The Rural Voice, 2000-03, Page 58HURON Box 429, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 519-482-9642 or 1-800-511-1135 Email: huron®ota.on.ca • The Rural Voice is provided to all farmers County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER in Huron County by the HCFA. Rural Education Committee formed by Huron and Perth Federations In order to impress upon the Ontario Ministry of Education the need for change in the way they fund rural education we invite you to lobby for a Rural Education Strategy that encompasses the following points: L That an adequate funding formula be developed for Rural School Boards. A Rural Funding Formula needs to keep the following points in mind: • large geographic Boards in rural areas are at a disadvantage under the current formula because we do not have the population densities. • small. school size should not be discriminated against from a funding aspect and the value of education. If all elementary schools in the province under 350 students were to be closed this would result in the loss of 53 per cent of Ontario's elementary schools. • provincial funding must reflect the fact that if portions of schools are closed then this space be removed from the formulas to determine accommodation levels. 2. Accommodation reviews need to be based on smaller review areas within a school board district and that only the enrollment levels of schools within a given review area be used to determine whether the board needs new pupil spaces in that area. 3. Government policies and funding mechanisms need to be in place which ensure that school closures are examined in the context of their potential implications for the students and the entire community, prior to decision making. We have a concern that the full economic impact of closing a particular school may be much more detrimental to the economy of a given area, and in turn the province, than any savings to the education budget. Rural schools act as the social infrastructure for the area, and need to be preserved as the delivery model for other services. The funding formula must allow for this. 4. Special education funding needs to be increased to cover the non- educational costs•of providing this service which would have traditionally been covered by the Ministry of Health. 5. A funding formula that enables Boards to cap the time at 45 minutes for busing children to and from school. Reaction to rising diesel fuel costs urged The price of diesel fuel has surpassed the price of regular gasoline at the retail outlets across Ontario and in many other areas in Canada and the U.S. A strategy is being developed by OFA in conjunction with the Ontario Truckers Association (OTA) to deal with the situation. OFA President Jack Wilkinson sees it as "bad timing" for farmers for planting crops and needing transportation for seeds, fertilizers, etc. HCFA OFFICE HOURS Mondays and Fridays 9 a.m. to 12 noon • 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Please leave a message. (519) 482-9642 or 1-800-511-1135 FAX (519) 482-1416 Email: huron@ofa.on ca 4th Monday of each month Board of Directors Meeting, Vanastra All OFA members welcome. 56 THE RURAL VOICE as well as reasonably priced fuel and they should not tolerate what the oil industry is doing. OFA is preparing to make a submission to the Ontario Gas Prices Review Task Force and encourages individual farmers and local federations to do the same thing. Submissions can be faxed to the ONTARIO GAS PRICES REVIEW TASK FORCE at 416-325-6255 or mailed to: 35th Floor, 250 Yonge Street, Toronto, M5B 2N5.0 6. All school funding come directly from the government, not through local municipalities. This has created extra interest costs to the Boards as they wait for municipal assessment dollars, which are difficult to verify as well. The government of Ontario has to hear from all stakeholders on this issue if we are going to make real changes to the current underfunding of our education system. Your local MPP, the Minister of Education, and the Premier need to hear these points from all concerned stakeholders if we are to get the changes to the funding formula which are needed. THE FIX HAS TO BE NEW MONEY, NOT A RESHUFFLE OF CURRENT FUNDS.O MORE TRACTOR KITS COMING Directors and member helpers will be touring the townships of McKillop, Goderich, Hullett, Colborne and Grey later this winter and early spring to distribute our complimentary "tractor" reflective safety tape kits to all OFA members. 5th FARM HIKER TOUR Sunday, October 1 Lucknow and area Watch for more details. HURON FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE ANNUAL MEETING Thursday, October 12 Watch this page for additional information YOUNG FARMERS FORUM March 11 at 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Listowel Agricultural Hall Anyone interested in attending please contact the HCFA office at 519-482-9642 or 1-800-511-1135. PROFILE: New Board Member on Huron County Federation of Agriculture Board of Directors Dave Lewington is a new director on the Huron County Federation of Agriculture Board of Directors. He farms on the family farm with his parents in a farrow to finish operation, as well as feeder cattle. Dave is on the Huron County Pork Producers board and a volunteer director on 10HPA (Independent Ontario Hog Producers Association). We welcome Dave to our board. Dave says - "As a young farmer, I am very concerned about GMO issues, high debt loads of farmers, contract farming, factory farms, and the loss of an open, competitive marketplace for farm commodities. All of these issues are having a negative impact on the independent family farm."0