The Rural Voice, 2001-03, Page 551 RAINY RIVER Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER R.R. 1, Devlin, Ontario POW 100 807-486-3622 ILAI RIVER VALLEY• The Rural Voice is provided to Rainy RRiver Federation members by the RRFA February 14. 2001 They tell us that everything that happens in life, happens for a reason, but the accident that took the life of our friend and neighbour, Bev Hyatt doesn't have a reason. Not one that we can understand anyway. Bev was the centre of her family and friends' universe and her life on this earth will not be forgotten. George and Bev did their share of the workload when George was active in the RRFA and served as president. We will not forget her. Since the groundhog did see his shadow on February 2, our spring will come as always. So far the winter here in the Rainy River Valley has been acceptable. We don't have the big snowstorms like in the East and the South. We have less freezing temperatures than most places too. As I've mentioned numerous times before. the Rainy River District is the place to be. Attending the February 6 RRFA meeting were Kristine Carpenter, Angela Halvorsen. KimJo Calder, Ken Fisher. Betty Salchert, Shirley Morrish. Sue Boersma, Bernie Zimmerman, Rudy Sinninghe and Gary Sliworsky from OMAFRA. Betty, reporting for Member Services and just back from her holiday in Arizona where there was snow and hail, said that registration forms are in the mail and some mistakes have been reported. Let her know about it as soon as you can. She has also ordered for the new fact sheets that are available. There is a membership drive on now. so talk to your neighbour or agricultural place of business. They could be receiving this great little magazine and could even place an ad in the advertising section to reach our eastern friends like 1 do. Kristine and Shirley. reporting for OAFE (Ag Awareness), are preparing for the year's activities for all schools in the district. This spring, students (Tomatonauts) and teachers will plant 50 earth seeds, (the control group) and 50 space seeds to compare germination. growth and vigour over a three-week period. Space seeds came from the space shuttle which blasted off November 30 with Canadian astronaut, Marc Garneau and four other astronauts. There were 200,000 Heinz tomato seeds on board with them. They will be the focus of Grade 3-6 Science experiments called Tomatosphere, reaching 3000 classrooms across Canada. Classrooms have to register for these experiments. Rainy River Cattlemen held their annual meeting in January and elected a new board of directors. Their first meeting was last evening and Tom Morrish is the President, with Markus Chojko-Bolec as vice-president. Archie Wiersema is the Provincial Director and Jo Bragg is secretary/treasurer. The other dedicated directors are Kimlo Calder. Harold Duivenvoorden. Darryl Angus, Aarne Hahkala, Ken McKinnon. Allan Jolicouer and Clayton Teeple. with two more to be chosen at large. Russell Richards is the Salesyard Manager. The annual meeting for OCA takes place February 21. Tom, Archie and Russ will be attending. BIO's annual meeting takes place February 21). the afternoon before the OCA's on the 21-22 at the International Plaza Hotel in Toronto. The Rainy River 4-H Association will hold a meeting Monday. February 19 at Barwick. There are a number of new projects starting up with 65 members and 33 leaders and volunteers. Of these, 27 are females and three are males all screened and ready to help our youth "Learn to do by Doing". President is Deb Zimmerman: Secretary, Cindy Neilson and Treasurer is Carol Angus. KimJo Bliss/Calder is the local 4-H contact person. A Grower Pesticide Safety Course will be held for the Rainy River District at the Kay-Nah-Chi-Wah-Nung Historical Centre. Shaw Road. East of Stratton. It will run from 9:00 - 4:00 on March 22. Cost is $65. and lunch can be purchased in the restaurant at the centre. Register by calling 1-800-652-8573. Ketchum Reytlex Manufacturing are big supporters of 4-H and this year they will donate a portion of sales from every cattle ear -tag sold in Canada to 4-H. Ketchum has been involved with 4-H in a number of capacities over the years. Each provincial council receives a portion of the funds from the sales in that province. Congratulations to Angela Halvorsen on her appointment as a new Northern Ventures Officer for the Rainy River District. N.V. is funded by FedNor and administered through Rainy River Futures Development Corporation. This is a program to assist young women, 30 years of age and under, youth and aboriginal entrepreneurs to start a new business. Maple Leaf Foods have come out with a new snack food called Meatheads, targeting men between the ages of 18-34 who love beefy snacks. The snacks are much like beef jerky, but are very flat and chewy and very convenient for people on the go. They are available in 3,000 convenience stores and gas bars, and planned to be distributed nationally by May of this year. Has anyone ever noticed the similarity in the two small magazines; one is published by OCA and called Ontario Beef, the other is published by Ontario Farmer Magazine and called Beef Farmer. They are the same size with similar logos. There must be an expense in repetition. Rainy River Rural Safety are planning their annual meeting for February 28 at the Seniors' Centre at Stratton, 7:00 p.m Rainy River District is host to the World Health conference to be held May 7. 8. 9 in the year 2002. There is a conference theme "Seeds" which covers Safety - Education -Equal Opportunity -Dedication - Sustainability. Our local rural safety group will also have a part in the preparation of this world-wide conference. Bernie reported for the 18 milk producers still in production in the distract. Rainy River Rural Safety and Rainy River 4-H Association will combine to sponsor the upcoming first-aid and CPR course. It happens Mary 7 - 8 in the evenings and wraps up Saturday morning. March 10. There is a fee and to register call KimJo Calder at 807-482-2863. Gary was in attendance with the newsletter proposal. Like all maga/Ines. it's advertising that keeps a newspaper coming to your household. The NorthWest Link will publish 11) issues this year if the sponsorship is there :o mail out 450 copies. Angela reported for the fair hoard (Ag Society) and was very pleased a ith the positive attitude of the nes, hoard. A planning committee is being set up for the proposed Agri-Plex Building and opinions are asked for. Linda Armstrong will he the RRFA representative on the Lair hoard for this year. Ag Days (the annual Seed Fair) is coming up March 30-31 at the Barwick Centre. A committee is to he set up for speakers and days activities. Kristine booked the hall 'and lunch will he sponsored by T. J. Kaemingh and Mannas Shell. The annual RRFA spring dinner also takes place that weekend. Entertainment committee is Ken Fisher. KimJo Calder. Jason Teeple. Betty Salchert. Tickets will be available from any one of your directors. We're all wishing Mike Neilson a quick and complete recovery from his recent accident while loading hulls for their charolais sale on February 10. 11 was a very successful sale even though Mike could not be there. He was in surgery at Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg. 11 anyone has recipes for delicious soft type foods, pass them on to Joanne to prepare for Mike. It will be a while helore he can chew again. We can't .change the world. We can only change our attitudes. beliefs and behaviours. We can't change other people. but we can educate and confront them by our actions. "Learn from the past — live for today — plan for tomorrow."0 — Submitted by Shirley Morrish MARCH 2001 51