The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-07-25, Page 3ti • INTEREST ON INTEREST ON Victoria and Grey Trust Company `Guaranteed investment Certificates A Short Term Investment --.1 to 5 y Val Leruiis *-^1n amounts front $10n til) --Authorized Investment for Trust .14uuls —Unconditionally guaranteed —Principal (lues not fluctuate Interest is payable half yearly by cheque, or you may have the interestdeposited to .your savings account, or you may leave the interest to accumulate until the principal is due, Victoria and Grey Trust Company OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Sister Passes Mrs, Iiareld..V1c or .Pyne received word that her sister, Mrs, B. 'Ai t j♦;thel) Rassell, of St. Paul, Mitln.. passed .away on Sunday, July 22nd, 1.1er husband predeceased her a few days previously, Mrs. Russell visited here each summer for a number of years and had made many friends while here, ST, HELENS Mr, W. A. Miller returned home On Prklay following eye surgery at 'Victoria Hospital, London, Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb were Mr, and Ws. David Gilmour of Guelph and Mr, and Mrs, Dan Rose and David of Newmarket Mr, and Mrs, John Cameron re- turned on Sunday from two weeks spent visiting with relatives at McCariey, Man, Mr, Ivan McQuillan spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin, Mr, and Mrs. Neely Tadd, Da- vid and Mary of Stratford, Mrs. Jennie Todd and Mrs. Vera Mc- Intosh of SL, Catharines were re- cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Todd. • _ '• �. -,- During harvest, Hank had to alight From his combine, to set something right! But he left it in gear. It sneaked up from the rear And chased him ... right out of sight! You have to COMBINE equipment in safe working order with safe working habits if you don't want to harvest a peck of trouble! IAFARM SAFETY WEEK JULY Co-operators Insurance Association SEALY GSoleideepn SALE' COVER FORMERLY USED ON SEALY'S 79.50 POSTUREPEDIC® iF YOU ARE NOT 100% SATISFIED BUY IT, TRY ripe. Sealy Golden Sleep Mattress with $5950 features 88 Mattress or box spring /win o full size This mattress is ALL duality—even to the cover, formerly used on hottiy's $;79,50 il'trstlueiaedie't', But YOU be the ,1►idge, Buy it: try it. If you can finti a better mattress within a Mouth for the sante o)• less money, buy it: said velure Gotdent Sleep Mattress for full llurehase price. Limited nitre offer >rni,v, se) buy and try it . today! *--Trades Lark Registered r]' I N GHAM av !might expect to; poy �SR;SO fel' is Itfafttess with these features you reoltaRr; Cort o PAK SeaSyliimm� E1i4Concltuciio,nf .t voagysten.peelailp IPmperrtk Se410.*Istn1Aia ouno=dr11090 09mrtut6,stteoottioleolitq., 3$g®5i .oitttle 44;.:04o,cann hrprajpetmaiitotoi6es _: Ail ;Thesis Deluxe $39A Features for only ...... 50414 Furniture PHONEt 51 Wayne Murray IS Wed in London jlyatL Avenue United Church, London, was the setting for the° marriage of Mary (;ail Tremble. London, and Robert Wayne Mur- ray. Rev. Cx. E. Burgess officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Neil 'riemaino, Chatham, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Murray, Lis towel. The bride chose a floor length gown .of silk organza over tulle and taffeta. Tht' bodice, fashioned with scoop neelcllne and sheath sleeves, was enhanced wJLh guipure lace appliques which also formed a front panel an the skirt. A Slight train extended from fullback folds, A Juliet eap edged in pearls and sprinkled with sequins, held her double illusion veil and she carried a cascade of yellow roses. stephanotis and ivy. Maid of honor was Miss Sharon Denby, Brampton, and bridesmaids were Miss Linda Merriam and Miss .Linda Guest, both of London. They wore gowns of blue chiffon over taffeta, Gary Tremalne, King City, .Ont.., was best man and ushers were Del Lindstrom, Terra Cotta, and Mur ray Kerr, Wingham, For a wedding trip to Cove lIa- ven, Pa„ the bride donned a white brocaded sheath dress with match ing coat, white accessories and red accents and a red rosebud corsage, The couple will live in Otter Rapids. Ont, . DONNYBROOK Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Thompson and family of Listowel visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Sang Thornpson and family. Mr. Charles Jefferson and Elaine 1 visited Wednesday and Thursday at Port Elgin with the former's sis. ters, Misses Gladys and Irene Jef- ferson, who have a cottage there. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin ,Tosling and family of Londesboro visited San - day with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jef- ferson and family. Paul Josling, who has been staying with his sister, returned home with them, Misses Donna an d Barbara Chamney spent their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George Webster and family of St. Helens last week. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Thompson and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson and fam- ily at Wingham, Miss Brenda Webster of St, :Hel- ens spent some holidays last week with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cham - f J ney and family, Local Witnesses to Attend Convention Al! members of the Wingham eongregation of Jehovah's Witness.. es will be leaving this area shortly to attend the Courageous Ministers' district assembly at the Civic Sta- dium in Hamilton, August 3 to 5. This convention will be one of 12 such assemblies in Canada, "An attendance of over 12,000 is anticipated," stated Mr. Falconer, the presiding minister of the local group. "Delegates will come from Ontario, Quebec and the northern states of the United States. At this time when there is such fear in. the world, it is important to reaf- firm confidence for humankind under Christ's Kingdom," TIED ON 18 HOLES --Bey Boyes, Lyman Jardin and Ken Doig tied with a one over par 69 on the first 18 holes during the annual Wingham golf tournament last Wednesday. Boyes lost on the first hole of the extra round, Doig and Jardin going four more before the latter won on the fiFth,—A-T photo, /llFTFCI U111C11 Mr, and Mrs. JL.uaaaell Ititchde vi ilr-rl on Sunday with Mr, and :Mrs. VViliiarn Culbert. of Kinr•nrdine. 111r. and Mrs. Robert Solorn,Ln and family visited no Sunday with her mother. Mrs. (',layt.na 3131.31 with :Ir, and Mrs. Willard Soloman at Grand. Valley. 11Elss Linda Jollnslou of I3elgrave is visiting this week with her aunt, Mrs. (.'halide: Tiffin of Laurgside. Mrs. Ralph-Caskanci le and other relatives from Preston and Kitch- ener 'itch - ener spent last wer•k.end with Mr. and Mrs, William Smith of Lang - side, Mrs. Clare Mason and 'llilcdxlreu of Listowel and Mrs. Webster Jacklin of Listowel visited on Wed- nesday with Mr, and Mrs, Archie Purdon. Miss Barbara Inglis, Mr. and ;Mrs. George Zufrll of Sudbury and lvIr. Warren 7ufelL of Ottawa. spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar (aunt. The service in the traded Church will be withdrawn 00 Sunday and the services in August will be held at 2 p.m. lvIr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and son David of London spent the week -end with his parents, i41r•. and Mrs. Gershon ,lohustoa, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl i..ang of Elmwood and with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lin- rdensehnlidt, of Walkerton. 111x, William Forster and his fam- ily in this district, with Mr. and Mrs, Ronald 1'errott and children of Goder'ieh, Mr. and Mrs. llornce Aitcheson anal their fancily 11nc1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Aiteheson and family of Harriston, held a family get-together at Kincardine on Slut day. Mr. Fred Leaver of 'Toronto spent the week -end at the home of 111r. and 111rs. ('crit Wheeler of Myth. Mrs. Jack Kelly, of High River, Alta., is visiting this week with her brother, 111i', John Boyle. • Married in Toronto ,larrtes IF'r'erieric Lawrence rLal ry) Taylor, staff member of CKNX, Wingham, was married on Saturday afternoon to Margaret Illlos Craig of Milliken, Ontario. Rev, Rae McCleary, fl,I)., tens assisted in performing the very molly by the bride's brother, Rev. Gordon Ivf. Craig, in VV'ond(;reelt united Ohlnf'ell, 'Toronto. Photo by Connell groom's ehnreb, Ebenezer 11niied, at kliliihon, following the retaining. They left on a hon•ymerin to N,•.v York and will dire ire GViughnnl on their return. 'The hridr is the Kin tight t•r of 1144. and Mrs 'Murray ('r•.lig nl Mil lilted and the gr0010 5 P:10'111' bre I4fr. and 1'fi's, .Formes Taylor, of th,i A reception woo held in the 0x1)11' ernamunity. 4-H Members Tour Several Farms • B1JLGRAVji About 200 mem- bers of the Huron County 4_H Clubs enjoyed. a bus trip on Tuesday to several farms in the Alliston dis• tr•iet. Those visited were Hereford Beef Farm, owned by Calvin Ire- land; Mack Beatty's tobacco and potato farm; Homer McMann. grower of commercial vegetables and a sod farm. Dinner was served at the Earl Rowe provincial park. In the af- ternoon a conducted tour was tak- en of the forestry station at, Mid- hurst, and the animals were seen in Springwater Park at Mirlhurst. Supper was served in the park by the ladies of the district. Those attending from Belgrave were two leaders, Simon Haliahan and James Coultes and members, Tit6 W1 !ham my&uommos, W4,4404144f# Aga no, ## '!fit Pos. Anne, Ross and John Wightman, Man I eiiiMA , Mut'rity en.4 Peeeld Marie Coulter, Murray Caultes, i.11a Vincent, Pavild Wel4r4. olid Pie and Kenny Black, 4irant 0o;tites, W,kaaal(;r. tirVer01.+.01..0 nn! V/nTq'n1•1'RY!!►47!sP .. .. .,.. Por the Pines( n * JEWELLERY * CRYSTAL * ENGLISH CHINA lir HATE MEH1 S PHONE 250 EWELLERY WINGHAM, ONTARIO ..1,u'awwwnpoowroaw.11..0+sumnowna•own,so4r, Mid -Summer Clearance SALE —AT Fair land Children's wear CLEARING SUMMER PLAY CLOTHES BOYS' SPORTS JACKETS, CAR COATS, BLAZERS, DRESSES, SLEEP WEAR, BABY WEAR AND GIFTS REDUCTIONS OF— One=third off and Half=Price Enlire stock at reduced prices 18-25b •e 1,7 Call dor Canada's est -Selling eer! ...just about everybody does say "MAB LI BLACK LAMMLI"J