The Rural Voice, 2001-08, Page 424
had a week to soak, the marsh
plants have sucked up all the
nutrients from the manure and the
clean water sent to the pond.
Water leaving the marsh is high
in phosphorus and nitrogen so
plants that love those minerals,
like Bermuda grass, was added to
places where the water trickles
out. After the water goes through
the marsh and into the pond it is
sent into Black Creek.
In the last five years, the marsh
has become a haven for frogs, and
ducks and geese always stop at
the pond in spring and fall migra-
tion, Luckhart said.
The local conservation authori-
ty is constantly testing the water
to make sure nothing is polluting
the area. The testing is done in
independent labs and all results
are kept on file.
"That way no one can accuse
me of fixing (the results);" presi-
dent Doug Luckhart said.
The idea has proved very popu-
lar. Every year dozens of people
come and look at the marsh lands.
Recently someone from Ducks
Unlimited was at the Luckharts
and suggested duck boxes be put
near the pond.
It is unclear how long the
marsh will last. Every year the
plants die and build up. Luckhart
thinks in 20 to 25 years some top
soil may have to be scooped out.
"Imagine how rich that will
be," Luckhart said.
If Luckhart was asked to make
the marsh again he would do so in
a heartbeat.
"It's the responsible way of
doing things," he said.0
€ I
€ VIS 11 il 0 list I
Seth aiueaw a
1 August 18, 2001
6f:3:00 - 7:00 p.m.
khart Transport Ltd. would like to show appreciation to our past, 4
1 L e ent and future customers, suppliers and employees, as well as Tela-
1t fres, friends and neighbours. We encourage you and your family mem-
bers to attend and enjoy some social time and refreshments.
Open House
will be held at
Luckhart Transport Ltd.'s
Sebringville Yard.
(519) 393-6128
.111tc hall
fY 9111 4049 Penh Lin. 135
AUGUST 2001 39