The Rural Voice, 2000-02, Page 50BRUCE Email: bruce@ofa.on.ca website: www.ofa.on.ca/bruce County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER 446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9 519-364-3050 or 1-800-275-9551 ' The Rural Voice is provided to Bruce County Farmers by the BCFA. Water becomes more precious all the time On January 7 I attended a meeting at OMAFRA in Guelph called by the "Water Taking Sub -Committee of the Ontario Farm Environmental Coalition's Water Quality Working Group". Over 50 people attended, double what was expected. They represented several county Federations of Agriculture, MOE, conservation authorities as well as other interested parties. The chair outlined some of the existing regulations pertaining to water taking and priorities. The norm for the order of priorities is household, municipal, agriculture, industry. When water is plentiful there is usually not much problem but when there are shortages problems may arise. Alliston has recently been very involved in dealing with this. There were two hours of discussion on existing concerns, potential concerns and suggested solutions. It was agreed that more data was needed to put together a water budget to get some idea of how much water there is, who is taking it, and where it is. The MOE is trying to get a well network operating to monitor quantity and quality of groundwater. This had been done some time ago but not recently. It was agreed that a committee should be set up and that a full-time co-ordinator be hired to try and get a better grip on this problem and establish -agriculture's position. It is hoped that some of the Ontario government's Healthy Futures funding might be used along with other support to bring this about. The recent droughts in several areas of the province including Bruce County have intensified the concerns about water availability and quality. The actions of several water -taking companies have also focused attention on this. How society as a whole, and the agriculture community in particular, deal with this problem will test us in years to come, especially since Ontario's population is expected to double in the next 20 years and there is a good possibility of more droughts ahead. Farmers see themselves as stewards of the land and are seen by many others as such. The water that is on top of, and below, this land it would seem is an important part of this stewardship. Perhaps we can lead the way to a Farm business registration forms Due to a computer error 15,000 Farm Business Registration forms mailed out by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) to farmers for the January 31, 2000, deadline have incorrect information printed on them. The pre-printed portion of the form is showing the Christian Farmers' Federation of Agriculture (CFFO) as the organization the farmer has supported previously, when in fact it has been the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA). While OMAFRA officials suggest farmers will be able to sort their way through the application form and the printing error, Jon Lazarus, Manager, OFA Financial Administration, is concerned the potential confusion could extend the registration process 46 THE RURAL VOICE for some farmers, and complicate what should be a simple process. OFA hopes farmers who received the first round of application forms will take the time necessary to ensure their $150 cheque is made payable to the farm organization of their choice, and that the pre-printed section is corrected to reflect their intentions. For information or assistance contact John Wright, OMAFRA Guelph, Manager of the Farm Business Registration program at 1- 800-469-2285 or 519-826-3770.0 BRUCE COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Directors' Meeting Monday, February 28, 2000 8:00 p.m. OMAFRA Boardroom, Walkerton Members are welcome to attend future where water quality and availability is assured for all Ontarians at all times. If you have any thoughts or concerns on this subject please contact your Federation of Agriculture. One of the most mentioned solutions was conservation of water which is something we can all do something about even if it is on a small scale.0 — By Rick Robson 2nd Vice President, Bruce County Federation of Agriculture Heavy Duty Drive Clean - test and repair cost info wanted In the Heavy Duty Drive Clean emissions tests, neither the test cost nor the repair costs are established in the program regulations. OFA would like to track the cost of both the emissions test and any repairs necessary to pass the test. Peter Jeffery, OFA's senior farm policy researcher is interested in obtaining information on test and repair costs. It would be helpful if the information was separated; test cost and repair cost. Members can forward the information directly to Peter by fax 416-485-9027 or email peter.jeffery@ofa.on.ca or give it to the local Federation office, phone 519-364- 3050 or fax 519-364-4119.0 Recycling used plastic bale wrap and plastic baler twine Two young entrepreneurs from Prince Edward County have developed a process for recycling plastic bale wrap, agricultural bag wrap, and plastic baler twine. They saw a real need to recycle this material instead of burning it or filling landfill sites. The couple have a market for the processed material and have put a great deal of work and expense into developing the process. They are presently setting up depots to hold the material for them and if farms have large quantities they might pick it up at the farm. The material must be relatively clean and dry. For more information contact Matthew Wright at 613-827-0344 (cell phone) or Jason Petit at 613-471-0068 (cell phone).0