhere. By this time next week the°•centennial celebrations for the Rainy River Valley Agricultural Society will be a happy memory. "Nature's mighty law is change." The RRFA held their August meeting at Morley with Linda Armstrong, Dianne Vandenbrand, Kim Desserre, Kris Carpenter, Reg Kause, Betty Salchert, KimJo Calder, Ken Fisher, Jason Teeple, Shirley Morrish and Angela Halvorsen attending. Betty, member services rep, said that log books are available locally at Visser's and she will have them at her booth at the fair. Betty will be setting up a special display for the OFA at the Farm Progress Building. Linda announced that Jack Wilkinson will be in the Dryden area around November I. The President's meeting takes place this week in Toronto and Linda will not be able to attend since she is running things in the biggest building on the fairgrounds. Linda said that to date there are 27 exhibitors and everything looks good. Help is needed at closing time 5:00 p.m. Saturday to take everything down again. KimJo said that the tours at the Research Station went very well. There was a lot of interest this year and the weather was favourable. Her crew, Laura and Ryan, are busy with the harvesting now. Both will be returning to.school soon. KimJo reminded everyone of the date change for the second cattle sale at Stratton. It has been switched from September 23 to September 30. Barn work is going on this past two weeks preparing for the August 26 sale. The bleachers are completed and painted, as well.as the new office. Alley 300 is in the process of having new pens. The yards have been cut and there was enough hay to bale for feed. Russ, the manager and his crew are doing a great job. A number of locals had an interesting visit from Dean Hodgson, who once farmed near Emo. Dean always manages to stop by for coffee and a good conversation. It's always fascinating to hear the stories he tells of his journeys — and Dean never ages! 4-H did a big cleanup at the food booth on Monday morning as well as some painting when the rain stopped. The repairs to the old building will make it comfortable to work in for another fair. Thanks to all the leaders and members who turned out to help. Barn setup is Wednesday evening and we need workers in the food booth, especially on Saturday during the beef shows. Clean up is Monday evening, helping the fair board people get the grounds back to shape again. OAFE – Ontario Agri -Food Education – has an audio-visual collection now. There's approximately 800 items recently transferred from OMAFRA audio-visual library at Guelph and now moved to OAFE offices at Milton. The material covers a variety of videos, picture kits and other assorted print material on agriculture and food, suitable for educators to borrow. They can be borrowed for one week with only the shipping and handling costs to pay for. Now, here's one for you to think about. A proposed launch at Cape Canaveral on November 30 will take SEPTEMBER 2000 75