The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-25, Page 6Ofixx u r The ' +aVfaxgTzana Adve 11 A11TL.UllU ��1 MiGs Donna Hutithiwn ::pent the week -end with Mr. awl Mrs, ltuy Dawson, of (+last. liVawann:,h, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bimini and ;family attended the „p+ it an-:(nlith wedding In the ('htiord United .Ohureh on Saturday ami the wed- ding dinner for :9i guer.t:+ in the ISS room of the church Little Ev- elyn Bl man was Bowel girl for the ,occasion_ . Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert Alexander. of •Goderieh, visite+! nu `oiud:ty with Mr. and Mrs. Murray hit ll. Mr. and Mr:;. W. A 1Iunmphr+y. of West 11'awann. h. and their fam- ily, Ivl:r. and Mrs. rico % ebsi •r and daughters, Mr. and Mi:.. Roy Rob- inson and :;on.,, an+l tlse : i;, ;leri children were :it ilespeter on Sun- day where they attended a family gathering with Mr.:iuti Mrs. Lorne Humphrey. Brian Jamieson and Jimmie liee- 04 1000, Wedndiday 4u17. ;tli, 190 eroft were among the Cubs wl o +'amped at the lake with the Cub leaders this weekend. tenye and Lois ii,ckenswitier spent a few days last week with their ,tont, Mrs, Scotty .Matheson, of Dresden, :uid returned home on Sunday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank I4lekenswiller, who visit- ed at the Matheson home. Miss Jane l.lceuswilier, of Mount For- esl. is Holidaying this week with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, Mur- ray and Barry, spent Thursday in l;nderieh with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Williams, Mi•+s Evelyn Dickson, of tlowick, spent a few days last week with her accent, Mrs. Lorne Sct•tt. tiir. and Mrs. Alec Coulter, who :pent the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Greenaway, return- ed home to London last week -end Miss. Barbara Coultes, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her par - er t!, M. xnd Xvirr. Gecl1 Goultex• Mrs, George Fisher and Doris, who spent the past week at a cot- tage at Ossossane Beach with Mrs. Arnold I.ougheed and children, of Peterborough. returned .home on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Long,- heed ong'-heed and their family, who will spend this week at the Fisher home. Mi. and Mrs. Tobi Jantzi and ' Larry, of Milverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gibson and ehildren, of Ashfield, visited on Sunday at the Fisher home het'e, Mr, and 'Mrs. Myles St. Marie and children attended the gathering of the folks of the St. Augustine and Lucknow RC Churches at Formosa park on Sunday. Mr. .and Mrs. James McIntyre and family, of Ridegtown, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCienaghan, and Allan stayed to ,'. spend a week here. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Parker and family, of Exeter, I Mr. and Mrs, Melvin McClenaghan , d n Michael and Paul Geiger, MR. AND MRS HARVEY McDONALD were married July 14 in How do you stop a child who is inquisitive? You don't. You see that he gets a top-drawer education — he so obviously has the mind for it. And it's not too difficult to get the money. If you can invest just a few cents a day, you can afford an Investors Syndicate Educational PIan. Let this flexible and profitable plan help you pay your child's way through University. Talk to the man from Investors about it very soon. Just call or write: THOMAS JARDIN Wingham, Ont. Box 394 Phone 147 BRUCE McFAt'L Listowel. Ont. Box 693 Phone 979 EMERSON IVEL Hnrriston, Ont. Box 6 Phone 334W ovndEogtoinvest®rs OP CANADA. Iiltli!• Head Office, Winnipeg . Office. in Principe! Citie of Waterloo, also visited at the Mc- Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave. The former Joan Lucille Clenaghan home on Sunday. Paul • Brydges, the bride is the daughter of Mr. James Brydges of Ridge- stayed to spend a week here. 1 Rev. and Mrs. George Watt and and Mrs. Archie McDonald of London, --Photo by Harvey McDowell I family, of Oakville, spent the week - town and the late Mrs. Brydges. The groom's parents are Mr. • cottage on the former's farm, west of the Stone School on the 2nd line of Morris. Mr. and Mrs. James McIlrath were in Teronnto last week -end and their grandson. Teddy Underwood, who had been visiting here for a week, returned home to his parents. Mr, and Mrs. George Coultes, of East Wawanosh, and the Coultes families, Mr. and Mrs, John Gaunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Pocock, of Lambeth, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lucas and son, Gary, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hughes, Karen and Larry, all of Sarnia, attended the Coultes and Leaver family gathering at Goderich on Sunday, Mrs. Dowling and Laverne visited end with his father, Rev. W. J. the river road they broke the wa- 1 Watt, and other relatives here, ter pipes at J. D, Beeeroft's, where 11 Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon and pipes cross under the road from family, Mr, and Mrs, Relison Fal- a well located at the hill, which corer and family, all of Sarnia, feeds the farm buildings. I spent the week -end with Mrs, Cecil Mr, and Mrs. John Rintoul and Falconer. Donald, of Toronto visited this Mr. Ross McGregor, of Toronto, week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- spent the week -end with Mr. and don Rintoul, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Mrs. Walter Arscott and other rela- McPherson and other relatives in tives in this district, Ashfield, Fordyce and Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Butler, of Mr, James Weir of Woodstock Goderieh, visited on Sunday with, was in this district last Wednesday Mr, and Mrs. James McInnis. visiting with former neighbours Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McMillan and and with Mr, Jack Weir and Mr, children, of Holyrood, visited on Fred Davidson, residents of the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brookhaven Horne, Wingham. Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McMillan and The senior choir in the Presby- children of Grimsby spent the terian Church here wore their new week -end at the manse with Mr. royal blue choir gowns with white with her father, Mr, Wm. Rooney, and Mrs. Derwyn Hill. Mr. Mc - collars on Sunday, The organist, I who has been a patient in Palmer- Millan was an elder in St. John's Miss Mary Fisher, and the junior members wear the white choir gowns. Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and Mr, and attended the Smith-Ressor wed - Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Somers and Mr, Alex Yuill, of Lincoln, Mich., Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Wayne and cling at Cedar Grove 'United Church who were in this district on Sun- Janis, with Mrs. Lena Furbur, on Saturday and the wedding din - da ttendina the athering of the spent Sunday at the home of the nor, served for over 100 guests in • f th u Mrs. les the home church, They spent the week -end and Mrs. Wm. J. Peaccok, Morris, 1 Fariaile of Scotland: h f their daughter, Mrs ston Hospital since he took a P1esbyterian Church at Grimsby. stroke on Friday last, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Chapman M. and Mrs, Herb Buckton and son B01 of Lneknow and Mrs, E, R. Douglas and Mr. Cecil Fisher of boon visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morrison. Mr, Kenneth 'Ginn, Betty ant Larry, were at the home of ills sis- ter, Mrs, Ed Taylor of Inneritip on Sunday and attended the Zinn family picnic, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Irvine Zinn. Mr, and Mrs, ,Archie Purdon, Kathy and Lori, and Mr, and Mrs, Russell Purdon and childrden at- tended the Milk Producers' family gathering at Woodstock oil Thurs- day. Miss Elaine Conn returned home from Vancouver by plane on Fri- day, after visiting for three weeks with Mrs. James Keene, Mrs. Irene Patterson, of To- ronto spent the week -end with hei brother, Mr, Charles Taylor, and her mother, Mrs, William Taylor, a patient in Wingham Hospital, Mrs. Taylor was able to have the cast removed from her leg on Wed. nesday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Pardon spent Wednesday last at Port Elgin and Southampton and visited with Mr, and Mrs. John Stein of Kincardine, Mrs, Ivan Laidlaw, who finished her commercial course in the•Wing- hani District High School in June, has been employed in the Bank of Commerce, Wingham, for the past few weeks. The Ladies' Aid of the Presby- terian Church are making a quilt in the Sunday School room of the church this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron of Ashfield and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron, Lucknow, were in Lon- don on Sunday and Mrs. Albert Cameron will be a patient in Vic- toria Hospital this week, following an operation on her foot on Mon- day. Miss Sharon Rintoul visited' last week at the Cameron home in Ashfield and Linda Cameron is visiting this week at the Rintoul home at Fordyce. Karen .and Lesa Scholtz of God- erich spent last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra .Scholtz. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson, Keith and Glen of Preston are spending a few days this week with her father, Mr. Arthur Moore. Mr. and Mrs: Chas. Robinson and Billie spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Coupland of To- ronto. y a a g latter's daughter, Mrs, Jack Me. the Sunday School loom o e Yuill families at h m of Mr spent the week -end with Mr. and Big machinery used by the Bell at the home o Ross Smith, Toronto. Mrs, Dawson Craig. Others who at_ Telephone Company to bury cable was busy this week in this district. When in the village they broke through the piping from the new drilled well and caused havoc with the water supply to the homes. On been assisting in the store. and children, Mr. and Mrs. George �IIIR111�111_41111IIIelU411111111PIIIINIIILaIII■IIISIIIMIUIIIIIMIII!IIIw111P11,1111111411I1.11 MITA tended from this community were Proctor, Yuill, McMurray, McBurn- ey and Robertson families. Mr. James Gaunt and Mr. Melvin Mathers have been busy erecting a 1Hours Friday, July 27 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. AIR Garry Chapman left on Sunday to spend the next few weeks with Currie families, Mrs. R, J. Currie, • his uncle, Mr. Nelson Smith, at Mr. and Mrs. Edward Falconer of — Markham. Miss Muriel Moore has i London, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Currie !I Moc ee and (family, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Simpson and son Currie and other relatives from Buffalo, gatherer! on t:uiulay at Brantford Mohawk park with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Gibson of Brantford and enjoyed a family get-together. Mr, and Mrs, Carman Whytock visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Alex Whytock of '1'eeswater. Mrs, Edna Darr of London Spent a few days last week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Thomas O'Malley, Kath- leen O'Malley Is spending thin week at London, She will enter St. Jo- seph's Hospital as a student nurse this fall. Miss Joyce Hamilton of Gorrle spent the week -end with her aunt, Mrs, E. Dow. At the baptismal service in Cal- mill during his absence, �IIIrI11r1111s1pl�InwiIIwIIIrIIINlll�illrlllrlll�lll�lll\i11wIIIII1MIIlAlll�lll�lll�ha�lll4_ w ■ W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and ci SOUND. See our HEARING -AID GLASSES, 5 lightest in weight. 1 Phone 37 for appointment +i !1111111AIU■III■11111111111.111M111111II1tI11w1111111111l11101111111111111111111111111111!III111111i111®111114, 7 vin:Brick United •Church on Sun day, Rev, I•T. Anderson baptized Donna Lattise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whytock, and Patricia Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Shiell, and Donna Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Dawson. Mr, Anderson eoinmeno- es his vacation this week and Mr. Clifford Coulter will conduct the service for the next two weeks. The United Church Women will have charge of a service In August, in both Calvin -Brick and Belgrave Churches, They will have a special speaker for the oeeasion, Mr. Oscar Schetter is holidaying this week, Gorton Milton! and Arnold Marshall, of Guelph, are in charge of the I3. S. Watt chopping u 0 R 9MIIIwlllt�pl�III�111�111sumi1IAIIlrtIIIiHIIIFIIl1�1il� is IIlII1II1I IIISIIIAS1ll omiIIUIUIIr. w •• N ipi THAT KEEPS ONE TOP i YOU GOING ii ••• ii • i w ai • Get those ii • iii ii "extras" °: Ili ® �z, that costii iii �i�-^ 41 • nothing ! . , ;,Iii ii i _ it kJ M 1 • Cheerfully, we take care of all those e NI • little "extras" (like windshield wip- • ing) that add nothing to your hill, • but much to your pleasure in stop- • ping here• 1 » 1 • WINGHAM MOTORS PHONE 139 -- WINGHAM 12 Hours Friday, July 27 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE Narrow Arm 4 -Cushion Sofa Foam Cushions Toast color 2 PCS. ONLY 949.00 3 PIECE 3 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE BEDROOM SUITE Double Dresser, Chest, Panel Bed Double Dresser, Chest, Book Case Bed Walnut finish Walnut veneer 3 PIECES � • O 3 PIECES 169.00 PIECE color 2 PIECES ONLY 949.00 2 IROEH LER SOFA BED in Toast KROEHLER CHESTERFIELDS 1'3 Suites to choose from several colors PRICED FROM in '189.00 HERE'S ONE YOU CAN'T MISS 5 PIECE KITCHEN, SUITE Table 86 x 48 x 69 Regular $169.00 NOW ONLY 19.50 CHINA CABINET Glass doors on top Arborite finish -- Top, Front and Sides 174.85 i 2 PIECE KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD Foam Cushion Narrow Arm Dark Brown Frieze 2 PCS. ONLY 169.00 w . 4 • • • KNECHTEL BEDROOM SUITE Double Dresser, Chest, Book Case Bed Arborite finish throughout—Tops, Sides anti Front Regular $249.00 3 PIECES 199.00 FOLDING SUN LOUNGE Spring Filled Mattress TO CLEAR '29.50 ITEMS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIALLY MARKED ARE REDUCED BY 10°x° FOR THE DAY LKER HOME PHONE 106 1 S. 3. WALKER. NISHINGS WINGHAM, ONTARIO r r