The Rural Voice, 2001-08, Page 63GREY
446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9
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County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER
• The Rural Voice is provided to all Grey
County Farmers by the GCFA.
Water pulls a community together
"Well, at least I know all my
neighbours now: and they are really
fine people." This statement was made
by a dairy farmer in Grey County. not
in the aftermath of a community supper
or a good auction. Off and on, he had
spent the better part of two weeks in the
middle of June at an Ontario Municipal
Board hearing held at the Markdale
Complex. Between cutting hay and
other chores, he and neighbours for
miles around came and listened to the
proceedings as "the proponent" tried to
convince the Board that siting an
industrial water storage and trucking
facility, running at least 28 tanker
trucks a day, 365 days a year, would
not have an impact on the agricultural
We often think of water as a
substance that dilutes. In this case,
opposition to this commercial water -
mining proposal pulled the community
together, bonding farm and non-farm
families and individuals, the local
municipality and the county and several
county associations. The decision of the
Board, which may be delivered by the
end of July just as this magazine arrives
on your doorstep, will send a clear
message to every farmer in Ontario.
And although the community feels they
provided every justification necessary
to allow the Board to turn the proposal
down, there is still an aching doubt in
everyone's mind that the proponent
who bulldozed his way through local
democratically elected councils and
provincially approved Official Plans
may just succeed with the OMB.
At the November 2000 OFA
Conference I pointedly asked the
Minister of Municipal Affairs and the
Minister of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs, whether the province
supported municipalities' decisions to
protect their agricultural economies in
their Official Plans. Mr. Clement's
"short answer", as he put it, was "Yes".
And . Mr. Hardeman agreed.
Unfortunately, because the planning
process has been so "streamlined", the
province, through its Provincial Policy
Statement and the recently approved
County Official Plan never had an
opportunity to comment. When Grey
County deferred its decision, while it
gathered more information, the
proponent appealed the application to
the OMB, leaving the decision in the
hands of one appointed person.
The community groaned as they
listened to the proponent run down the
operations of some neighbours, the
quality of the soil, the number of non-
farm residents. It seems agricultural
land is "undeveloped land" and simply
renaming it or "rezoning" it to "rural"
would dispense with any conflict with
established agricultural operations.
Many attendees were astounded as
letters addressed to neighbours
indicated the non-agricultural industrial
use was already having an impact on
the agricultural community. One letter
went so far as to request the owner of a
new OMAFRA-approved structure to
house cattle to "relocate this structure
closer to your barn in the Spring." The
letter went on to ask confirmation that
"this structure is not now used, nor do
you plan to use it, as a feedlot for cattle
or otherwise as a place for storage of
Spirits were raised, though, when
the land use planner who prepared the
County Plan explained the thorough
consultation with residents in
identifying where agriculture would
receive highest protection. Ms.
Monteith explained to the Board the
foremost economic position of
agriculture in the County and its
position in the province as a leader in
production of cattle, sheep, goats, and
hay. She further stated that making an
"exception" in this instance would
undermine the County's stated goal to
support its agricultural community.
The land use planner from
OMAFRA brought documentation of
how the province and the county
developed their criteria for protecting
and enhancing the county's leading
economic sector through an
"Alternative Land Evaluation System".
Though the proponent tried to
characterize the system as "fuzzy", Ms.
Neumann made the province's position
There will be NO Board of Directors'
meeting in August - Next meeting wit be
Thursday, September 27, 2001
clear, "The Food Land Guidelines
provide for local municipalities to work
with the province in determining what
areas should be protected and how best
to achieve that. This is intended to be a
locally driven exercise."
As newly -amalgamated
municipalities develop Official Plans,
they should consider carefully how
much agriculture is relegated to the
"rural" designation. Particularly as this
case demonstrates how easily non-
supportive interests will bulldoze into a
In a standing room only evening
session, the Board heard from more
than 40 residents in a room of 300 or
more express their concerns. Karl
Chittka, President of the Grey
Federation of Agriculture stated GFA's
opposition. Farmers who thought they
were too nervous to speak in public
found the strength to explain how a
steady stream of tankers would
interfere with normal farm practices.
They, and others, also raised the
concern of locating a water extraction
facility in the heart of a livestock
raising community. Recent experience
tells us that fingers of blame point to
farmers first when there is a problem
with water quality.
Grant Preston, a well-known sheep
farmer and former reeve, quoted the
chair of the planning committee when
the county adopted the Official Plan,
"The county and its councillors must
support it!" Preston asked the Board to
support it. "It is important that the
OMB send a clear message of support
for County Plans in Ontario."0
- Submitted by Peggy Hutchison
Grey County Federation of Agriculture
61st Annual Meeting
and Banquet and
OFA Regional Meeting
Friday, October 12, 2001
Royal Canadian Legion, Durham
Social: 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker:
Clare Lewis, Ontario Ombudsman
NOTE: OFA Regional Directors,
Delegates and Alternates for OFA
Convention, and GCFA Presidents will
be elected at the meeting.